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Level 31 Artisan Engineer

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    05/22/2024 11:12 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I've been modeling Infinity Blade weapons occasionally for a while, they have a pretty good list.
    05/02/2024 4:58 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I've played with the idea of Kamen Rider as a character for a game based on Hypixel's Smash Heroes before, though in that case I was mainly thinking about Kamen Rider 1. I think a lot of the ideas in Smash Heroes really lead to getting the character to feel and fight "right". I've tried building my own custom movement and combat system and this is how I'd recommend doing it:

    Make the durability of your transformation separate from your player health bar. Your "health bar" as a rider should not regenerate with food, be protected by normal armor, or be restored by normal healing potions. While not transformed, this secondary health bar should slowly regenerate. When your transformation's durability runs out, you get detransformed, knocked back, and take like 4 hearts of damage bypassing armor. There isn't a cooldown to prevent you from transforming again, but since the health bar doesn't reset you'll have barely any health in your rider form unless you back off and recharge.

    To help a bit and make fights more cinematic and encourage varied strategies, changing forms while below half health or so should give a moderate health bonus. To prevent this from being abused, I would make it something like 1/2 your missing health the first switch, 1/4 the second, 1/8 the third, and none after that. This resets whenever you detransform and regenerate to full health.

    Scale knockback with damage like Super Smash Bros! While at low health, you should be knocked back further. This actually helps you, since you can use the distance to avoid follow up attacks, change forms without being hit, navigate around your opponents, or follow up with a devastating ground slam or dive kick.

    Movement and attacks feeling good is critical. I don't like extra keybinds for special moves, and you can't really do that with datapacks so in my experiments this is how I would do it:

    Transforming gives buffed movement speed and jump height to begin with, on par with speed 2 and jump boost 2-ish for most riders.

    Pretty much everybody gets a double jump for air control, which refreshes when touching the ground. Mobility focused forms get a triple jump or more.

    Holding Sneak charges a super jump, with 2 modes:

        -Jump while holding sneak to pounce forward in a big arc. Distance depends on how long you held: Leap an entire 14ish blocks up and 20ish blocks forward with full charge.

        -Release Sneak, then jump right after to go straight up. Height depends on how long you held it: Tap it for a couple ticks for 4 or 5 blocks of jump, holding for 1.5ish seconds for the maximum height of 20 blocks.

    Pressing sneak AGAIN in midair activates your flying kick, launching you forward in the direction you look and dealing heavy damage to anything you hit in a small radius, sending airborne enemies backward into the ground for massive damage.

    UNLESS you are looking straight down, in which case it does a ground slam superhero landing thing, doing moderate damage in a wide radius below you.

    Releasing Sneak ends the move prematurely, pressing it again after starting either move does nothing.

    If you want to add a charged finisher version of the kick, it could be activated by double-pressing sneak (while having the ultimate move meter full or whatever).

    While unarmed:

    Your left click is a light attack similar to a normal punch: it is spam-able and deals very little knockback to let you keep comboing. In my version, landing hits with it would add extra damage and knockback to the heavy attack, which is reset when the heavy is used and decays over time.

    Right click is a heavy attack with moderate sweep and knockaback, able to hit multiple clustered enemies. Has a cooldown like a 1.9+ sword swing. Could be buffed by punches, as above.

    While sneaking on the ground, the heavy attack becomes a launcher move that sends enemies high into the air, although with a smaller radius. Note that sneaking starts charging a super jump, so you can use this to isolate an enemy and chase them in the sky OR to stun an enemy and leap past them while they're in the air and unable to chase you.

    While in the air, the light punch makes both you and anything you hit hang in the air for a moment, so you can use it to stall your falls a little or exchange a fury of blows in a cinematic air clash. The stalling effect slows you even on a miss, but is almost a full stop on a hit. After the second miss, you lose the stalling power until you touch the ground.

    To follow that up, the heavy attack in the air launches both targets backward, unless sneak is tapped at the same time in which case it spikes the target into the floor and leaves you in the air.

    W could obviously balance the damage, range, speed, and knockback of the attacks depending on form, and use the weapon attacks instead of heavy punches, while Build, Geats, or Gotchard could need more elaborate special attacks but would work well with the halves of each form corresponding to the light and heavy attacks.
    01/01/2024 1:15 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I've toyed around with the idea of an item that combines echo shards with an ender pearl as an alternative to using /home on a server. The crafting recipe would look something like this and would form an orb set on top of a gilded, flowery base kinda styled after a lotus. Similar to shulker boxes, they can be dyed to differentiate them in your inventory but like fireworks or leather armor you can make any combination of colors.

