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Rageman's Rage of the Week - Reading the rules before posting/complaining

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rageman96's Avatar rageman96
Retired Moderator
Level 42 : Master Lad
Well I've spent 4 weeks at home, and I've been on PMC probably 4-5 hours and I've noticed this now so much that I had to do a rage on it, and it will probably be the ragiest blog in a while, so here goes.

Be honest now, who of you reading this has read the rules? I mean all the rules, the site, forum and chat rules. Because it increasingly feels like not many members have. The rules aren't even particularly long, it's not like reading the terms of service of some software, with a Tolkienesque wall of text, that rambles on and on about the same stuff over and over again, for as far as your mouse wheel can scroll. Its 19 paragraphs and it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to read and understand. They are not difficult to understand either, don't flame; listen to the moderators; ito s probably not a good idea to give your personal information to complete strangers Etc etc. I just read through the rules quickly, none of them are difficult to understand, an 8 year old could understand those rules. Now leto s look at rule-breaking on each individual part of the site.

Chat rule-breakers make me laugh more than any other. Even the whole "I never read the rules" excuse (Which most definitely isn't a valid excuse) can't be used here, because the rules are right in front of you. 15 lines, takes about a minute to read and understand those. Yet still people complain they've been treated unfairly. "WTF Rage, why did you infract me?" What do you mean why did I infract you, have you not read the rules? The rules that are right in front of you. And still people complain. Another popular chat complaint is about infractions and bans. People insist they should have received a written warning before being infracted or kicked. Why? It's not our job to tell you the rules, it's our job to enforce them, the infraction is the warning. If you were too lazy to read the rules before posting in chat, then you break one, we'll infract you, simple as. You have no excuse; you should have read the rules. Then when rule breakers realise they won't get their way via this complaint, they try another complaint, the "Ultimate threat", they threaten to report the moderator in question to paril, zaralith or cyprezz. Woah. Srs business guys. This is such an empty and useless threat it's unreal. You can see the reasoning behind it, they think that by threatening it, the moderator will cower down to this members demands, and unban them, and never mess with them again, because they don't want to be demoted. Except, oh wait, the moderation team aren't 5 years old. We have common sense, if you do write a PM to paril, zaralith or cyprezz; it won't come to any fruition if its a baseless claim. What are they going to do? Demote the moderator for doing their job? What do you think goes through Paril's head? "Quick, that moderator infracted someone for spamming chat with their submission, better demote them" No, of course he isn't, he's going to look at your logs, see the moderator did right, and you are just going to end up looking like a bit of a butthurt fool. But that's enough about chat now, onto the forums.

The forums is an area of the site I deal with far less now than I used to, but looking at it, the rule-breakers seem just as foolish as those in chat. I look at those with the most warnings, and some of them are the same warning, they've been punished for the same thing twice. It seems bizarre to me that these people get so many warnings, after 2-3 warnings I'd make a point to check the rules to make sure I don't break them again. After all it's not like you can make another account once you've been banned, having a second account to circumvent a ban you've received is punished with permanent bans, no warnings, just bans. The forum are incorporated with the site rules, so they aren't easy to miss, you should be reading those before you post anywhere on the site.

The "Site" aspect of Planet Minecraft is the area I focus on the most, this is pretty much everything that isn't chat or the forums. And this is where I see a majority of rule-breaking, and get a majority of hate from. In any given day, we're likely to have about a hundred reported submissions to deal with, although 200-300 is a more realistic figure. And we are dealing with these nearly constantly, the amount of submissions being reported every day is huge. And they cover all sorts of topics. Some may just be people who have been banned from a server trying to get their own back, but a huge majority are valid reports, submissions to be removed, and these require a differing amount of effort to investigate. A steve skin or an obviously stolen skin can be removed in seconds, but a texture pack may take 5 minutes to determine. Skins definitely seem to be the most stolen submissions, usually from websites such as minersneedcoolshoes or applications like skindex. These definitely are not valid places to make skins. We know what the most popular skins look like, the parts from the armory, and the base skins. Yet people still upload these and then moan when we remove them. Why? You haven't made the skin, someone else made several parts, you slotted them together, downloaded it and then uploaded it too Planet Minecraft. I get moaned at for all sorts of reasons, but none of them are valid. It's not hard to read the submission rules, they are right above the site rules in the forums, all you have to do is read the universal rules and the rules applying to your submission type. And they're bullet points, they don't take long to read, a mere minute or two. So why are they broken so often? We will punish you with increasing severity each time you break the rules, until you stop breaking the rules and reform yourself, or end up getting perm-banned. And then you can never upload again, so you may want to read those rules.

In reality, I know that this blog will change nothing, it won't stop people from being idiots and breaking the rules, and it certainly won't stop them whining like a petulant 5 year old whose had their toys taken away, every time they are punished for breaking those rules. But if you're reading this, just stop and think, have you read the rules? Because if you haven't, go read them now, and it could save a lot of hassle in the future.

