Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

EPIC HORIZON resourcepack | New awesome sky for minecraft!

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Aetheris-ex's Avatar Aetheris-ex
Level 48 : Master Artist

New version here

Hd. Epic. Realistic. Optimized.
In case you want to improve the visual side of the gameplay a bit, and you have a so-so computer (even if it's great!) - I suggest an unusual resourcepack, which connects to any other, even with the default. After all, it changes only one side - the sky. You do not need shaders. Of course, they perfectly match, but not all shaderpacks work correctly. Not bad fit Continuum and MrMeepz 'Shaders. But do not forget to set them up correctly.
And so, you get a completely dynamic sky, it all depends on the time of day.Instead of the usual dull moon, you get two amazing planets, also a starfall, and even flickering fires somewhere in the distance! Well, of course, a stunning remote landscape - as if you were somewhere in Skyrim or the Alps. There is also a version without mountains, if you do not like it.
This is the first version, so do not judge strictly, there will be updates and many innovations.
Оригинальное русское описание
В случае если вы хотите немного улучшить визуальную сторону геймплея, и у вас так себе комп (даже если отличный!) - предлогаю необычный ресурспак, который подключается с любым другим, даже со стандартом. Ведь он меняет только одну сторону - небо. Вам не нужны шейдеры. Конечно, с ними отлично сочетается, но не все шейдерпаки работают корректно. Неплохо подходят Continuum и MrMeepz' Shaders. Но не забудьте правильно их настроить.
И так, вы получаете полностью динамичное небо, всё зависит от времени суток. Вместо обычной унылой луны вы получаете целые две потрясающие планеты, также звездопад, и даже мерцающие где-то вдалеке огоньки костров! Ну и конечно же потрясающий удаленный ландшафт - будто вы где-то в Скайриме или Альпах. Так же есть версия без гор, если вам такое не по нраву.
Это первая версия, так что не судите строго, будут обновления и множество нововведений.

You need Optifine!
If you do not know how to install the resourcepacks correctly - search the Internet.
You can use this along with other resourcepacks! Just put it above others in the list.

My recommendations:
Conquest resourcepack
PR Luminance

Continuum shaderpack
MrMeepz Shaders

Publication rules:
You can publish my resourcepack on other sites, but ONLY using my link to download page!

Правила публикации:
Вы можете публиковать мой ресурспак на прочих сайтах, но ТОЛЬКО используя мою ссылку на страницу загрузки!
О да, товарищи с русскоязычных сайтов - это специально для вас! Используйте мою ссылку, будьте людьми, пожалуйста.
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.11

2 Update Logs

0.8 update : by Aetheris-ex 06/05/2017 1:31:00 amJun 5th, 2017

Replaced a lot of textures (new clouds).
new install sistem:1. Download main archive2. Download addons3. In game activate firstly main file and addons upper.Added 256x version - BIG PIXELS
1. New background landscape - plains2. Mountains3. Replacer of planets. Now this is Masser and Secunda from The Elder Scrolls! (+25% arrows in the knees!)Some bagfixes.
Some redesign of official site.

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04/29/2019 4:20 pm
Level 43 : Master Artist
llNORDICll's Avatar
Can't download this because of the damn AdFly thing you've set up. I can't get anywhere except for virus filled popups. Using AdBlock doesn't work either...
09/11/2017 2:51 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
Woaw!... I have not been here for some time now and just now I found the update version...

the pack was wonderfull already before... but now... it is way more epic!

The skies look marvelous and the sounds... mmm... ♥_♥

great improvement compared to the previous version!

uhm... but... the download is horrible, can you please do something with it?

I have clicked on your website, there I have chosen my desired resolution pack, clicked on the download, SKIPPED the ADD on adf.ly, and then I was moved to some bullshit CHROME ADDON INSTALL DOWNLOAD for some MUSIC or WTF, and no file download around... What the hell is that for crap... c'mon m8

weird... I did it again in try to replicate the issue, and now I was redirected correctly to your mediafire download web... O_o

(I am sure I have clicked before on SKIP ADD, meh not da troll)
Persian Of Interest
06/25/2017 8:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Persian Of Interest's Avatar
Very nice work! Would it be possible to make a desert version as well? Something like this: images5.alphacoders.com/356/356961.jpg
07/23/2017 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ROERMOND29's Avatar
that looks epic :D
06/28/2017 7:22 pm
Level 48 : Master Artist
Aetheris-ex's Avatar
no problems! In future i will make update with desert.
Persian Of Interest
06/30/2017 3:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Persian Of Interest's Avatar
Thank you!
06/20/2017 12:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ces02's Avatar
I am trying to download it but my computer isn't letting me because it is saying "You can't open the application "Setup_ODM-7.exe" because Microsoft Windows applications are not supported on OS X". What should i do?
06/20/2017 5:12 pm
Level 48 : Master Artist
Aetheris-ex's Avatar
You downloaded not a resourcepack, but a file from advertising (I do not recommend trying to run them at all). To skip advertising click the "skip ad" button and you will be redirected to the download page.
06/05/2017 11:38 am
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
TheSavageHybrid's Avatar
This puts the Halycon Days sky to shame.
05/17/2017 11:49 am
Level 82 : Elite Artist
SCtester's Avatar
Simply incredible! It's just too bad it isn't compatible with shaders.
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