Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Aurora Texture Pack [MIXED 128/256x] [v1.5x] [DISCONTINUED]

  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 88,612 views, 1 today
  • 27,513 downloads, 0 today
  • 162
  • 78
  • 110
saKira's Avatar saKira
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Aurorao Texture Pack for Minecraft [MIXED 128/256x] [v1.5x]


Since I no longer play Minecraft I have discontinued the development of this texture pack and all related texture mods.

Installation instructions
Installation: Since this is an HD texture pack you will need to use either "mcpatcher" or "optifine" mods in order to enable high res. texture support in minecraft. After you have installed the mod navigate to "*your_system_drive*: Users *your_username* AppData Roaming .minecraft texturepacks" and place the .zip file into the "texturepacks" folder; you are done, start your client and change the texture pack. Sometimes minecraft glitches and it will say that "Aurora" is "the default look of minecraft" in the description, even though it is not, just click on Aurora and it will change your texture pack.

Supports Minecraft 1.5x

1.5 Changelog:
Added Minecraft 1.5x support
Improved Snow texture
Improved Ice texture
Improved Grass texture
Improved Flower Pot texture
Improved Fern texture
Improved Tall Grass texture
Improved Yellow Flower texture
Improved Red Flower texture
Improved Bush texture
Improved Vines texture
Improved AirCon texture
Improved Airvent texture
Improved Sand texture
Improved Wooden Planks texture
Improved Glass texture
Improved Stone Slab texture
Improved Saplings textures (all)
Improved Sign texture
Improved Explosion effect
Redesigned Repeater texture
Redesigned Furnace texture (modern style)
Redesigned Cauldron texture (modern style)
Redesigned Dispenser texture (modern style)
Redesigned Dropper texture (modern style)
Changed Mycelium block to Grass block with dandelions
Changed Mossy Stonebrick block to Sand Road
Changed Cracked Stonebrick block to Decorated Pavement
Changed Red Mushroom to Sakura Bonsai
Changed End Portal Frame to AirCon#2
Changed Web texture
Changed SoulSand (HellSand) block to Gray Wool with Stars
Changed Chiseled Quartzbolck to Kitchen Cabinet (modern style)
Changed Quartzblock with Lines to Aircon#1
Changed Quartz Ore to Wooden Decor Pavement
Changed NetherQuartz to Airvent
Fixed Snow side block alignment
Updated Texture Pack icon and Loading Screen
Texture Issues:
Because Minecraft uses amazing logic of texture mapping, when placing dropper or dispenser to front view the top texture will show Furnace top texture. When placing dispenser or dropper to vertical view all sides show Furnace top texture. This cannot be avoided because Dispenser and Dropper both reuse some Furnace textures...

Please report any texture glitches and such in the comments section.

Please note that this texture pack is essentially a request by some people, this is not designed to be your standard texture pack for your daily use and such. I use this texture pack in my Aurora City Project and as such the textures here are what I want them to be/look like for my project and I will not change them to anything else as a result. I guess you can consider this to be a modernist/industrial texture pack because of the whole "city" project, so if you are making a city this might be what you are looking for, otherwise I don't know.... So yeah...
This texture pack also supports "More Paintings mod Extreme Edition".

Information for texture pack reviewers:
Please read the description before making any reviews of this texture pack, since so far any review I have seen was made so that it describes this texture pack with "normal" texture pack logic... this is not a normal texture pack, as such it will not look good on your reviewing maps, unless you make some kind of city or something to show the texture pack in use and not just block by block...
Thank you...

Blocks that are changed/modified:
> pumpkin was changed to chinese lantern
> dead bush was changed to a normal flower bush
> torch was moded and smoke was removed
> end stone texture was changed to look like hexagon paving
> spider web was changed to metal frame
> lapis lazuli ore was changed to metal block
> diamond ore was changed to concrete block
> redstone ore was changed to chinese decor block
> gold ore was changed to japanese sakura decor block
> coal ore was changed to japanese decor block
> iron ore was changed to rusted metal block
> quartz ore was changed to wooden pavement
> emerald ore was changed to tatami mat block
> mycelium was changed to grass block with dandelions
> netherquartz was changed to airvent
> quartzblock with lines was changed to aircon#1
> end frame portal was changed to aircon#2
> dispenser was changed to refrigerator part#1
> dropper was changed to refrigerator part#2
> quartzblock chiseled was changed to kitchen cabinet
> red mushroom was changed to sakura bonsai
> mossy stonebrick was changed to sand road
> cracked stonebrick was changed to decorative pavement
> soulsand was changed to gray wool with stars

