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Zedwork LVS Latest Version Server

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Zedwick's Avatar Zedwick
Level 35 : Artisan Spleefer
Zedwork LVS Latest Version Server
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United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Play on Zedwork! We've got Minecraft.
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Zedwork's "Just For Fun" vanilla Minecraft server, always updated to the latest official version of Minecraft.

Providing an open sandbox world; experience the core Minecraft as it should be played.

Community projects:

The Market
Founded by __Laurens__, now maintained by the Zriends, the Market provides a place to trade with other players. Shop plots are available on request, and all shops are protected from block-breaking.

Community Nether Hub
Built by luckyscharms323 and maintained by the Zriends the Nether Hub provides fast travel all across the world. Anyone may connect to the hub, though access is restricted to Zedlings (members) only. (Must play 15 hours on the server to gain Zedling status.)

The Council
The Council is a collection of Zedlings whom meet bi-weekly to organise community projects and events, whilst also highlighting any issues players have so they can be resolved. Meetings are open for all to attend, check out our forums for more details of the next meeting.

Community Farm
Maintained by the community, this public farm is located near spawn and provides both new and regular players with food. Just remember to replant! ;)

This is a vanilla server so there are no claim protection plugins, despite this we catch and ban griefers and thieves early on using clever command block magic. We are also protected by strong DDoS protection; we've never been taken down by a DDoS attack.

Please join, and HAVE FUN! ^_^

2 Update Logs

We're running Minecraft 1.16.1! : by Zedwick 07/17/2020 6:51:58 amJul 17th, 2020

As always, we're running the latest version here on the Zedwork Latest Version Server.

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10/06/2021 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Spectatre's Avatar
This community is a pleasantly chaotic mix of people who have been playing anywhere between days and years. After 15 hours you gain access to the spawn market (where players sell whatever they like), but also the nether hub, which is a sprawling ice-highway to basically anywhere else on the server. There are cities that have been growing for years, public farms for most items, and player-run events on the regular. On top of that a 'council' of members meets every other weekend to discuss events, to make sure everyone is included and gets to contribute to the goings-on

Whether you're a builder, miner, or explorer, as long as you don't come in smashing, you'll find a chill community to reside in.
03/31/2021 7:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
kebe3's Avatar
Legit just perm banned me and my ip for testing if the server had land protection.

Broke 1 block in spawn, since most servers have Worldguard, Griefprevention, or at least the basic built in vanilla spawn protection, I thought the block would just not break at all. Nope. I got instantly "jailed" and then the owner came on and instantly banned me.

The server clearly uses plugins, why not just get a land protection plugin if you're gonna get that mad over someone accidentally breaking a block lol.
Or better yet, just modify the spawn-protection= part of your server.properties file to protect the spawn.

tl;dr The owner is ban happy, don't even bother joining.
04/01/2021 10:50 am
Level 35 : Artisan Spleefer
Zedwick's Avatar
You were caught breaking a block which does not belong to you, and automatically banned pending an appeal on our forums.

You chose to "test" the protection by breaking glass, a block you could not replace. You chose to grief. You may consider your one block inconsequential, but if all new players acted as you did then do you really believe it fair to expect others to repair their builds after you and a dozen others damage them each day? If you are willing to break 1 practically irreplaceable block ("to see if it would break"), we assume you would be willing to break more.

We are strict, but fair. If you made an honest mistake in breaking a block you expected to be re-appear as on other server's spawn areas then we would welcome you back after a ban appeal on our forums. We will, of course, not tolerate idle griefing. This is something the players of Zedwork expect, and appreciate, as their builds remain safe after a year, 5 years or even 7 years later.

We do not use plugins on LVS, we have relied on trust among our regular Zedlings for the past 7 and a half years. If you are looking for a server with land protection plugins, our other server Zedwork Zurvival may suit you better. Be warned, however, that we do not permit griefing unclaimed areas there either.
04/01/2021 7:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
kebe3's Avatar
  1. "automatically banned", You came on and manually banned me...

