A jam converted from a legacy contest
  • Jam Hosts

    PMC's AvatarAyreTV's Avatarcarloooo's AvatarGazamo's AvatarHONNICON2's AvatarImperiumMC's AvatariRapp's Avatarlentebriesje's AvatarOliverFrenchie's AvatarSilverLeopard101's Avatar
  • Joined

    PixelCrash_'s AvatarMeester Curly's AvatarDivineMedicus's AvatarGamerAPTFour's AvatarBlockWorks's Avatarfarbenemo1's Avatariltkamil's Avatarmcnelex's AvatarXanoxian's AvatarFootball101's AvatarPixelGamePL's AvatarSNIP3RxPC's AvatarSunfury's AvatarEverbloomStudios's Avatarminecraftdude113's AvatarHydraxus's Avatarepicengineer55_23's AvatarTeamPwnCraft's AvatarHollax's AvatarGeneralOctavius's AvatarHerion's AvatarChauxz's AvatarFedoraMinecraft_'s AvatarOaqm's AvatarCrafty's Avataralistairw's Avatarwi001's AvatarMatthieu_'s AvatarSyncre's Avataralaxos's AvatarNoro's AvatarEcaogrim's AvatarAnotherSatsuma's Avatarnighthawk173's AvatarEmerald Seeker MC's Avatarblukiller 1's Avatarbacsi97's AvatarMegaSkillz's Avatarhoganas187's Avatartreker2's AvatarEpicprince_123's AvatarElrinir MMORPG's AvatarSoulas's AvatarProfEnderboss's AvatarRift_The's Avatarmrstreetcreed's Avatar2D Applez's AvatarBlastedEuro's Avatarthe forrbidden ninja's AvatarCaptianDynamite's AvatarsuperAXE999's AvatarGuineaPigFilms's Avatarbowbuilder's Avatarepicwarrior33's AvatarManMachine's AvatarTecnoWarrior's Avatarkilleris4230's AvatarFakeMrNibbs's Avatardennis28's AvatarC-Hawk-Eye's Avatarlegius400's AvatarRetroCityRampage's Avatarwaiteingforthejoe's Avatar
  • Jam Overview

    Jam is over.
    It ran from October 2, 2014 @ 4:00 pm UTC to November 1, 2014 @ 4:00 pm UTC
    View results

    Basic Summary

    Finalists Jam accepted Maps from participants.
    Requires maps are downloadable.

    Read the about for more information.


    Ranked by Judges - Only members of the jam assigned with judging permission can vote.
    Entries can't be updated during the judge phase.
    30 day entry period.

    Rating Criteria

    1. Concept & Originality
      Rated 1 to 10
    2. Technique & Execution
      Rated 1 to 10
    3. Presentation
      Rated 1 to 10
  • About

    Converted Legacy Event

    This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

    The Contest Theme : Industrial Revolution!

    With his heavenly realm newly built behind him, Steve was once again left with endless time and ambition, with nothing to capture his attention. Over and over again, he had traveled to a new land, face the land’s challenges, conquer them one by one, and build his home there in a splendor like nothing the world had ever seen. He had conquered the high clouds of heaven, the deep pits of the Nether, the shadowy, flooded corners of the dark caverns, and even his old tropical island home.

    Each time, though, Steve was left to do the work all by himself, with no companions by his side. He had not a single friend, nor an animal companion such as a cat or a dog. He was lonely. However, Steve was no normal man… a friend or a pet would not suit him. He had great potential than that. And so his careful watch upon the skies began.

    It had been a few weeks before he finally spotted what he had been searching for. While lounging about on the edge of a cloud, he spotted a dark shadow fly across the pillowy surface of the cloud below his own. A dragon! Noting the direction of the sun as to track the dragon’s movements, Steve broke into a sprint across the soft surface, ending his run with a jump off the edge of the cloud, and he fell headlong for what seemed like so long…

    It was two weeks later when a villager noticed the shadow of the dragon dart across the rooftops of his village. As he retreated into his home for shelter, he couldn’t help but notice something; the dragon had a rider.