Site rules: www.planetminecraft.com/forums/official-site-rules-t1040.html

Submission Rules: www.planetminecraft.com/forums/rules-submissions-t40929.html

Tl;Dr: Read the rules, read the rules, don't break the rules, if you break the rules-take it like a man, don't whine-it's your fault, read the rules.

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07/22/2013 12:18 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
danmatt1996's Avatar
04/06/2013 6:20 am
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
Liftup's Avatar
Rageman, you should take a photo of how many moans or rage messages you get, then upload in the next rage blog you do.
03/13/2013 1:29 am
Level 21 : Expert Farmer
goreae's Avatar
ugg... I just went ovet to the blogs section, and it seems that there are an average of two valid blogs per page... people are idiots. I did soooo much reporting over there. :P
03/13/2013 12:30 am
Level 21 : Expert Farmer
goreae's Avatar
This is why I "minimod." I basically go around the site and report submissions that break the rules, only getting public about it when they really annoy me, like the recent skydoesminecraft mod. That pissed me off. It got 40+diamonds in a few days because of an obsessive fanbase. But I usually just report and move on. I also provide as much evidence as possible to give the moderators an easier time in their investigation.
03/12/2013 4:04 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nether Knight
HellOnBlocks's Avatar
The really good news is guys, if you flag these rule breaking posts, the site has gotten a lot lot lot better at reviewing them and removing them.

I flagged maybe about 10 pop reel blog posts the other day, and tracked them for removal. The results were very nice.

Just use proper logic when explaining why you thing they should be removed, and know the rules well yourselves before you flag it!

Flag them all guys, their false XP and diamond rewards will be taken away from them. They will feel upset, but they shouldnt have broken the rules int he first place and this will help them to stop!
03/12/2013 6:39 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Spelunker
kaihiwatari55's Avatar
I notice you are a Journeyman Dragon. I am also a Journeyman Dragon.
03/13/2013 6:40 am
Level 36 : Artisan Nether Knight
HellOnBlocks's Avatar
+1 for Dragons :)

I am keeping my title as this, don't matter how high my rank goes.
03/11/2013 9:42 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
IgnoreMyPostsIwas10's Avatar
This blog. ALL TRUE. I especially agree with the part about skins. I reported somebody's skin before because it was a pigman (-_-) and they freaked out. I tell them, "You didn't make it. The skins section is for skins YOU MADE. Not just random skins you found, you can just get this from the 'mobs' folder." and then I think they tried to say this, I'm not sure, they spelled everything wrong and had bad grammar, but, basically, they said, "Yes but I found this I got it out of the minecraft folder and I uploaded it and (etc)", so I told them "That's EXACTLY why you're not supposed to post it, because you didn't make it". (Many arguments later... and a lot of whining from him...) "So basically you're saying you just took this and uploaded it so it's yours and you made it now? You realize that's against the rules." and then he says, and I quote, "Yes and f*** the police" except he didn't censor it. And I said "You're annoying." or something like that, and he just said it again. Also, he made a skin called "Medieval Skin" that had NO information, was a HEROBRINE SKIN, and I said "What the heck? You didn't even make this, it isn't medieval, and you didn't even give a description. This isn't a contest entry... It's breaking pretty much all the rules of the contest." And so his excuse is "herobrine = old midevil = old so its a midevil skin." and just ignored the fact he didn't make it. I'm very glad that (Well, at least, I'm pretty sure they are) those skins are removed. I've had to fight with a lot of people over skins like this. One time it had The_Soup's hoodie with a pig on it, and I flagged it for stealing, but they insisted they didn't steal it and said "i made it on the miners need cool shoe skins editor" And I told them, "That's STILL against the rules. Using the armory to get parts for your skin means YOU DIDN'T MAKE THOSE PARTS. So now it's flagged for two reasons. Good for you :D". Overall, great blog.
03/11/2013 9:29 pm
Level 45 : Master Batman
DrThresh's Avatar
One thing to note, humans are inherently lazy, which is why we're always looking for the most efficient route possible, and probably why we all seem to accommodate for this. So with that, you might want to make those links clickable :P
Daisy Rose
03/11/2013 7:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
Daisy Rose's Avatar
Thank you for this blog. You should also add about the rule in Section 2: MODERATING that states "DO NOT re-edit out moderaters' changes," and " If you topic is removed, merged, or deleted, DO NOT re-post it in the same or another (sub)forum." This rule I find very important, because I see the same comment being posted five times after being deleted. And I know this mainly applies to forums, but it should also specifically apply to posts such as skins, mods, and blogs. I see so many skins that are taken down but then soon posted by the same person just because he got mad that his post was taken down.
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