    Ender Pearl

    When newly crafted, the orb is in an an unattuned state. Holding down right-click for a couple seconds will attune the orb to wherever you are standing, causing it to glow a bright white (or whatever color you dyed it) and gain an enchantment glint. Using a grindstone on the orb will unattune it so you can store a new location, but will not give any experience. Crafting an unattuned orb with an attuned one will copy the stored location, just like maps and banners.

    Using an attuned orb requires warp charges as ammo, which can be crafted with 1 ender pearl and 3 lapis. Each use also expends 1 experience level.
    When you hold right-click with the orb, while having a warp charge in your inventory and at least 1 exp level, it slows you down and plays an animation just like eating or drawing a bow. Unlike those actions, taking any damage will disable and restart the animation like an axe disables shields. Getting hit, however, does not consume your resources. After a couple seconds as the sound builds and particles converge on you, the orb begins flashing. Releasing right-click at this moment consumes the resource cost and teleports you to the stored location. If you change your mind, you can switch slot to cancel the animation with no penalty just like canceling a bow charge.

    A possible upgrade involves combining the orb with a nether star in a smithing table to remove the resource cost with each use. There could also be some kind of altar platform it could be placed in, allowing players to use it like a stationary warp pad.
    12/25/2023 2:13 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    There are a few notable upgrades that make it well worth it in a long-term game.

    Most undead mobs have 20 health, Zoglin has 40. A smite 5 diamond sword does 19 damage (vs undead) without a crit,. The ability to one-shot phantoms if timed right is great, and you can just erase zombie pigmen as well: If you kill one in one hit, it won't anger the others.

    Higher durability is always great when gathering materials or terraforming for large builds, and the little extra bit of mining speed puts you over the edge of being able to instamine some blocks with beacons, meaning you can dig twice as fast in those situations.

    Netherite armor is definitely less of a priority than sword, pickaxe, and shovel. The extra protection from big hits isn't really important unless you need to tank creeper explosions for some reason, but reduced knockback can help you stay out of lava or keep phantoms from knocking you off the walls of your build. If you do enough caving for diamonds and use beds or tnt to search wide areas for netherite, it's not hard to get more than enough for your armor and other tools.
    12/14/2023 4:50 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Tools like Amulet and Chunker only work on bedrock edition worlds.

    You should be able to export Xbox 360 worlds onto a USB stick and then use a program called JE2BE (available online at to convert the .bin file from the xbox into a java edition or bedrock edition world.
    12/14/2023 1:30 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I use more or less what they have in Fabulously Optimized just to get decent FPS, minus Iris, some minor optifine feature recreations I don't like, and a couple technical things I don't use like e4mc. I also sometimes switch out Farsight for Bobby depending on the version, they both do more or less the same thing.
    09/26/2022 2:25 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Same thing happened to me 6 months ago or so. My FPS dropped to single digits on minimum settings even with sodium, lithium, and phosphor. I didn't change any settings or update the OS or anything. Reinstalling the game did nothing, manually updating drivers did nothing, and anything I searched for about it gave unhelpful results recommending things I'd already done.

    Turns out it was a hardware fault in the power supply. The chip in the power supply got fried so my computer was unsure how much power it was allowed to draw and throttled itself to stay safe and only take the minimum amount of power. The only program I regularly used on that computer which required significant CPU was Minecraft, so I just assumed it was a Minecraft issue.

    Of course, this could be something completely different in your case but here's what happened to me.

    To diagnose this issue and mitigate it while waiting for a new power cable, I used technical software which can damage your computer if used improperly.

    I used the the program ThrottleStop to see if anything weird was going on with my computer. As it turns out, I was getting an error message "BD PROCHOT" which means something like GPU is overheating, but the actual temperature was normal. The power supply chip being dead caused this error and ruined the computer's performance and power usage. ThrottleStop also lets you override the error message and set the clock speed of the CPU manually, but if you set it too high (like an intel CPU's boost mode) the computer will not automatically regulate its power usage or temperature and could draw too much power, further damaging the power supply (possibly causing it to fail and damage the computer) or heat up enough to damage itself. If you want to try something like this, do so at your own risk. If you have a kill-a-watt outlet tool, you can use it to keep track of the power draw and protect your computer.