    Finally, Steve landed where his new companion, his dragon, made its home; a barren land coated in stone and rock, with small lava flows spurting from the mountainsides. Steve smoothly stepped off the back of his new companion, and viewed the land. More dragons flew about in huge numbers, jumping from one peak to another, and Steve was in awe. Happy to have found his new home, but unsure of what to do, Steve set about observing the land around him.

    Seeing the colossal clusters of ore poking out of the sides of the cliff faces and mountains, Steve made his decision; using these ores, he would create an industrial power like nothing ever seen before, harnessing the stone, rock, lava, and dragons to create an industry to revolutionize the world.

    And that first night, he began his work...

    TLDR; Welcome to the tenth Project Contest!


    This time, the goal is to build an industrial wonder. It's all up to your imagination.
    All entries must be built on the custom map provided.

    Third party texture packs are NOT allowed this contest. You need to use the default texture pack; this makes it more fair for each user. If you are found presenting your build in texture packs outside of default, your project will be disqualified.
    Read rules carefully.

    Projects will be judged on the following criteria:
    • 1) Concept & Originality - the more original your idea, the better! It's always more fun to see a fresh, new idea, rather than an old concept that's been done a thousand times.
    • 2) Technique & Execution - make sure your build flows together well. Make sure that each element matches the next. Attention to color and shape is key, and don't forget about detail!
    •    3) Presentation & Experience - a good build is never just an empty shell! Interior design can help the presentation of your build     immensely. Spend time presenting your project on PMC with quality screenshots, videos and descriptions. Remember, Photoshop     does not make the build! Rely on your project to present itself!

    STEP ONE: Download the custom map!

    Map created by Ajoyboy of the Athion Network

    STEP TWO: Builds have to be original works created specifically for this contest.

    - Projects entered into this contest must be conceptualized and created for this contest by you.

    [b][u]What's Allowed:[/u][/b]
    • Creative Mode
    • Map Editing Tools: MCEdit, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit
    • Teamwork: you can recruit help from others but you are the mastermind/team leader. They must understand that only you can enter the final project and potentially win. If there is significant drama about who created the project, we will disqualify it.
    • Shader Mods; shaders are allowed in presenting your build via video and screenshots
    • Taking inspiration from existing work; you may base your project off of another game, movie, or work of art, but it must overall be original work (i.e. - you like Stormwind from WoW, and you want to recreate it - using the architectural style and theme is allowed, but no verbatim copies of layouts, designs, or specific elements of the project)

    What's Not Allowed: The following will result in disqualification.

    • Third party texture packs are NOT allowed this contest. You need to use the default texture pack; this makes it more fair for each user. If you are found presenting your build in texture packs outside of default, your project will be disqualified.
    • Do not use constructions created before the contest's announcement date, even if you are the original author.
    • Do not use 3D or 2D auto conversion / import scripts.
    • Do not import schematics from the past.
    • Do not use third party mods that introduce new blocks that are unobtainable in vanilla Minecraft.
    • We can disqualify at any time, including after the submission period. Do not cheat.
    • Heavy photoshopping of screenshots and video. At least 75% of your screenshots should be completely unaltered and taken straight from the game (shaders are allowed; post-screenshot editing is not). If you do not have a sufficient amount of unaltered screenshots, your project will be disqualified. Please make sure you have some nice interior shots. It's tough for the judges to really get a good idea of the map from birds-eye view shots.
    • TERRAIN EXPANSION AND EDITING: In this contest, the provided map is an industrial-based island. You are allowed to expand the map, but only in certain ways. Expanding the map vertically (IE, creating a floating island above the rest of the island) is allowed, and so vertically your expansion is not limited. If you want to build all the way to the sky limit, feel free to. However, expanding the map horizontally (IE, expanding the island outwards into the ocean, or creating another island in the ocean provided on the map) is absolutely not allowed. Meanwhile, any editing of the original island itself is allowed (IE, destroying a mountain or raising another).

       We can disqualify at any time, including after the submission period. Do not cheat.

       All of the normal rules of the site apply in this contest. Essentially summed up as; make your own work.

       *Rules are subject to change each contest, make sure to read the rules every time you enter!


    STEP THREE: Submit project WITH download to PMC during entry period.

    Take quality screenshots and submit the project like usual but check the box indicating it's for the contest. It's important to capture the highlights of your project with quality screenshots. Think of it like an actual photo shoot. Take your time and consider lighting, composition and the overall story your gallery will present to your viewers. To make it to the finalists, you will need to make an impression.

