This Blog is an entry in the completed "Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Robbing the horrors (Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest)

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
WARNING:some people may find the images disturbing you have been warned!

There is a big mansion in a dark forest that has been untouched for a lot of years by now. there lived a very rich family for a long long time and after there death many people tried to rob the mansion but they never came back for some resson. But one man was stupid enough to try it, his name was Daniel. he grew up on a farm with his family and during his childhood he liked to steal thing even if it got him in truble. When he heard about the story of the rich families death he started to gear up to rob the place, he didn't cared about the story of people not coming back he only wanted the treasure so he could escape the pain in his life . and he will kill anyone who stood in his path.

Robbing the horrors (Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest)

when night fell Davin came to the old mansion and was shocked on how big it was it said in the newspaper it was big but not that big. David looked around to see if anyone was there and saw no one so he walked to the door to get in, but there was one tiny problem it was locked. David laughed at it “hah easy” and kicked the door with his foot the door broke and inside was pitch black. he looked behind him if anyone still followed but no one was in sight, he equipped his lantern and walked in. The room was cold but that didn't stop him. He looked around and saw some stairs leading up to the 2nd floor, he pulled out his sword if anyone attacked him and walked up. the stairs were very noisy and old he was getting scared that someone might hear him but once he got to the 2nd floor there were 3 doors in sight. He went to the nearest door opened it slowly, it looked like a bedroom for the wife and husband. Near the window there was an opened chest full of jewelry and gold. "my life is now finally completed no more pain and problem just sunshine and sweet music" he whispered to himself then walked to the chest with a smile on his face.

Robbing the horrors (Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest)

he opened his bag and started stealing the loot. The bag was full in just second but there was still gold in the chest. "meh I will come back tomorrow maybe but this will do for now" he then left the bedroom in happiness. There were still 2 doors left to explore but he didn't cared his pockets were already full of gold so he decided to get out of the mansion and quick before someone comes. He walked down the stairs in a hurry and when he came down he saw that the door was closed and not broken anymore. "what in god's name?" he whispered, he walked to the door to examine it. The door looked in good condition and unbreakable, David started to panic he looked for a way out and looked for any windows to climb out. He found some windows but they were all bricked up and there was no way out. "no this can't be happening not right now" he started to breath very heavy and cold sweat was dripping down from his face. he looked around him for an other way out but no luck. David heard voices coming from the 2nd floor which scared him even more, all he heard was crying, banging and screaming. Davin started running to an other room. Once he reached a room that looked like a kitchen, there was a big iron door on the right side on the kitchen wall. "I hope that’s the exit " David ran to the door and opened it with force then when it opened there was living a nightmare he never imagined in his life.

Robbing the horrors (Mystery in the Mansion" - Blog Contest)

All that came from the rotting corpse of what looked like a little girl were screams and blood coming thru her mouth and eyes. Davin closed the door and started crying. He knew he was about to die tonight but not without a fight. "maybe that girl was guarding the exit or it was just my imagination" he said to himself. David took the chance and tried to open the door but first he placed his ear on the door and listened for any voices. the only thing he hear was heavy running coming to the kitchen. "f*ck this " David and opened the door, there was no one inside he closed the door behind him and ran deep inside the hallway. he was starting to cry again and said "I'm sorry mom and dad you were right about me I am an idiot for doing these things I’m an idiot" later he started to walk deeper inside while holding his blade in front of him. While walking in the dark cold hallway he heard sounds coming behind him. Davin started to run at full speed, in seconds he saw 2 doors in front of him. The left door was black with a satanic symbol on it and the right one was also black but with a upside down cross. He went inside the right and closed the door. The room smelled like rotten flesh, David turned on his lantern one more time and what he saw a room full of dead corpses. "God help us all what is happening" he cried. David heard heavy footsteps coming quickly behind him he jumped behind the pile of dead corpses and skeletons and played dead.