    There is no official site to download ThrottleStop from, the main download page is
    which seems a bit sketchy. I ran the latest version through VirusTotal and it came out clean, but if you do not feel confident in it or in your own troubleshooting abilities you may just want to try borrowing someone else's power cable or ordering a new one to see if that fixes the issue.
    08/19/2022 1:02 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Click "Open output log when Minecraft:Java Edition starts" in the launcher settings (bottom left corner) and a window with text should pop up alongside the game. Reboot your game and try opening the world, after the error appears use ctrl+a to select all of the text in that window, copy it, and paste it here. That could give the info someone needs to see what's going on.
    08/18/2022 9:57 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I don't think I've ever built a dirt hut as a base, it was always a room just under the surface of the water, the top section of a cave, or a wooden building. I've dug 3 blocks down then covered my head on a few occasions and might have covered myself with dirt on all sides to quickly shelter myself once or twice, but I don't think I've actually built anything recognizable as a hut.
    08/18/2022 4:39 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Looks cool, I did a block-based programming thing a while back with a little robot, where the focus was on building the logic to guide the robot through a puzzle while working with the constraints of the space the programming is built in. I could see this allowing for some pretty interesting systems if it has features like variables and functions, but also being more resource intensive and more effort to get good at than just learning commands.

    One advantage this could have could be the ability to encode scripts into complex NBT tags stored on items, so they can be transferred between servers using the creative saved hotbars.
    08/17/2022 6:04 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    It takes a bit of work to do something as complex as the parrot, but yeah you can do it with Animated Java (datapack system and blockbench plugin) or Godlander's OBJMC, which uses core shaders to handle animations and can handle more complex models more efficiently (all the animations can be programmed into a model instead of using an armorstand for each bone). Sounds and animation management take a bit more work but it is definitely possible.
    08/10/2022 2:24 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Well, everything you would need to set up would depend on what systems raids had (would you have temporary respawn points inside a raid dungeon? A shared pool of extra lives for a raid? Custom bosses or command based puzzles?) and how you start one. I would have a scoreboard called raid with a fake player called $next ($ because real usernames can't start with it) that works like this: When a raid is started, all players starting the raid get a "raid" score of $next. Then, the raid dungeon is generated at the coordinates ($next/10,000 ,$next%10,000)*1000 meaning an $next value of 00150387 generates at 15,000 387,000. To do this, one of the players in the raid is teleported to this location and a small loading room is /placed around them so they don't see anything glitchy as it is set up.

    Once the player is teleported, summon a Marker entity we'll call a Raid Manager and give it the tag "raid_manager" and the raid score of $next. It will then run a function like floppadungeons:raids/ice_dungeon/start_raid, this function will use /forceload to keep the Raid Manager loaded so even if the dungeon is big enough the starting point isn't visible from a corner or if all players die timers used by the raid (like the time a door stays open or lava rises, or just to score players on how fast they did it) keep counting and dead players can be teleported back to the raid as a temporary respawn point. Then it builds the dungeon, sets up scoreboards and NBT data within itself to track things. Then, it teleports all players in the raid to the raid spawn point, sets them to adventure mode, and displays the big /title to start the raid. After teh raid is set up, $next goes up by 1 so the next dungeon gets built on the next plot over.

    When the raid is complete or has been failed (players ran out of lives, want to stop trying, etc.) the Raid Manager runs a function like floppadungeons:raids/ice_dungeon/end_raid which puts them back in their old gamemodes, teleports them to their spawn point or to world spawn or something, closes all scoreboard entries including clearing all raid members' raid scores, and then un-forceloads its chunk and /kills itself.
    08/09/2022 9:54 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    "can't break blocks" isn't a setting for dimensions, you just need to save the player's gamemode when they go in (as a tag or something) set them to adventure, then put them back in their old gamemode when they leave. When the player dies and respawns, they need to test if they are in the dimension (if they set a respawn point in there, keep them in adventure mode and if they did not put them back in their old gamemode).

    As for building the dungeon, I would make the world an empty superflat world and then use /place to generate a structure or jigsaw for the dungeon. Since you can't clear the dimension to reset the dungeon, generate a new one just out of sight from the first one and clear all the mobs from the old "dead" dungeon. You could probably even have multiple active dungeons this way and just set up a new instance for each player or group attempting the raid.
    08/08/2022 2:17 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    This will require a bit of maintenance by server admins and is unreliable unless you use the worldborder. I guess I could make one but you would need to decide what rewards you want and add them as a function or loot table.

    Datapacks for the most part do not have access to a real time clock. They can't tell what time of day it is or how much real time has passed, just the number of game ticks. Since there are usually 20 game ticks in a second, you can do the math and find that 1 day is 1,728,000 game ticks. Or at least, it should be. When the game is lagging, fewer ticks happen and when the server is down no ticks happen at all. You can use /schedule to set up a hidden countdown managed by the server, or use scoreboards which are a tiny bit more work but can be changed or read how much time is left instead of just reset. This is the easiest way to keep track of time, but there are more accurate methods which require more effort.

