Minecraft Mods

Matterfall's Ben 10 Addon

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Matterfall_rq2003's Avatar Matterfall_rq2003
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Taco
Creative Mode Warning: You
can't directly inject the Omnitrix power in Creative Mode, or else many
features won't work. You must put on the Omnitrix Item in the chest
slot and then activate it to set everything up properly.

This addon requires the newest LucraftCore, HeroesExpansion, Speedsterheroes, The Fifth World, Electroblob's Wizardry and PymTech mods to work.

Any aliens that need you to be level 50 are still WIP, and cannot be unlocked until we finish them.

There is now a wiki for the addon, click on this link. It has a guide to installing
the addon and getting started in the addon

Here is a Video by Drake Lytle displaying the Addon in a Hardcore world: https://youtu.be/rXBG0sqnkt8

A review by The True Gingershadow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu3VUwmbfvg&t=1408s

Join us on Discord for support and teasers! https://discord.gg/BFVgGD5

This Addon adds, as probably recognized by the title, the Omnitrix from the Show Ben 10

If any changes are made to the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix
involving timers or randomising features, please use the Omnitrix armour
item again to update the power as it won't automatically do so!

There is a secondary addon, called Alien Hybrids, that
adds the aliens from this addon as separate powers if you only want
access to one alien's abilities or want to RP on a server.
CreditReda, Matticus3007
Progress30% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

20 Update Logs

Update 1.5.2 : by Matterfall_rq2003 07/01/2023 3:40:56 pmJul 1st, 2023


-Added Pymtech clones to Sonorosian and Splixson.

-Changed the time limit for the Celestialsapien. The Recalibrated Omnitrix now has 1 minute for full control before needing to debate again. The Ultimatrix and Completed Omnitrix versions have 2.5 minutes of full control before needing to debate again.

-The Completed Omnitrix version of the Celestialsapien no longer has unlimited control after debating.

-Updated Conductoid skin to be more accurate to the show, and changed the omnitrix symbol to be consistent with the other OS aliens.

-Added charge meter to Gimlinopithecus

-Fixed bug with Vulpimancer not being able to go ultimate, and his ultimate form being stuck transforming when devolving.

-Fixed bug where the Ultimatrix randomiser gives you the Prypiatosian B without the suit.

-Fixed the switch power with the Tokustar reverting the skin to the Prototype version.

-Fixed missing Aerophibian menu icon.

-Corrected spelling error in Cerebrocrustacean hint.

-Fixed aliens not getting full health when transforming.

-Fixed error with switching aliens using the Crystalsapien in the Ultimatrix.

-Fixed skin error with the Petrosapien switch file when using the Recalibrated Omnitrix.

-Fixed bug where you couldn't unlock the Petrosapien in the Recalibrated Omnitrix.

-Moved the Petrosapien to Playlist 2 in the Ultimatrix.

-Added a command loop that will reset you to the omnitrix if you die while transforming. This allows bugged players to get out of the transformation effect if it glitches.

-Fixed error with Loboan vision in Albedo's Ultimatrix.

-Fixed being unable to transform into the Ectonurite in Albedo's Ultimatrix.

-Fixed error with switching into the Crystalsapien when using master control.

-Fixed Completed Omnitrix Randomiser giving the wrong version of the Galvanic Mechamorph.

-Fixed the Chip Hybrid missing in the Completed Omnitrix.

-Fixed missing script for scanning the Florauna in the Albedo Ultimatrix.

-Added delay and held condition for Petrosapien Diamond Spikes ability.

-Fixed problem with Ultimate Vaxasaurian rockets harming the user.

-Fixed bug with Albedo Celestialsapien having no time limit and being unable to turn back to human.

-Fixed error with self-destruct code hint for Ultimatrix.

-Fixed Albedo's Nosedeenian and Transylian have green lightning rather than red.

-Fixed Albedo Petrosapien being unable to turn back to human.

-Fixed Pyronite omnitrix badge not glowing when underwater.

-Fixed bug where some UAF aliens were unavailable in the Completed Omnitrix.

-Fixed bug with Vladat night vision not being lost when detransforming.

-Fixed bug with Failsafe deactivation code not working.

-Fixed error with Albedo Methanosian being able to flame leap only while in the air.

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07/08/2023 6:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Daster's Avatar
Can you answer if it's not difficult
07/08/2023 3:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Daster's Avatar
hello cool addon you can add biomnitrix also wanted to ask how to unlock Vine and feedback in the omnitrix prototype
06/22/2023 6:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
username---------------'s Avatar
Dude i maybe know what the next update may add Its nanomech for the completed omnitrix sincein the abilities when yo utransform into nanomech in the ultimatrix shows that it has a OV skin i also got questions, is there a way to transform into nanomech while being with the ov omnitrix?
04/14/2023 12:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4550171G's Avatar
Would it be possible to create alien planets to explore? and also species, it would be a lot of fun
04/14/2023 12:57 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Taco
Matterfall_rq2003's Avatar
Sadly that's not possible in an Addon
04/11/2023 4:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RONDSB's Avatar
03/25/2023 1:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RaposaRed9's Avatar
Couldn't the transformation be faster? (preferably lasting exactly as long as each omnitrix's sound effect?)
02/22/2023 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3432102G's Avatar
whats the code for feed back on the ov and og watch
01/14/2023 8:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SpinosaurusYT's Avatar
how I can get or craft omnitrix?
01/03/2023 6:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4423485G's Avatar
So uh. How can i hack while being a Galwan?
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