The ForgeG1's Avatar
We may not be as active as before, but our fire keeps burning.
Master Clan
Level 43
Welcome, Masters and Aprentices, to The Forge, the place for true brotherhood and fellowship.

🛡️The Smith's Shoppe🗡️

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Welcome, traveler. Looking for supplies? We should have whatever you need in our fine Smith's Shoppe. Simply ask, and you shall receive.


Welcome to out lovely shoppe! Here ya'll can ask for requests of art, skins, or other things that fit the theme of The Forge.

It can be just about anything you want within the theme-

And even in a specific style if you want! (but depending on what you request it might take some time due to availability)

It will be done in order dependent on these three elements-

Time (First come first serve!)

Availability (This is dependent on both the style it is as well as who can do it)

And Size (The bigger the project the longer it takes)

Current Requests :

A chestplate for Luminous Gang
Planet Minecraft


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