Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

Harkenburg City Texture Pack v3.5 BETA 2 [16x] MC 1.17

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  • 137,677 views, 15 today
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Bluecolty's Avatar Bluecolty
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
-Harkenburg Texture Pack-

The Harkenburg Texture Pack is unlike any texture pack you have ever seen. Through its wide range of textures designed to cater to the avid city builder, Harkenburg Texture Pack is made to completely transform the way you build a city. Instead of focusing on pure realism, Harkenburg Texture Pack is in 16x resolution, which is the same resolution as default Minecraft. Unlike some other hyper HD modern texture packs, Harkenburg will give your builds a familiar default feel, while also giving you a much needed block palette improvement. Unlike any other texture pack available now, Harkenburg allows you to add realistic and convincing roads into your city, all without the use of mods. Even the smallest of details, like paintings being textured as city themed images and visuals, was not overlooked. Harkenburg's wide range of architectural themed blocks - from bricks to tiles to windows, was created with building in mind.

As always, I love to hear suggestions and ideas. If you'd like to share an idea for a new block, or perhaps you have a suggestion to make, Harkenburg now has it's own Discord Server where you can do just that!

If you're curious about the city project that accompanies the pack, check out the links to the server page (with the application to apply) and the server dynmap!

Harkenburg Project Build Server!
Harkenburg Project Dynmap!
Harkenburg Project Discord Server (with texture pack suggestions!)
Harkenburg Project Page (coming soon!)
Harkenburg Instagram (also coming soon!)

Pack Status - The 1.17 compatible beta version is out, the 1.17 feature version is coming soon!

Credit to Echonix for developing a shader to bring back painting transparency!

F asked Q (FAQ)
Welcome to my FAQ. I'll try to update this when new commonly asked questions arise but for now, it's just for general questions and legal stuff.

Does this pack need Optifine to work?
Yes. And no. I've finally figured out how to do random Optifine textures and to say the least am very pleased with them. However, the great thing about Random Optifine textures do not appear if you do not have Optifine loaded/installed. This means that the pack doesn't need Optifine to run, it just enhances it.

Media Fire Download Instructions
I don't ever really plan to use adf.ly redirects in any of my current or future submissions, because it is such a pain and the ads aren't always 100% reliable. However, I will now use Media Fire (check it out if you want to), which is safe and reliable. However, it can still be sort of confusing when using, even for me (look below if you're worried you might click on the wrong thing)
-Click the texture pack download button
-This will take you to another page, it will be Media Fire
-Let the page load, a pop up may appear, you can close that
-Wait for the download to prepare itself, and then click the bright green button!
-And finally, enjoy!

Texture Pack Installation Instructions

For Windows
-Download the pack
-Open your search and type in "%appdata%" - quotes
-Either navigate to "roaming" and then go to ".minecraft" or go directly to ".minecraft"
-Navigate to the "resourcepacks" folder (if it's not there, create a new folder and title it "resourcepacks" minus the quotes
-Drop the texture pack in and start Minecraft
-Go to "Options" and then "Resource Packs" and load the pack
-And of course, enjoy!

For Linux
-Download the pack
-Press Control and H at the same time
-Navigate to the .minecraft folder
-Find the resourcepack folder and open that
-Drop the texture pack file in and start Minecraft
-Go to "Options" and then "Resource Packs" and load the pack
-And of course, enjoy!

For Mac
Mac install tutorial coming soon

Want to use some of my textures? Look here!
First of all, I'm flattered if you want to use some of my textures. Secondly, please ask me first through means of PMC private messaging using the format below-
-The texture you want to use (use the name of the file in my texture pack, not the texture you want my original file to be)
-Texture pack you want to include it in along with a link on PMC (if possible, if not, I ask if you send me a link to your texture page when you get it uploaded to PMC)
-Promise that you will give me credit (this is kind of obvious and needed, if you don't credit, you won't just be getting anger from me >:), but also...yea, I'm going to imply that you know what happens (cough) account restrictions from staff (cough)
If you do send me a message, I will always accept it and will try to get back to you as soon as I can!

Other Stuff
-Please (and I do mean please) do not under any circumstances redistribute this pack and call it your own! This is not only illegal (at least in America) but could result in restrictions to your PMC account! I'm ashamed to have to say this, but people love to steal others work so protections need to be put in place.

Want to use this pack publicly?
When I say publicly, I mean on a server. I'm even more so honored if you want to use this pack on a server, but please also use the following guidelines below-
- Before you allow people to use this pack on your server, please let me know you want to do this
-I do allow you to download this texture pack and upload it elsewhere and redirect patrons of your server to that page and not this one. However! I do not allow you under any circumstance to make any money off of this. This means you are not allowed to have people pay to download the texture pack!
-Do not change the name of the texture pack, keep it named "Harkenburg Texture Pack" or something along that line so people know what they're using.

Hope this FAQ helped! If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to post it in the comments section for everyone to see so in case they have a similar question, they can find out without asking.

