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DDoSers and Server Owners

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WhitePrivilage_'s Avatar WhitePrivilage_
Level 45 : Master Chef
Today Ima be talking about ddosers and server owners.
I know a lot of people who ddos, (Yeah I realize its illegal and its a federal crime) but when they go on a server and a server owner is rude to their players then the guy who can ddos makes threats. Well then ofc any dumb ass owner would ban them without even thinking! First of all. People can ddos you, or your server reguardless if their banned or not. bannign them will just keep them from comming back. And you would think if they can ddos they would have a VPN and multipul accounts too right? Well ALL of my major haxor friends have at least 5/10 accounts and a vpn. So normally when im banend from a server, I just change my ip with my vpn and get on a new account. (I have 5 accounts myself).

What is a vpn?
A VPN is a virtual private network. Hiding/chaning your real ip and replacing it with some fake IP. You can't be ddos'd if you have a vpn on. That is unless they ddos your vpn then cach your real IP if your not careful.

What is the message in this?
You are NOT safe just because you banend someone who says they will ddos you. In fact your putting yourself in my danger by banning them. Take it from me. Think before you ban someone who can ruin the rest of your day.

Please DIAMOND if you took the time to read this! ect.

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08/22/2013 3:33 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
Joeking73's Avatar
check out my new skin chad
08/17/2013 10:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mrgeenidee2's Avatar
alwaysdata DOT net <-- upload php booter &u can Dos :)
(DDoS is from multiple servers, DoS is from 1 server)
01/28/2015 1:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
Ackirb's Avatar
DDOS'ing is for immature users. Honestly, you have no legitimate justification choosing to DDOS a server instead of simply leaving and finding a better one.

Just remember, children. A VPN doesn't guarantee your anonymity. Someone with a lot of experience with computing (such as myself) can still access your "real" ip address. At that point, whatever happens to you is up to them. Will they DOS you back? Will they report you for "cyber crime"? Or will they choose to not waste their time on you?
Team Vindicta
08/17/2013 9:52 pm
Level 45 : Master Miner
Team Vindicta's Avatar
Well, that wasn't that informative. Duh, people can use VPN's and such to access the server multiple times with the different names. But there isn't really a thing to protect your server from getting Ddossed that isn't Ddos protection which can cost quite a lot. Basically, the Ddoser just sends packets to your server making it crash because of the lag. There isn't really another solution to this either then Ddos protection, right?

EDIT: I sounded quite rude, I didn't mean that. I meant that it didn't tell us what to do in that kind of situation. I didn't mean it to be rude :P
08/17/2013 9:53 pm
Level 45 : Master Chef
WhitePrivilage_'s Avatar
^Says it all
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