Minecraft Mods

ICBM Plugin Edition (Missiles and Defense Systems!) [1.8.8]

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SpikeViper's Avatar SpikeViper
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
Remember ICBM? I do! It was a great mod, but it fell apart a little while ago. And so, I decided to remake it as a plugin. After a lot of work, I'm proud to say it is not only functional, but extremely enjoyable! Anyone is free to use this on their servers and give me support or suggestions. I am actively working on this and expect it to become feature-packed soon. It already includes multiple missile types, missile defense and warning systems, and more! Check out the video for everything.

icbm.icbm - Show info
icbm.firemissile - Fire a missile


Spigot Page (Review and Comment!)

(If this is in the wrong section, tell me - this was the closest I could find to plugins!)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by SpikeViper 12/20/2015 6:46:38 pmDec 20th, 2015

Stability update, fixed a few crashes and such.

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01/10/2016 8:00 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
keough99's Avatar
Can you make it so the missile launches out of a silo? So basically a multi block structure, but you have to put the missile in a chest in front of the silo
12/16/2015 8:32 am
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
Callsign-YukiMizuki's Avatar
Instead of fully negating projectiles , how about having like a system that shoots them down like a CIWS?
You'd probably have to use RNG and each shot would take one redstone. 

Nice idea though^^
12/16/2015 12:46 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
SpikeViper's Avatar
Currently, if you're shooting within 200 blocks of your target, there is a projectile that has smoke effects and such. If you fire further, a projectile appears above the target (You don't see if leaving your hand). This is due to it getting very inaccurate after long ranges. I am currently working an making it work with longer ranges, but it could wait awhile. Also, the defense systems are currently just a placeholder. I plan on making cooler systems in the future.
12/15/2015 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
II_Ravenstar_II's Avatar
Yeah there is a small error as I can download on Technic. But still a great mod!
12/12/2015 8:49 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Programmer
deadrecon98's Avatar
Ummmmmm ICBM isn't dead.... http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/225502-icbm

It literally takes months to update mods though.
12/12/2015 9:25 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
SpikeViper's Avatar
A: It's 1.7.10, not 1.8.8
B: Almost everything was removed, to the point where this plugin basically has as many features
C: I didn't say it was dead, I said it fell apart. (Which it did, the owners changed and everything was removed)
12/12/2015 11:06 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Programmer
deadrecon98's Avatar
*It literally takes months to update mods though.* -- Hence why it's not 1.8 and doesn't have a ton of features. You use the bukkit API so you wouldn't understand; that API never changes.
12/12/2015 11:20 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
SpikeViper's Avatar
I've made mods, and I understand how they work. Im just explaining, at the moment, ICBM isn't at its greatest. I never argued how long it took to update- I'm just saying it hasn't been yet, and I'm not going to wait for it to update when I can make something that fits my own needs.
12/10/2015 7:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
endguy14's Avatar
I love that you revived the ICBM Mod. But could you make it work for people who want to play it on single player?
12/10/2015 7:50 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
SpikeViper's Avatar
If you run a local server and just type in localhost as the IP you can use it in singleplayer.
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