    Remember how I used a "for the most part" up there? The reason for that is the world border. If you set the world border to grow or shrink over time, it actually does that based on the computer's clock instead of the number of ticks. If you say "shrink the world border from 1000 blocks to 900 blocks over 100 seconds" and then the server lags super hard and gets 10 tps, the world border will say 100 seconds passed but a scoreboard or /schedule will only say 50. If the worldborder is growing or shrinking when the server is shut down, it forgets its progress and finishes instantly when the server starts back up but you can use /worldborder query and store it to a scoreboard or NBT to back it up. Of course, this means your world border will growing and shrinking to keep track of the time greatly reduces the playable area of the server.

    Both of these still have 1 big issue though: They don't (and cannot) account for downtime. Singleplayer worlds and servers running through services like Aternos and Minehut do not run when nobody is on them, and you can't tell how long that is. No datapack system will work for these servers no matter what, unless an admin manually increased the "day" count by 1 with a command each day to reset the rewards. Any other server will still need to be rebooted after crashes, for updates, and to bail memory leaks. You can add a little bit to the timer to manually compensate for these. Another valid option would be to have your server automatically reboot every day and to have the rewards reset whenever it rebooted with a #minecraft:load function, or to reboot n times a day and reset rewards every n reboots.

    Daily rewards with a plugin are much more practical, but if you need to stay vanilla let me know what method would work best for you.
    08/07/2022 12:54 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    With the old file:// link, it only tries to open a file with a specific name and location on your computer. If you don't have a file there, it won't open. If you have a different file there with the same name, it'll open that instead.
    08/06/2022 9:02 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    WE can't see all your files because all that link says to do is to check your own computer's files for a file named x in a folder named y in a folder named z etc. URLs are used for more than just internet connections (hypertext transfer protocol or http) , for example ftp:// links are used to download or upload files to a server using File Transfer Protocol and file:// links reference files stored on the computer of whoever clicks them. If they don't have the file in the same place that you do, it doesn't work.
    08/05/2022 8:37 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    That URL references a location on your hard drive, not a location on the internet. For other people to be able to see the photo, you need to post it to an image hosting service like imgur or post it to a discord chat, click on it, and then click "open original" below it. That will open a link in a new tab to where the image is stored on discord's servers (where anyone else can see it)
    08/05/2022 3:46 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    AGAIN, I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. PLEASE look into this on your own and don't just take my word for it before you do anything.

    You can use the Who Is search to look up who registered a specific domain and usually get some kind of contact.

    A petition is not going to do anything though. This website is probably one of a couple dozen run by some shady company and they're probably all managed by one dude running a bunch of bots to scrape data off of websites, fill it with keywords for search engines, and republish it. If you want anything done, you might need to do more yourself.

    If you are sure that it is copyright infringement and does not fall under fair use (looks pretty clear to me but I am not a lawyer and submitting a false DMCA claim can get you sued, so I can't just tell you to do it outright) you can submit a DMCA claim against google to remove it from search results.

    REMEMBER that a DMCA notice is a serious legal process and could require follow-up action. It is unlikely that a shady click-farm like this site will submit a counter-claim but if they will get reinstated on google unless you take them to court. This would like not be worth the effort and filing fees for such a small project, but is still definitely an option!

    I recommend you find other creators whose work is also posted to the website without their permission and direct them toward this message since receiving enough DMCA takedowns can remove the entire website from google search results and not just the pages related to your projects.
    08/05/2022 2:22 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    I am working on a project which needs skins for a variety of characters and armor sets. Some friends involved in the project are working on some of them already and I am adding custom 3d elements to characters that need it, but there are a lot of characters and especially a lot of armor left to do. If you have some time after all the other requests, let me know what style you'd like (armor, monster, mechanical, and some Asian-inspired humans (and humanoids) are the biggest categories but there are a lot to choose from) and I'll send you reference pics.
    08/03/2022 1:25 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
    garlicbreathinator's Avatar
    Logging blocks with datapacks is impractical, and logging items and entities is near impossible to do well. That's assuming they're using predictable vanilla behavior instead of a hacked client. If you want to protect a specific region, you can put players near it in adventure mode or save it with structure blocks so you can recover it later. Unfortunately the best solutions in this regard are always going to be plugins, just because it is difficult to handle so much data in the ways datapacks can access.

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