    You don't have to upload your map until you're finished. Feel free to post your project during development to show off what you're building and to receive feedback. Just don't forget to upload the final map before the entry period ends!

    How to prepare your project for download

       Step 1: Locate your Minecraft "Saves" folder.
    • a) Start Minecraft.
    • b) Click "Texture Packs".
    • c) Click "Open Texture Pack Folder".
    • d) Go to the parent folder. One back from where you are.
    • e) Click "Saves". See your world folder? Good.

       Step 2: Prepare your world for upload by compressing it into a single file.
    • a) Right click the folder containing the world you want to upload.
    • b) Windows : Click "Send To > Compressed (zip) folder. If you do not have this option. 7-zip is an free open source compression application.
    • c) Upload the zipped world to a free shared host. Example:

       Step 3: Create your project on PMC and include the link to the file in the "World Save" field. Good luck!

    One entry only: Each user will only be permitted to submit one project for this contest. You may edit your one entry as long as the contest is still running. If you decide to change your submission at any point, you are free to do so. However, you should not delete your original entry. Instead, use the "update submission" button to save the new file over your old one, and change the submission title if necessary.

    Entry period: October 2nd, 2014 @ 12:00 PM EST to November 1st, 2014 @ 12:00 PM EST. Entries submitted after this date will not be accepted.

    Above all else: Have fun!

    Contests are here for the community to have fun interpreting a common theme. Take the contest theme and run with it, maybe even come up with a story to guide your work and enhance your presentation page. Remember, you have three weeks to do this. You don't need to put something up right away - and even if you chose to, you're allowed to update your submission as many times as you want before the end of the submission period on November 1st, 2014 @ 12:00 PM EST
    This contest is not a random drawing - the submissions are judged by a panel of longstanding members with a great deal of experience with Minecraft projects. It will not help you to submit anything less than fantastic, so take your time.

    1st Place

    • Prizes : $60 worth of Steam Game(s). Games will be gifted to your Steam account. Winner may choose more than one game but the total must be $60 or less. Must have a Steam account to claim prize, no substitutes.
    • A Contest Themed, Gold, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    2nd Place

    • $30 worth of Steam Game(s). Games will be gifted to your Steam account. Winner may choose more than one game but the total must be $30 or less. Must have a Steam account to claim prize, no substitutes.
    • A Contest Themed, Silver, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    3rd Place

    • $20 worth of Steam Game(s). Games will be gifted to your Steam account. Winner may choose more than one game but the total must be $20 or less. Must have a Steam account to claim prize, no substitutes.
    • Contest Themed, Bronze, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    All Participants

    • A Contest Themed, Pixel Art Badge/Medal for Member's Profile Trophy Case.


    Here is a list of the current submissions.

    Phase #1: Entry Period : ~4 weeks

    Typically, 4 weeks, read rules carefully. This is the time that everyone has to create and submit a contest entry. During this time, judges are reviewing entries, anonymously voting and disqualifying those that don't meet the contest requirements. The PMC community is doing the same.

    Phase #2: Review Period : 5 days

    After submissions are closed, judges get 5 additional days to review late entries and cast their final votes. Their votes are heavily weighted in an algorithm that includes the community's votes and activity to determine the finalists.

    Phase #3: Finalists Calculated : Judges cast criteria ratings

    After the finalists are calculated, judges begin anonymously rating each entry based on the following criteria on a scale of 1-10:
    • 1) Concept & Originality - the more original your idea, the better! It's always more fun to see a fresh, new idea, rather than an old concept that's been done a thousand times.
    • 2) Technique & Execution - make sure your build flows together well. Make sure that each element matches the next. Attention to color and shape is key, and don't forget about detail!
    • 3) Presentation & Experience - a good build is never just an empty shell! Interior design can help the presentation of your build immensely. Spend time presenting your project on PMC with quality screenshots, videos and descriptions. Remember, Photoshop does not make the build! Rely on your project to present itself!

    Once the site detects that all judges have cast their ratings on all finalists, the winners are announced.


