5² x 3⁴¼ ÷ 5(y³ * x²¾ ÷ 8⁸) x 3⁶(y⁶ + 5¼ x 1½) = 88.32419043⁹⁹ * 1.61803⁵
Level 66 High Grandmaster Lumberjack

Wall Posts

  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    May 29, 2024, 11:00 pm to Public
    derpswen v1.9.1 is out, check it out if you want
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    May 10, 2024, 5:16 pm to Public
    Derpswen v1.9.1 sneak-peak
    ICanGamez said 2024-05-10 17:18:54
    ICanGamez's Avatar
    Omg, that looks soo beautiful!!! Pastel colored lighting looks amazing :)
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    March 18, 2024, 10:36 pm to Public
    well folks, enderation update has been released after being in the works for four months. hopefully I made no mistakes while updating it, so please tell me about any mistakes or bugs if you find one

    if you try it out, I hope you enjoy it:

    there's going to also be a new add-on for Derpswen soon
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    February 27, 2024, 10:43 pm to Public
    so folks, since the 300-subscriber special is now past, I'd like to introduce you guys to Enderation's remaster, which will be coming soon. in the moment it's about 55% complete

    the update will feature:

    - brand-new overhauled textures
    - 13+ new miscellaneous growths
    - renewed compatibility with Derpswen
    - possibly a biome-dependent starry skybox
    - several new add-ons to the pack

    this is not the finalized version I'm showing you, mind that, because I know that there's a lot of things that definitely need refining


    stay tuned\
    hothaifah said 2024-02-28 02:44:51
    hothaifah's Avatar
    you’re so talented 😍
    i love your texturing art too
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    January 21, 2024, 6:10 pm to Public
    here's a big of a fore notice for my 300-subscriber special. it's probably going to be a few days or weeks late, due to other things that are happening rn.

    what I'll probably do is update Derp's Delight. as of rn I have a couple images for you to see.

    unfortunately, this update will be postponed because only 8% of block textures are added. I'll have to finish them before I release it. if you want to you can check back in here for any more wall posts concerning this.
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    December 31, 2023, 10:44 pm to Public
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    December 25, 2023, 5:17 pm to Public
    God rest you merry, gentlemen.
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    December 19, 2023, 11:04 pm to Public
    hello folks, I made a sort-of promise back in one of my June wall posts which stated that the update after Derpswen's overhaul would be the "Subscriber's Suggestions" update, which will probably end up as the Christmas update. this kind of conflicted with my plans for this update but I seem to have mostly everything sorted out.

    and well, I'm already developing a smaller update for it which is the one after Derpswen's overhaul, so thius post is practically asking you what you would want to see in Derpswen.

    I know that some people don't have very much creativity and, if you don't want to suggest anything, that's up to you. but I'm just asking for creative ideas, not that I don't have any, but it's usually fun to hear what people think about things (mind you, I said "usually").
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    December 11, 2023, 11:05 pm to Public
    I'm curious how many likes I can get on this post. I know it's a waste of precious time, as for me and you, but since I'm asking I probably won't get more than one like in itself. however, the entire notion of getting more than one like on my wall post is not entirely irrational. merely what makes this notion is the fact that my post is most likely not bound to reach more than one like, hence, this installs the notion that I cannot achieve more than one like on posts on which I try to be funny, but I fail miserably. this is one of those posts. However, the entire notion of the fact that this post may never reach more than one like cannot be removed from your brain, because as Inception says, "once an idea has been taken hold of by the brain it is almost impossible to eradicate". This notion may not be irrational entirely, but the idea that I cannot reach more than one like is almost impossible to eradicate due to the fact that I doubt if I ever will reach more than one like on this post.
    Cheesy_Whezz said 2023-12-13 16:47:59
    Cheesy_Whezz's Avatar
    Eight more thoughts and you'll be correct
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    October 24, 2023, 3:46 pm to Public
    hello people, I don't have a clue how many people will remember me after these five months of silence, but I think I'm getting back into making content now that it's autumn for me.

