Lets get something straight!!!

ClayMan1077's Avatar ClayMan107711/11/22 2:30 pm
11/13/2022 8:28 pm
ClayMan1077's Avatar ClayMan1077
Ok let's get something clear right out of the gate I am in no way familiar with the community of PMC nor have I been involved in any controversy until this point...

with that said and done, What the actual Hell is going on with all this "Drama" I'm hearing about!!! this is Planet Minecraft. a place for people just to make stuff and occasionally socialize. what is going on? ON THIS WEBSITE that is causing SEVERAL well-known members of this community to step away due to the "Interpersonal Drama" and "pettiness" I don't care who started it and who is to blame for furthering the issues, look whoever is involved in this needs to stop and do some good reflective thinking on this matter before things get worse...

now I know there are plenty of you who are just as confused as I. but rest assured that this needs to end, I know I'm 100% not the qualified person to be talking about this and I know my place. but people are no longer conferral using this website because of this... whatever is going on!!! just finish your pathetic bickering and be done or take this somewhere else!!!

thank you for your time sincerely ClayMan1077 (some random person on the internet)
Posted by ClayMan1077's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner

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11/13/2022 7:43 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman System
GeorgeJenkins_'s Avatar
11/13/2022 8:28 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
again no idea just herd a bunch of creators were taking a brake or leaving as a result
11/13/2022 5:24 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Theorist
kittywomp's Avatar
it's kind of over now. but it has just been different things over the year that are upsetting to people. no need to bring it back up now; it would be impossible to recount everything that's happened.

A word of advice, though; don't get yourself involved in any sort of drama or bring up past drama on pmc. these things happen on pretty much every online place or social media (and pmc is, absolutely, social media) and they will come and go with time. unfortunately, although i'm sure you mean well, whatever drama you're mentioning is probably just encouraged by this forum.
11/13/2022 7:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
thank you I appreciate your concern
11/13/2022 2:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
If anyone really is taking a vacation from this site, I just hope they're taking their gripes up to Mojang for whatever triggered them. Assuming I'm on the right topic, this Minecraft Live drama is really Mojang's fault. The kicking, biting, and spitting was going to happen regardless, whether on PMC, Twitter, or wherever else MC fans go to hang out. The yearly Mob Votes are just trash, and they have to stop happening.

Most often, the mob votes feature candidates that the players didn't ask for, nor did they come up with the ideas themselves. It's like Mojang went to a mall to try on some clothes and asked us which of their picks is best, not what we would pick. If there's ever going to be another vote (and I'm sure there will be), it needs be along the lines of what part of Minecraft needs an update.

Instead of giving us a prehistoric mob, a cave mob, and a decorative mob, they could just ask us if we want more plants, more cave life, or more interior blocks. They just need to give us less specific details, otherwise the vote has a higher risk of falling out of balance. Preferably, I'd rather have no more Minecon votes, and that Mojang would update and fix their so-called Minecraft Feedback website (which does run on votes!)
11/13/2022 2:40 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
my guy... we're talking about Planet Minecraft Drama between members of the community, NOT MOJANG! tho your concerns are noted thank you and I share your concern.
11/13/2022 4:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Well, I guess I have no idea
Papa Enny
11/11/2022 3:19 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
What's interesting this half year brang a lot of drama in comparission to the first half
11/13/2022 4:36 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Elf
Kaysoka's Avatar
Papa Enny
11/13/2022 5:13 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
11/11/2022 2:41 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
also sorry this had to be my first wall post but also not sorry...
11/13/2022 3:22 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
Tyranas's Avatar
w a l l
Planet Minecraft


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