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Sephiroth1's Avatar Sephiroth1
Level 48 : Master Architect
MYST Remade in minecraft

Myst is a 1994 PC game which was a massive part of alot of peoples childhoods. And i've decided to attempt to remake it in Minecraft

Game Opening description

You was walking through a forest one day. And came across giant Fissure in the earth. Spanning many blocks. By accident you fall in.... Darkness consumes you and you find yourself falling through a starry expanse. You black out... Then Awaken on a mysterious dock. Confused, You venture forth into the unknown, Welcome to MYST ISLAND!

Objective to the adventure map

90% of the time, you will be pushing buttons and pulling levers. There are FOUR books you have to find, to complete this map. To find these books you have to complete puzzles that are hidden on the island. The clues to solve these puzzles are hidden in plain sight "If you have played MYST before it will feel familiar!"
Currently there is no ending. So once you find all 4 books you have completed MYST... For now

Rules Of Play

DO NOT SWIM you are not allowed to touch water at all, You are only allowed items that the game gives you "books, Paper ect.." but under no circumstances must you BREAK or PLACE BLOCKS Unless told to. If you find a book on a Lecturn you can read it but, leave it there and dont pick it up!

Techincal Stuffs

Its not completely accurate, some buildings and puzzles are not the same as the game, but it might bring back a few memories for you ^^

I have added most of the Main Puzzles from the game. I built 90% of them using Command Blocks so please be aware of this and you will need them allowed in your world to be able to actually play this adventure map!

I will be adding Ages to this build at a later date. But I am going to be taking it in a whole new direction. I have hidden Easter Eggs for the ages in the Names of the 4 books.

This is still a massiiiveeee work in progress. And some of the puzzles might not be fully working properly. So if you run into any thing that doesnt work. Please let me know and i'll try to fix it in a future update!

Thank you for looking and Stay tuned.
Progress50% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Sephiroth1 04/21/2021 4:09:57 amApr 21st, 2021

Added a Brief description on how to play the map onto the main page. Just in case you haven't played MYST before

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03/03/2021 1:01 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
FirestarRust2020's Avatar
you should make a puzzle to the age of rime
05/15/2019 3:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ibreakblocks's Avatar
This is hitting me in the feels, so much nostalgia from this game and the inherent nostalgia that minecraft gives a scene.
I was thinking that a shattered Savannah plateau would be a perfect location for the main myst 3 island to work with but im not good enough to really crack something out like that but this may have inspired me to give it a try c:
Great work!
02/12/2019 3:59 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NulTheSkull's Avatar
Bruh that's cool!
02/12/2019 4:25 am
Level 48 : Master Architect
Sephiroth1's Avatar
Thank you :D
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