    due to some uploading issues on PMC I encountered, thats what postponed the big update for Derpswen for the last 7 months. because of that, its turned into a huge update, and I'll give you some little sneak-peeks below.

    in the meantime through the summer in my spare time I worked on Derpswen, and, comparing the new images to the old ones, it looks like I literally redid it. here's an image:


    also here's a hint of the milky way skybox (I manually pixel-painted it all myself):

    the milky way rotates somewhat realistically to the way it looks like it rotates in the northern hemisphere in real life

    not to mention, I added a LOT of variation to grass, leaves, and other blocks so now the landscape doesn't look as dull. if or when the update comes out, I'll probably release a new autumn add-on.
    and over time I'll probably give more images and hints.

    anyway, I don't mean to write a whole update log about it, but I just wanted to show whoever whats to see.
    Cheesy_Whezz said 2023-10-26 18:28:38
    Cheesy_Whezz's Avatar
    Amazing. Nice to see you again.
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    June 11, 2023, 10:00 pm to Public
    well, I'll have you guys know I'm going to quit making texture packs for right now as I am busy with other things. I just thought that I should make it a notification.

    however, I intend to update Derpswen in the meantime because I basically have the entire file ready for uploading, but the PMC site is giving me some issues that I really don't want to deal with. I'll probably drop my activity as well.

    I might make a skin every month or a mini-pack or something, but nothing big. I'll probably get back into it in the autumn (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.)

    Feel free to like this or post your comments below
    Team UNNAMED said 2023-07-10 13:37:26
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    in the meantime why not add extra bells and whistles to the textures?
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    June 2, 2023, 4:56 pm to Public
    Here's an image of a pine forest in Derpswen's future update. I think I got the color right.
    without shaders
    ImageThe update after this one will be the "Subscriber's Suggestions" update, so in that time share your suggestions on the wall post below this one.

    Stay tuned if you like.
    Team UNNAMED said 2023-07-10 13:35:26
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Interactable said 2023-06-03 12:02:04
    Interactable's Avatar
    looks like a real forest!
    Glintish said 2023-06-02 18:09:43
    Glintish's Avatar
    looking good
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    May 26, 2023, 11:46 pm to Public
    quiz: what would you do if you saw fireworks in London on the 4th of July? thank hard about it for a moment.
    SatoshiHikari said 2023-05-27 01:25:55
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    yes its when america first became an independent country (and also when the deceleration of independence was created)
    TheGlitchedRobin said 2023-05-27 00:33:49
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    Id be pretty damned confused, and Im American, isn't 4th of July, like, an American celebration about America becoming Independent?
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    May 10, 2023, 8:59 pm to Public
    Imaginary End Forest's update is nearly out, its probably not going to be for another few days, maybe a week or two though, due to real life things, etc. there's really no guarantee how long it will be.

    I still need to implement some important features and fix biome-dependent bugs with already implemented things. these basically are what takes up nearly all of my development time.

    mainly written for Qrayem.

    stay tuned if you like.
    Cheesy_Whezz said 2023-05-11 16:20:43
    Cheesy_Whezz's Avatar
    Can't wait to see it!
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    April 22, 2023, 5:34 pm to Public
    just added a widget that shows the progress for some of my bigger packs
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    April 11, 2023, 11:17 pm to Public
    I am also determined to make almost everything in derpswen fit into the fibonacci sequence
    SM_ILE_ said 2023-04-21 18:17:26
    SM_ILE_'s Avatar
    I never noticed that!
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    April 9, 2023, 8:21 pm to Public
    has anyone noticed the grass in Derpswen looks soaked with water compared to other packs? or without shaders, everything looks unrealisticly too yellow? I'm going to fix that!
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    April 2, 2023, 11:38 pm to Public
    about to release yet another end pack
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    March 26, 2023, 11:06 pm to Public
    btw folks, derp's delight just got a new thumbnail
  • DERPWARE's Avatar
    March 25, 2023, 4:17 pm to Public
    well I'm back with a picture demonstrating how the alien planet looks like from space
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