Minecraft Data Packs / Other

[TEMPLATE] Music Resource Pack Template for easy modification

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    SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar SirMephistoPheles666
    Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist

    For 10 years I've been making resource packs that change the game's music according to my mood, my current play and game style or for a specific theme/meme. It always bothered me how I never found an easy to use template pack so when I take a break I won't have to look at Mojang's changed game indexes, search the hash codes one by one in notepad to see whether or not my previous music pack is still useable or the devs completely change the system. Today I spent 3 hours just to double check and make sure that I created a well working template pack for custom music thus all I have to do is replace the empty/hollow files inside and zip it to make a new resource pack. I can only hope Mojang won't change the system with the upcoming 1.17 update and all I'll have to do is to add a few other files to the template.


    • Everything is in their respective place signifying what music it is
    • The files are hollow thus small file size is expected
    • Easy download
    • Easy replacement
    • Just zip it when you've replaced the music you wish to use

    Update! (important!):

    Many users complained that their PC freezes, slows down when working with the .ogg files (deleting, renaming, moving them) I provided in the template resource pack. I cannot stress this enough in the comments and many of you doesn't feel like reading my replies thus keep coming to me with the same complaints I'll try to explain the issue with the .ogg (vorbis) files. The issue is NOT caused by my template, nor the resource pack I provided. Before publishing any of my data/resource packs I thoroughly test them not to upload anything buggy. Thus there is nothing wrong with this resource pack of mine. The issues are NOT caused by the empty .ogg vorbis files I provided as placeholders. The issues of your PC freezing, slowing down, crashing or not even doing anything when handling vorbis files is on Microsoft, not me. For over a decade now Windows produced these very same issues when doing file operations with vorbis files. Don't believe me? See for yourself in the outlined words that are clickable links. Even though I tried to ease this problem by replacing the empty placeholder .ogg files with 1 seconds of silence (actual audio) so as of 1.19.4 the .ogg files within the template are not placeholders but actual, silent audio files that shouldn't give anyone any trouble to delete if unused... there still could be issues with handling vorbis files thanks to Microsoft not fixing them permanently. Happy trails partner!

    How to use:

    1. Download the .zip file
    2. Unzip it into a folder
    3. Open the assets folder then go to >minecraft>sounds>music or records depending which one you want to change
    4. Look up their names on Youtube, for example in case of records "Minecraft 11.ogg" then you can listen which song it is (WARNING! You cannot play the .ogg files in this template resource pack as music files for I'm not allowed to redistribute Mojang's music and as I mentioned above these files are empty shortcut files. Mere placeholders for you to see which music file contains the given music originally by name. You cannot play and listen to them. Stop asking and reporting that you can't! Obviously you can't...)
    5. Download a song you wish to replace it with in .ogg file format (I personally use 4k video downloader to download and convert in one go but there are several other tools as well)
    6. After you are finished with replacing the music you wish to use in-game, delete all the other .ogg files you haven't modified (This is very important. If you don't delete the files you haven't modified the game won't play anything in their place once the resource pack is active since they're empty shortcut files)
    7. Modify the pack.mcmeta in your downloaded "Custom Music & Recording Hollow Template 1.0.0" directory with the appropriate description of what you modified and then the pack.png if you want to use custom cover art
    8. ZIP the assets folder, pack.mcmeta and pack.png then you're good to go
    Congrats! You've made a custom music pack/resource pack!
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
    toMinecraft 1.20

    10 Update Logs

    Update #10 : by SirMephistoPheles666 07/08/2023 4:54:09 amJul 8th, 2023


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    05/10/2024 11:29 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User5132590G's Avatar
    i changed the music disc files but when i play them in game they just don't play any sound help
    12/18/2023 5:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    String123's Avatar
    it didn't work. sometimes it plays my music and other times it plays the game music despite me literally having my music as the same file name as the old music. and ofc its all the garbage new music that manages to play. and i made sure i didn't misspell anything
    08/04/2023 10:48 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    aqualisa's Avatar
    Heyy I've completed the steps but it shortens the song i put in, (presumably to the length of the original song). Is there a way to lengthen it?
    08/04/2023 1:01 pm
    Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
    SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
    I'm unsure. I've heard tales that the new 1.20 update makes it so that every song plays only until the original one's length in its place. I've not tested this yet for I didn't have the time. I'll try to get to it to confirm if this is the culprit. If it is, then that's it folks. We won't be able to replace any music in-game with any song of any length as in the past 12 years.
    12/19/2023 3:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Spartan_Jury's Avatar
    This seems to be true, I'm trying to play a 6 min version of pigstep and it gets cut off at the original song's length
    04/20/2024 5:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    User4700324G's Avatar
    did you ever figure it out?
    07/24/2023 11:23 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    aaronpow's Avatar
    hello! im currently on step 5. im confused on what to do, how do i replace the files? i have my .ogg file but not sure where to go next. thank you! :)

    nevermind i got it! thank you!!!!
    08/04/2023 7:22 am
    Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
    SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
    Hi! So, for example you want to replace a song that plays in game in the background like piano1.ogg. Then after you downloaded the track in vorbis file format rename it to piano1.ogg. Delete or replace the original piano1.ogg that you can find in the attached resource pack. If you want to replace other music in game, like piano2.ogg or nuance1.ogg or records like strad.ogg or mall.ogg then do this for them as well. Once you finished replacing/overwriting the tracks you wished to modify delete all other .ogg files in the resource pack that you didn't touch. Zip all the folders and you're done. You've made a music resource pack. If something isn't clear check the video.
    07/09/2023 7:18 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    Hello, I'm someone who makes music resourcepacks (only to modify records) since last year, I don't know if you're aware of this, but since 1.19.1 music resourcepacks that change records got ruined, at least if you're playing in survival and no cheats allowed, because if you use /playsound the records work properly, I have this wall post explaining the thing.
    07/11/2023 1:12 am
    Level 64 : High Grandmaster Botanist
    SirMephistoPheles666's Avatar
    Nope. That doesn't seem to be the case. Seems like that's only you. After this comment of yours I made a fresh resource pack, replacing every record with another song. Tested them in both creative and survival. Both in cheats on and cheats off. Works like charm.
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