    Judges will be encouraged to participate, but will be disqualified from winning prizes.
  • Jam Entries

  • Jam Results

    During this jam, 109 entries were submitted between October 2, 2014 @ 4:00 pm UTC and November 1, 2014 @ 4:00 pm UTC.
    432 ratings were given to 48 finalists between November 1, 2014 @ 4:00 pm UTC and November 20, 2014 @ 5:00 pm UTC.
    The average number of ratings per entry was 9.00 and the median was 9.
    • Evorium - The Cloud Conjurer
      Complex Map
      73.8k 10.6k 226
      x 20
      Hydraxus's Avatar Hydraxus 11/1/14 9:55
    • Ranked 1st for overall jam
      with a score of 25.778 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality2nd8.4448.44410
      Technique & Execution1st9.0009.00010
      Overall Score1st25.77825.77830
    • BlockWorks Inc.
      Complex Map
      44.2k 1.1k 167
      x 20
      BlockWorks's Avatar BlockWorks 11/1/14 11:57
    • Ranked 2nd for overall jam
      with a score of 25.444 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality1st8.6678.66710
      Technique & Execution2nd8.4448.44410
      Overall Score2nd25.44425.44430
    • Recraftia - Devourer of Nature [Sunfury] 3rd Place!
      3D Art Map
      32.4k 3.8k 82
      x 14
      Sunfury's Avatar Sunfury 11/1/14 11:07
    • Ranked 3rd for overall jam
      with a score of 23.556 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality3rd8.2228.22210
      Technique & Execution5th7.2227.22210
      Overall Score3rd23.55623.55630
    • PROJECT:2054 - ENV
      Land Structure Map
      13.7k 1.1k 63
      x 18
      EverbloomStudios's Avatar EverbloomStudios 11/28/14 7:37 • posted 11/1/14 11:03
    • Ranked 4th for overall jam
      with a score of 23.556 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality4th7.7787.77810
      Technique & Execution3rd8.2228.22210
      Overall Score4th23.55623.55630
    • Operation I.R.O.N. Contest Entry
      Land Structure Map
      8.8k 232 54
      x 9
      FunVille's Avatar FunVille 11/1/14 7:48 • posted 10/19/14 4:03
    • Ranked 5th for overall jam
      with a score of 22.111 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality6th7.2227.22210
      Technique & Execution4th7.3337.33310
      Overall Score5th22.11122.11130
    • Rhandror - A Tyrannical Takeover
      Land Structure Map
      6.2k 522 58
      x 19
      SNIP3RxPC's Avatar SNIP3RxPC 11/1/14 11:09
    • Ranked 6th for overall jam
      with a score of 20.556 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality5th7.3337.33310
      Technique & Execution6th7.1117.11110
      Overall Score6th20.55620.55630
    • Factory of Crazy Machines [Contest]
      3D Art Map
      8.5k 753 27
      x 13
      farbenemo1's Avatar farbenemo1 11/1/14 11:55
    • Ranked 7th for overall jam
      with a score of 20.333 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality7th7.1117.11110
      Technique & Execution8th6.5566.55610
      Overall Score7th20.33320.33330
    • Shantus Karloon - The Primed Island
      3D Art Map
      7.3k 345 75
      x 18
      Meester Curly's Avatar Meester Curly 11/1/14 11:58
    • Ranked 8th for overall jam
      with a score of 20.222 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality9th6.5566.55610
      Technique & Execution7th7.0007.00010
      Overall Score8th20.22220.22230
    • Reurok Ironworks | Industrial Revolution entry | 10th
      Land Structure Map
      7.9k 687 13
      x 17
      Xanoxian's Avatar Xanoxian 11/1/14 11:23
    • Ranked 9th for overall jam
      with a score of 19.778 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality10th6.5566.55610
      Technique & Execution10th6.4446.44410
      Overall Score9th19.77819.77830
    • ALTAIA PUNK [industrial revolution contest] [11th]
      Land Structure Map
      12.7k 1.4k 51
      x 20
      mrstreetcreed's Avatar mrstreetcreed 7/30/19 3:42 • posted 10/26/14 7:29
    • Ranked 10th for overall jam
      with a score of 19.333 out of 30 from 9 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality8th6.5566.55610
      Technique & Execution11th6.2226.22210
      Overall Score10th19.33319.33330
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