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Leadership Qualities, for both members and moderators - with Rangur le Barbare

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hobo joe's Avatar hobo joe
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Have you seen my other blog?

-Creativity, and its influence in Minecraft

Moderators are people selected by higher organizational staff to be able to solve problems and find better solutions between user disputes. Being a moderator for an online site or server can be a vary taxing job because it demands that the selected mod will at least be online once a day, and must help users solve issues no matter their decision. I find it peculiar that everyone wants to be an mod, most likely to gain the special recognition and rake in all the subscriptions and experience points as possible. But, do you ever consider the weighted responsibilities that a "staff member" is put to?

Revenge is NEVER an acceptable solution

If you've ever had a project reported or even removed, like myself, you may become very furious with the mod that posted the dreadful comment, "this project has been removed due to_____, please fix and submit for evaluation". I know it seems unfair, and sometimes projects are reported for the dumbest of reasons, but using this site means that anyone can flag or report your project no matter what may be the truth. Let me tell you that anger is a bad path that may lead to revenge, so refer to Confucius: "He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves, one for his enemy and one for himself". If you have a project that gets reported, then learn from it and do what was requested of you. If you decide not to, then don't be surprised if it were to get reported again.

No one is perfect, its actually a good thing to make mistakes

Believe it or not, I once had a project reported for "Soliciting Diamond". Was I upset? Yes! Was I confused? Absolutely! I learned that what I did was "against the rules", and if I wanted to keep using this site I would have to conform to its standards. But then again, what's so bad about that? I learned that what I did was wrong and that I needed not to do it again. It was ok that I had made a mistake, so I could learn from it.

The same principal is applied vigorously in public education, so you can "learn from your history". For example: if Thomas Edison never figured out how not to make a light bulb, then he would not have been able to learn from his mistakes to find the right way to make a light bulb.


One of the biggest things of any interview/ evaluation is to see if you are mature enough to handle the pressure, but honestly, what does "maturity" really mean? Maturity can be mistaken for the amount of intellect you have obtained or an amount of experience you've gained toward something, but it really means that you've struggled enough and you are ready, for whatever you were struggling for.

-My opinion: maturity is not something one can call themselves to make them seem better, because its something you have to work for. But then again, that's my opinion and you ought to believe what you think is right.

Mod got your tongue?

Sometimes an mod's behavior may seem amoral or just down right mean, but you don't really have any idea of what their coming from. They could have just had to remove a string of projects, report someone they like, or something could be happening in their life that it causing them to act drastically. What should you do, nothing; just give it some time.
*Example of "snarky behavior": if you just did something you didn't want to do that made you furious (for me, it would be my chores), you might not want to do anything for anyone for a given period of time.
*Example of real life-drama: if someone you loved dearly was on their way to Afghanistan for their third time, you would be surrounded in complex emotions. Lets say you were the admin of your server and someone was constantly making redundant requests, you might feel more obligated to boot em' out the door with the ban hammer

**(both of these examples actually happened on the server I play on)**

Leadership obligations of an Admin

I understand some about leadership because I am currently working on my Eagle Scout rank, which is the highest honors given in the Boy Scouts of America. I find in ways that it ties into admin leadership responsibilities in the sense that; you must provide an example for others to follow, if you think your about to do something wrong think it over, don't clamp down on others for ignorant acts, and even organizing and planning out the future to provide assurance.

In ways, I am the admin of my Boy Scout troop being that I am the Senior Patrol Leader, and no matter what I do I must lead by example because when the younger boys come of age to lead they will endorse my leading capabilities, and if I did not do the job well then they will reflect that. I think that the younger boys I lead in my troop go hand in hand with the young users of this site, and weather or not you have a "leadership title", those younger people will always look up to you. So please, set a good example.

I believe that the reason why it is hard for upper level staff to chose moderators and admins is that it is hard to really know if someone is capable of leading by example. So if you ever wish to serve this site as part of their staff, then its never to early to start by showing you can lead by example.

Communication Skills

Communication Skills are vital for every leader to obtain, otherwise they would not be able to share their thoughts and ideas with others. Leaders have to be able to convey ideas with others as well convince people to follow their cause, but if they don't know how to talk with others than its likely that not much will be done. It is unfortunate when you need the help of a server admin, and all that they may reply back with is only a couple of words.