(this are just hallowen dolls to scare people)

The door slowly opened and inside walked in a giant man with a goats skull for a head, he looked around for a second walked to the bodies and picked up a random body and left. Davin turned on his lantern with not much fuel left inside and saw the horrors. "I will give him justice murderers like this don’t deserve to live" Davin opened the door slowly and peeked thru. No one was there, stepped out covered in blood and walked to the other room. The door opened and there was a long stairway leading down to the basement. David slowly walked down and listened for any voices, what he heard was weird demonic voices coming bellow. Davin started to walk a bit faster too see what was happening, now he was very close to the demonic voices and went behind a wall that had a entry and peaked inside. What he saw was the same man before.

The man was inside a circle with a star symbol, there was thick red smoke around him, just second later the man disappeared in to thin air. David walked inside the room full of candles and dead bodies, he also sawed old books and a table with a chair next to it above it was a red and white flag with a satanic symbol on it. David opened the book that was on the table and there was a ritual for a teleportation spell.

"this is my way out... let's try it" David steeped in the circle and followed the steps from the book. while the ritual was starting to work David was also looking around the room.

Povezana slika

In just seconds he saw a face staring at him with white eyes and a bloody mouth from a door. David panicked and was quickly teleported outside the mansion. his head was hurting for some seconds and stopped "I made it I bloody made it" Davin screamed with joy. Just when he was about to leave this nightmare he saw the man with a goat skull for a head. The man screamed at him with anger. David was shocked and pulled out his sword and screamed "get back you demonic freak I will kill you" The man was laughing at him and putted his hands in the air and froze. The floor started to shake hard and thru the ground came corpses of the dead and were very angry at David.

One started to run to David, but got his head sliced off by David’s sword and the corpse of the zombie fell down and was not moving anymore. David then ran away from the area there were just too many undead coming towards him and also that crazy man started chasing him. While David was still running he saw the sun was coming up. "HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME" David was screaming and running to the top of a hill nearby. He fell down from exhaustion, the undead were still running towards him and when they were just meters away they stopped. The man came to him and said "you dared to rob me you filthy coward now you will pay the price" Davin then replied with "I don't give a f*ck what you care" he spited on the man’s head and stabbed him in the leg. the man started to laugh "you can't kill me with that hahaha I’m more powerful than you" the man grabbed him and just when he was about to break his neck he saw the sun. The man screamed "NO NO NOT NOW " the sun light was his weakness for him and his undead army, he and his undead army started to scream in pain. The man let go of Davin and began burning in flames. In just seconds he and his army turned in to bones and ashes, the souls of the undead were escaping in the air. Davin looked down from the hill and all he saw was a pile of bones and ashes everywhere.

Davin looked in the sunlight and was very happy he lived. He also noticed he still had the loot from the mansion and said to himself. "I promise that I will never steal anymore mom and dad I really promise" Davin started to pray for all those souls who escaped the torture in hopes they will find a better place. Later David sited down on the grass and with a smile he was looking in the clouds above him and the sunlight shining on his face and the grass.

the end

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by DUCATISLO 11/13/2017 1:56:50 pmNov 13th, 2017

edited some text

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05/06/2024 1:25 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
wow this was cringe af
11/12/2017 10:06 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ranger
JustAnNCRRanger05's Avatar
atleast it's about a mansion unlike some other submission.
12/02/2017 11:31 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
11/11/2017 11:59 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Cib's Avatar
I'm am deeply concerned about the graphical content and mention in your entry.

The contest details clearly states "Your task is to write a story filled with mystery. You can decide what the mystery is, but please do not make it too grotesque"
11/12/2017 3:44 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
I looked through it, nothing too bloody, although some people may find it disturbing. To be fair some people find literally a single drop of blood to be disturbing so warning fair enough.
11/14/2017 7:51 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
Your stories are covered in blood.
11/20/2017 4:05 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Yes. Most gruesome yet is my entry for this contest.
11/21/2017 10:55 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
raisa's Avatar
Mine so far is just basically about falling off stairs...

With literally no mention of Minecraft in it.
11/11/2017 4:12 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
There are a few grammatical mistakes that you might want to fix, other than that it’s pretty good.
11/12/2017 2:10 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Mountaineer
ok thanks
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