  2. "You chose to "test" the protection by breaking glass, a block you could not replace." I chose glass because it is one of the fastest blocks breakable by hand. I didn't think I would have to replace it because I thought there was at least spawn protection.

  3. "You chose to grief." Accidentally breaking 1 block = griefing??? How is it griefing if I thought the block would just reappear like on literally every other server?

  4. "if all new players acted as you did then do you really believe it fair to expect others to repair their builds after you and a dozen others damage them each day?" I broke 1 single block in spawn, no where near anyone's build. Maybe just use the built in vanilla spawn protection if you don't want players to break there?

  5. "If you are willing to break 1 practically irreplaceable block ("to see if it would break"), we assume you would be willing to break more." Yes, I broke 1 block and only 1 block. Don't you think if I was griefing I would break more than that? If when you logged on, you saw me breaking a bunch of blocks, then the ban would be 100% understandable and justified. But that didn't happen at all. I broke 1 block that was in spawn, not near anyone's builds, and then just stood there confused, and you saw this. As an owner that should have gave you the impression that I wasn't a threat. But no, you wanted to be all ban happy and perma ban me, not a single question, no warning, nothing. I wasn't even able to read the rules! You might see that as being "strict", but from an outside point of view, it's just plain ignorant and careless. What kind of a server owner automatically assumes players are guilty without even understanding the whole situation? What kind of server owner permanently bans players rather than trying to help them?

  6. "We do not use plugins on LVS" You don't need a plugin to protect a server's spawn. Minecraft has a built in spawn-protection feature which by default is a 16 block radius. Clearly someone has went out of their way to change that though since I was able to break so close to the world's spawn.

    04/02/2021 7:55 am
    Level 35 : Artisan Spleefer
    Zedwick's Avatar
    You were automatically banned.

    I joined the server to welcome you, you enquired about gaining staff privileges, you left spawn area (ignoring the rules, apparently. You literally have to walk through a sign saying "please do not break blocks here"), and broke a glass pane outside someone's house, then pretended to not know what you could have possibly done to warrant being jailed. You could not do further damage as you had been restrained from doing so. I tried to talk you through how to appeal, but got cut off by the auto-ban. I can understand why you might assume I had banned you, but considering your misrepresentation of the facts I don't believe you had pure intentions.

    You now claim to have intentionally broken a glass block to "test" if you could break a block, but "accidentally" broke it because you did not expect to break it. What was the purpose of the test, exactly? Either you wanted to know the limits of the area you could grief, in which case it wouldn't matter if you could replace the block, or you wanted to know the limits of where you could build in which case you would surely want to break a block you could more easily replace. It would appear that you don't care about other player's builds to such a degree that you would willingly risk leaving holes in them, and would now defend your right to willingly disregard potential damages.

    The appeals process is there to weed out players who would treat others this way.

    This is not the place to process appeals, so if you would like to contest the ban further you will need to do so on our forums.
    09/14/2021 5:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Evolutiiionzz's Avatar
    Dude this is unfair I was spawned under the glass broke it and got banned. How do I get out??
    I didnt know I'd get banned for being stuck
    09/15/2021 1:07 pm
    Level 35 : Artisan Spleefer
    Zedwick's Avatar
    We do not normally process appeals here, and would ask players appeal on our forums.

    However, this is interesting. You were definitely not actually under the glass, but I can believe your client may have shown you under the glass whilst still loading the world. I know Minecraft can sometimes do that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I will rework our spawn area to ensure this does not happen to anyone else. I'm sorry this happened to you.

    You have been unbanned. Welcome back! ^_^
    01/05/2021 12:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User3367629G's Avatar
    i cant wait to try it hopefuly its good
    02/24/2018 5:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    EliasRipley's Avatar
    Come and join us on LVS! This place is a great vanilla community. It takes 15 hours to reach Zedling status, which will allow you access to the Nether Hub. Well worth waiting for and a good part of a protection system. Wonderful server.
    08/29/2017 9:57 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MerricDaSkrub's Avatar
    I go onto the server and BAM! I just get banned for no reason. You probably shouldn't ban people for no reason, then make them appeal. That's not right.
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