Note again that this texture pack is primarily designed for creative mode, thus I did not care to create items like tools and food and other things, since they are not needed when you are using creative mode. If you like the terrain textures but also want to have pretty looking tools, skins and other things feel free to do that, it's you choice Aurora Texture Pack [MIXED 128/256x] [v1.5x] [DISCONTINUED] Minecraft Texture Pack

Additional Notes

Please note, this texture pack at the moment contains water and lava borrowed from another texture pack, I do not know the name of the original developer as I did not take them from original source but rather from other mix pack, I apologize for borrowing it without the permission of the original developer and I will replace it as soon as I can understand the logic behind the way animations in MC work... So please do not be angry, If you are reading this and you are the original developer and you do not want to see these textures in this pack please contact me and I will remove them. If you however have no problem with this but you wish to be credited for your amazing work - please contact me and I will include your name in every description and on the "loading" logo of the texture pack, cheers !

Distribution of the texture pack and it's mods:
> You are free to distribute this texture pack anywhere on the web as long as you mention the original name, me and put a link to this page.
> You are free to mod this texture pack in any way you like as long as you share it with the rest of the community and have me credited, you should also put a link to this page as reference to the original pack.

Dakimakura expansion pack
If you like anime and manga you can download this expansion pack which will transform your ordinary beds into dakimakura styled beds Aurora Texture Pack [MIXED 128/256x] [v1.5x] [DISCONTINUED] Minecraft Texture Pack
Download here - [link]

Older versions
> Download Aurora 1.47
> Download Aurora 1.42-1.46
> Download Aurora 1.3x
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5

3 Update Logs

1.51 Update : by saKira 04/30/2013 4:19:48 pmApr 30th, 2013

1.5 Changelog:
Added Minecraft 1.5x support
Improved Snow texture
Improved Ice texture
Improved Grass texture
Improved Flower Pot texture
Improved Fern texture
Improved Tall Grass texture
Improved Yellow Flower texture
Improved Red Flower texture
Improved Bush texture
Improved Vines texture
Improved AirCon texture
Improved Airvent texture
Improved Sand texture
Improved Wooden Planks texture
Improved Glass texture
Improved Stone Slab texture
Improved Saplings textures (all)
Improved Sign texture
Improved Explosion effect
Redesigned Repeater texture
Redesigned Furnace texture (modern style)
Redesigned Cauldron texture (modern style)
Redesigned Dispenser texture (modern style)
Redesigned Dropper texture (modern style)
Changed Mycelium block to Grass block with dandelions
Changed Mossy Stonebrick block to Sand Road
Changed Cracked Stonebrick block to Decorated Pavement
Changed Red Mushroom to Sakura Bonsai
Changed End Portal Frame to AirCon#2
Changed Web texture
Changed SoulSand (HellSand) block to Gray Wool with Stars
Changed Chiseled Quartzbolck to Kitchen Cabinet (modern style)
Changed Quartzblock with Lines to Aircon#1
Changed Quartz Ore to Wooden Decor Pavement
Changed NetherQuartz to Airvent
Fixed Snow side block alignment
Updated Texture Pack icon and Loading Screen
Texture Issues:
Because Minecraft uses amazing logic of texture mapping, when placing dropper or dispenser to front view the top texture will show Furnace top texture. When placing dispenser or dropper to vertical view all sides show Furnace top texture. This cannot be avoided because Dispenser and Dropper both reuse some Furnace textures...

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11/05/2016 11:26 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
Rovinion's Avatar
For those demanding a more modern version of the pack, I have made one-with all credit being given.

You can find it here:

If OP has a problem with anything I have done, I request that he let me know. If he deletes this post, I shall delete my DeviantArt post so that no-one can download the updated pack.
The Isot
07/25/2015 7:18 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Steve
The Isot's Avatar
1.8 PLZ
07/20/2015 10:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokemon
Clover-chan's Avatar
1.8 plz?
03/13/2015 4:29 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
_Lakecraft_'s Avatar
I've used many texturepacks that were for older versions than the one I play but they generally still work, can't wait to try it out. Great work by the way. :D
03/16/2014 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deanbbs's Avatar
I have always loved seeing your videos on youtube and wish in the future that you may create more. Please play minecraft once more and build something unusual.
02/08/2014 9:21 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
PiratesBaseball's Avatar
plz update to 1.6 plz i really love it
01/25/2014 9:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Rosto's Avatar
plz make a 1.6 you were doing such a good job
09/30/2013 1:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
BlockSorcerer's Avatar
Why no 1.6x??? ),:
I will certainly download it looks great fora city!
09/07/2013 1:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
Nlink3352's Avatar
Epic... But I can't download it for some reason... Darn...
05/31/2013 11:24 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
florisheld's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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