Gaining these skills may come easier to others rather than all, but the biggest thing of communication skills is the ability to start and keep a conversation going. If you learn how to do this, then you are on a great start to obtaining these skills. As long as you can keep a conversation flowing with you thoughts or ideas you should have no trouble speaking to a group, or presenting an idea.

Interview with Ragnur Le Barbare

It is a moderator's weighted responsibility to end as much user disputes as possible, as well as make sure this site stays as clean as possible. I was able to talk with an mod about his view on this topic. The following is an interview with Rangur le Barbare about this topic:

1. What does being a Moderator mean to you?

A. "being a site mod is mainly about keeping PMC clean: it's a pretty great website, and it's a shame to see it invaded with trolls, spammers, and kids who feel entitled to being famous and think that we owe them something. Look in every section of PMC: for one good project/skin/etc., you see at least 9 spam-projects, out of place server advertisements or bad trolling attempt. So yeah, being mod is all about trying to keep PMC free (or as free as we can) of those guys."

2. Could anyone who wanted to, be a moderator?

A. "For question 2, err, 'lolno'. Seriously though, 99% of the people who ask to be mod/admin are only interested with the power they'd gain, and would most likely shun the responsibilities associated with the job. Being mod isn't all fun and games, you also have to deal with the aforementioned rule-breakers, spammers, trolls, people who will make 200 (not kidding, it happened) alternate accounts just to tick you off because you removed their stolen skins. Most people, as I said, wouldn't want to deal with this, and would only brag about having power and being somewhat famous in a very small corner of the internet. That's not 'being a responsible and decent human being', that's just 'being a whiny self-entitled kid'. If you can't be responsible and mature when you deal with your users, you're not mod material."

3. What motivates you to keep doing your job no mater what may be pulling you down?
A. "Someone has to teach them that what they're doing is wrong. It's my job to make sure I can guide and help anyone that needs my assistance. I really enjoy getting to have the opportunity to help others."

4. What advise would you give to others that are hoping to become a leader, either here or els-ware?
A. "Seriously though, be a decent human being, don't make other peoples lives miserable just for fun, be trustworthy, and you're pretty much set."

Do not think I wrote this blog to promote myself for the opportunity of being an mod, I wrote this blog so that maybe someone who is reading it may potentially broaden their own perspective of what it takes to be an admin. The role of a Moderator is not for everyone, its a job and you must treat it like such. If someone from PMC staff were to ever abuse their mod abilities, they would be more likely to get kicked than if you were to copy someone's project; in other words its not something to be taken lightly.

No matter your decision, regardless weather or not you have a leadership "tittle", your peers will always look up to you as well as those younger to you. Set the example you wish for them to follow. That is all this humble hobo has to say about that.

Keep Crafting,

Leadership Qualities, for both members and moderators  - with Rangur le Barbare

Thank you all so much :'D

CreditRagnur Le Barbare

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09/15/2013 9:59 am
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
gothicminecraft's Avatar
111th diamond :D
08/29/2013 7:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EndCraftSurvival's Avatar
This is correct, i currently only have 3 staff because of the things you have listed here.
hobo joe
08/29/2013 10:06 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thank you man, I'm very proud that I could help you :)
05/05/2013 5:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
HumbleHobo's Avatar
Camden, this is seriously one of the best blogs I've ever read. Lol why did you never tell me about it?!? :O
hobo joe
08/29/2013 10:07 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Bro, sorry just found this!
08/29/2013 11:06 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
HumbleHobo's Avatar
Lol, now your building blog is the best ;D
04/15/2013 9:40 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
Spelling mistake. Second paragraph "learn from it" not "learn form it" :P nice blog though diamond
hobo joe
04/15/2013 9:47 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Lol, thanks man (that honestly took me about 5 minutes to find...I need to write less)

Glad to know you liked it, thanks :)
03/22/2013 8:27 am
Level 33 : Artisan Toast
rainbowcuteacorn's Avatar
Here 5 bucks to get yourself a box ^^
hobo joe
03/22/2013 8:28 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Lol thank you!!
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