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Pixlpainter's Avatar Pixlpainter
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Baconator

Malte Pack 1.19 [3D] Minecraft Texture Pack
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Please note that the MaltePack 1.19 might not work properly in older versions of the game (due to internal changes). You can find older download links on the website.

Special features of the Malte Pack

Includes more than 50 individual 3D models!

Malte Pack 1.19 [3D] Minecraft Texture Pack
+ 3D bookshelf
+ 3D ladder
+ 3D redstone lamp
+ 3D sea lantern
+ 3D rail, activator rail, detector rail, powered rail
+ 3D sugar cane
+ 3D lever item
+ 3D hay bale
+ 3D cauldron
+ 3D chiseled quartz
+ 3D fences (acacia, birch, dark oak, oak, spruce)
+ 3D furnace
+ 3D crafting table
+ 3D enchantment table
+ 3D jukebox
+ 3D noteblock
+ 3D iron bars
+ 3D smithing table
+ 3D lantern
+ 3D soul lantern

If you want more items to be 3D, try using luc33990s True 3D Items below this pack!

Includes connecting blocks (requires OptiFine)!
+ connecting jungle logs
+ connecting glass blocks / panes
+ grass overlay
+ sand & red sand overlay

To Do List
To-Do List
Building blocks:
- polished deepslate
- calcite
- dripstone block
- rooted dirt
- block of raw iron
- block of raw copper
- block of raw gold
- block of amethyst
- budding amethyst
- block of netherite
- cut copper (+ oxidized variants)
- basalt
- polished basalt
- smooth basalt

Decoration blocks:
- wither skeleton skull
- loom
- azalea
- azalea leaves
- flowering azalea
- cornflower
- lily of the valley
- spore blossom
- crimson fungus
- warped fungus
- crimson roots
- warped roots
- nether sprouts
- weeping vines
- twisting vines
- hanging roots
- big dripleaf
- small dripleaf
- chain
- dirt path
- crimson sign
- warped sign
- glow item frame
- soul campfire
- soul torch

- shroomlight
- lodestone
- respawn anchor
- candles
- amethyst buds
- pointed dripstone

Redstone: done

- warped fungus on a stick

- horse armors
- conduit
- scute
- buckets of fish
- raw iron
- raw copper
- raw gold
- netherite scrap
- copper ingot
- netherite ingot
- powder snow bucket
- glow ink sac
- snout banner pattern

Foodstuffs: done
- glow berries

- netherite tools
- spyglass

- trident
- crossbow
- netherite armor
- netherite sword

Brewing: done

- etc

- Creeper
- Dragon
- Wither
- Zombie
- spider
- enderman
- endermite
- shulker
- sheep
- pig
- chicken
- cow
- gorse
- ghast
- slime
- villager
- wolf
- skeleton
- guardian
- bee

- cod
- dolphin
- donkey
- drowned
- evoker
- fox
- husk
- phantom
- parrot
- panda
- ocelot
- mule
- mooshroom
- llama
- pillager
- polar bear
- pufferfish
- rabbit
- ravager
- salmon
- squid
- stray
- trader
- tropical fish
- vex
- villager
- vindicator
- wandering trader
- witch
- wither sceleton
- wolf
- zombie horse
- zombie pigman
- zombie villager

More MaltePack / vanilla comparisons

  • Please note that the MaltePack might not work properly in older versions of the game. You can find all versions of the MaltePack on the website!
  • Please report any problems you may have with downloading this pack! I will provide a mirror link if needed
  • Please note that this pack is only 75% finished! There are still not all textures for armor and mobs included.
If you are good at texturing armor or mobs, please pm me or write a comment!
Additional Notes
-You are allowed to use textures of my pack for personal uses
-You are not allowed to reupload any textures, remixes, content of my texture pack in any way!
-All credit for the font goes to Google
Credit© made by Malte 2013-2023, 3D models made with MrCrayFishs model editor and blockbench, font by Google
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.2

160 Update Logs

Update #160 : by Pixlpainter 05/03/2023 6:26:23 pmMay 3rd, 2023

- Added netherite block (+ normal map)
- Added lodestone (+ normal map)
- Added sculk vein
- Added cracked deepslate tiles (+ normal map)
- Added deepslate bricks (+ normal map)
- Added cracked deepslate bricks (+ normal map)
- Added cracked nether bricks (+ normal map)
- Added cracked stone bricks normal map
- Added polished deepslate (+ normal map)
- Changed diamond block
- Changed cracked stone bricks
- Changed blackstone normal map

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05/04/2022 2:38 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Collective
BLACK5's Avatar
It looks good mate
05/04/2022 6:35 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Baconator
Pixlpainter's Avatar
Thank you!
02/19/2021 7:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
emobf's Avatar
it crashes my game :(
10/22/2020 11:17 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
AustinTX1985's Avatar
Is there a download that does NOT use ad.fly? They are a known malware site that is automatically blocked by my anti-virus system. Thanks!
10/22/2020 11:24 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Baconator
Pixlpainter's Avatar
Hello there,
You can find all download links on the website.
- Malte
10/24/2020 7:23 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
AustinTX1985's Avatar
10/04/2020 4:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Skinner
neveah's Avatar
It was way to laggy for my pc so i crashed every time i tried to put it on, but i saw glimpses of it and it looked awesome! it seems very realistic so, i hope you try this out if you have a good pc cause i dont have a very good graphics card or pc, so it was constantly crashing but i hope you guys can try it
have a nice day<3
07/03/2020 12:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Cake
lilacorn's Avatar
Looking forward to 1.16 since optifine is up and published.
05/04/2020 4:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Liao_Mei's Avatar
If you hover over a link and it says ad.fly; do not click it. There is a mediafire link in the description. Use that!

The texture pack is not harmful however ad.fly is
04/29/2020 8:53 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
vorpalking's Avatar
I fall in love with this pack. This is what im looking for, thanks....but if you dont mind, please add x64 for this pack but its okay if you dont..i play at 1.14
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