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  • Etherwood


    I honestly have no idea how to set up a page, but here are a few fun facts

    1. I am working on improving my designs and creativity, they aren't the best (worse than a few years ago)
    3. I recently returned to making minecraft skins after a 2 year "break." My shading is not the best and I am discovering, so please bear with me.
    4. I am not consistent with the uploads of my minecraft skins, but I am trying to improve that (may create a schedule soon).

    Anyway, welcome to my page.
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    • BlackDagger's Avatar
      BlackDagger posted to guest book of Etherwood's Avatar Etherwood
      September 14, 2023, 10:36 pm to Public
      Do you have any tips/advice for me as a amateur skinner?
      Etherwood said 2023-09-14 22:54:48
      Etherwood's Avatar
      I'm not good at explaining things, but I could probably give some basic advice.
      1) Hue shifting. When shading, you use multiple hues instead of just one (like a palette that gradually shifts from a dark blue to a brighter green). You can learn more about it from this video:

      2) Mess around with shading styles, do what you think fits yourself. When in need of help or inspiration, you can always find from the talented artists here. That's how I grew.

      It's pretty basic, but it should help even just a little. Sorry I can't explain any further, but you're probably better off asking someone more experienced.
    • CrownDeluxe's Avatar
      CrownDeluxe posted to guest book of Etherwood's Avatar Etherwood
      September 2, 2023, 9:23 pm to Public
      CRAAAAZY skinning over here!
      wow, good work!
      Etherwood said 2023-09-02 23:36:28
      Etherwood's Avatar
      Thank you so much!
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    • Etherwood's Avatar
      September 2, 2023, 11:38 pm to Public
      Hello experienced skin-artists, may any you share tips or advice for designing more detailed outfits?
      autumn said 2023-10-29 03:33:03
      autumn's Avatar
      i don't consider myself to be a expert but i would say add little things like a chocker, leget, different shoes, funky socks... just look at other people's skins and see what makes them detailed!! <3
      BlackDagger said 2023-09-03 18:59:20
      BlackDagger's Avatar
      :O you are asking for advice, you, your skins are incredible! People should be asking you for advice.

      Btw.. some advice?
      Etherwood replied to fluffybootz's comment below 2023-09-02 23:55:52
      Etherwood's Avatar
      Understood, thank you for the info. I won't be adding little details, but I have been trying to make my skins look unique. So i'm glad to hear that I have been doing well in the designs of my outfit, but of course I do strive to become better in the future. Again, thank you for the advice.
      fluffybootz said 2023-09-02 23:44:20
      fluffybootz's Avatar
      i was actually just thinking about this, i think good advice for skinning would be simplifying more complex designs. unless it's an hd skin you don't have a very big canvas to work with, and little details may be better off omitted because of the scale. your skins look perfect in terms of that, i honestly wouldn't go much more detailed (if at all) with what you currently have

      when i try to make skins of characters with more patterns and accessories it may look alright in the ref but on a skin it ends up looking really messy. imo sacrificing some aspects will make it look better vs keeping them in

      if you're asking about actually designing outfits i can't help with that since i mainly do character skins, but pinterest is great for references and ideas
    • Etherwood's Avatar
      July 3, 2023, 9:53 pm to Public
      How do I type
    • Etherwood's Avatar
      November 6, 2020, 1:05 pm to Public
      i need clothing ideas help me pls-
      Etherwood replied to succulents_'s comment below 2020-11-06 15:12:28
      Etherwood's Avatar
      alrigh, ty! <3
      succulents_ said 2020-11-06 13:13:55
      succulents_'s Avatar
      Maybe try overalls? Idk I'm not very good with clothing. :)
    • Etherwood's Avatar
      November 2, 2020, 10:54 am to Public
    • Etherwood's Avatar
      October 31, 2020, 1:43 pm to Public
      Happy halloween guys! <3
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