GitHub Repository
Harkenburg Texture Pack now has a GitHub Repository! You can find it below


I realized that with work and school becoming a larger part of my life, along with other personal projects, that I was not able to keep the pack updated as frequently as I once was. So, to ease the wait times between release versions, I have opened up a GitHub repository for the pack. This is open to anyone, so anyone can download the latest beta version. Any downloads you download from the repository are unfinished, and subject to change. Please keep that in mind, although as always I welcome constructive criticism.

Please note
For obvious reasons, the GitHub repository is an extreme beta version of the pack. Any versions you find/download on there are not complete. They are in progress versions that you will be able to download and test, and give feedback if you feel like it. Any versions of the pack you may download from the GitHub page are also for the most recent version of Minecraft. The final complete releases will be posted to PMC as usual once they are done.

To download
If you are not familiar with GitHub, that's fine. Just follow these simple instructions:

- Go to the GitHub link above, then once the webpage loads, click the green Code button.
- Click the download ZIP button, and save it to your computer
- Once its saved, go to that file location and open the .ZIP file
- You will see a folder inside the .ZIP, right click that and copy/cut it. Then, go to your Minecraft directory and paste it into the "resourcepacks" folder
- Launch your game and load the pack!

With the complete overhaul of the texture pack files Minecraft 1.13 brought to the table, many old versions of many packs were rendered obsolete. Hopefully, these will help you if you are seeking an older version of the pack to work with an older version of Minecraft.

DISCLAIMER - These are old versions of the pack (the latest for the respective Minecraft version). They may be terrible and cringy because I no longer work on previous versions. What you get is what you get. I apologize, but its a lot of work to keep working on the latest up to date pack, let alone keeping track of the one for each old Minecraft version.

Harkenburg Texture Pack v3.4 for MC 1.16

Harkenburg Texture Pack v3.3 for MC 1.14/1.15

Harkenburg Texture Pack v3.2 for MC 1.13

Harkenburg Texture Pack v3.2 for MC 1.12

Harkenburg Texture Pack v2.9 for MC 1.11

Harkenburg Texture Pack v2.0 for MC 1.10

Harkenburg Texture Pack v1.5 for MC 1.9

If you want to go crazy, this is the oldest version of the pack I have in my possession. The cringe will be extremely bad, so beware.
Harkenburg Texture Pack v1.1 for MC 1.10

-Other Links!-

Check out the showcase of the Harkenburg Texture Pack on this PCGamer.com article! (8th down on list)
Check out the pack on MinecraftForums by me!
Link to MinecraftForums
Check the pack out on other great Minecraft community sites!
Check out some cool projects that use the pack!
CreditNJDaeger for allowing usage of block textures from the Greenfield Texture Pack under his permission, Echonix for developing a shader to bring back painting transparency
Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.17.1

32 Update Logs

New GitHub Page and V3.5 BETA 2 : by Bluecolty 10/12/2021 4:12:36 pmOct 12th, 2021

Howdy folks, its been a while. Don't worry, Harkenburg is still alive and kicking. Today I'm bringing you V3.5 BETA 2, which introduces at least 48 updated blocks (shulkers, wool, planks, logs). That's not important though, that's just so I can make an update log on PMC. What is important is that Harkenburg Texture Pack now has a GitHub Repository!

What this means...
Schoolwork and personal projects, and just life in general for me has gotten busy, and I'm unable to update the texture pack as much as I'd like. To keep periods of time between full release versions, I've opened a GitHub repository for the pack. This is so you can keep track of the progress for the next release version, and also get a taste of a WIP pack. My hope is that this will fufull some of the hunger you guys have for new content, in a way that keeps some stress off me to produce a large version update.

I've added a new spoiler to the PMC page with instructions on how to go about downloading it, and where you can find the GitHub page. There are also some good sufficient warnings for those adventrous enough to try GitHub. Check that spolier out for more details.

That's it for now, at least now you all can keep tabs on progress of the pack. It's coming...slowly but surely.

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01/16/2024 12:33 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
MunoLinoBLD's Avatar
Please Bedrock :(
07/04/2023 10:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tee_rohn's Avatar
Love, love, love this texture pack! I've been using it for 3 years now, for the city I'm building. Any chance that it might be updated for 1.20?
02/28/2022 12:56 pm
Level 1 : New Network
lujerex's Avatar
Looks nice, can't wait to try it out.
03/07/2022 5:38 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Thanks, I hope you enjoy it haha
01/15/2022 12:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hebonky's Avatar
Is this the final version or is going to be updated to 1.18. You could probably do some really nice looking stuff with the deepslate.
01/18/2022 1:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Na this definitely isnt the final version, its always a work in progress. The 1.18 version is coming slowly but surely. The 1.18 compatible version is available on the GitHub page as a beta version of the pack. Its definitelty not complete though, but should work fine on 1.18.
10/27/2021 11:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Testedspider592's Avatar
how do i add in and play the textures?
10/31/2021 5:37 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
To use the texture pack, you have go to drop it into the "resourcepacks" folder inside your .minecraft folder. Let me know if you need further instruction!
06/10/2021 12:15 pm
Level 21 : Expert Blacksmith
Pyro_Tank's Avatar
Please do 1.17
06/16/2021 11:34 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Bluecolty's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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