Adding more commands / another model

A E Bunny's Avatar A E Bunny3/13/24 4:42 pm
3/14/2024 12:11 am
HoboMaggot's Avatar HoboMaggot
I learn best by seeing how a working mod is done & learning to adapt it.

This is for Java 1.20.4
Sorry about the long post.

Here is what I have so far:

  1. found an old datapack / resource pack on here called More Animals

  2. it only works on an older MC version

  3. contacted mod maker... no response.

  4. Asked someone on here for help, got a wonderful response to fix my problem.

Its for an Alice in Wonderland project.
Pic shows a Flamingo upside down as a croquet mallet.
It adds the model to an invisible armor stand.
Nothing fancy or animating.


Here's what I know:

  1. I know how to make a Blockbench .json model

  2. I know where to put the model & texture files.

  3. I know what the nice guy did to make it work.

Here is what the guy did:
In the datapack, he added a commands.txt file

/give @s axolotl_spawn_egg{EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:armor_stand",Silent:1b,Invulnerable:0b,Invisible:1b,Small:1b,Marker:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:flint",Count:1b,tag:{CustomModelData:42}}]}}

My questions:

  1. The model is named flam1.json
    How does the command above: CustomModelData:42 point to it?

  2. How do I add another GIVE line to the commands.txt?
    Do the 2 GIVE commands just need to be on 2 separate lines?
    A Colon or Semi-Colon between them?

  3. Is there anything else in the GIVE line I need to change so they don't conflict?

Once I have the HOW TO on adding more models, I can make a demo / how-to and put it online for others to know how.
Posted by A E Bunny's Avatar
A E Bunny
Level 1 : New Miner

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03/14/2024 12:11 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
HoboMaggot's Avatar
1. Watch this guide
2. That commands text file is most likely just a "database" so they can easily get the item with the model
3. You should only change the axolotl spawn egg item (That is there to complete the give command and for spawn egg texture/design/look purposes and CustomModelData for a conflict free change. If you made a new model and attached it to another item, use that item instead of flint.
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