When the imposter is... submerged
Completed Unranked Jam for Skins, Texture Packs, Mods and Data Packs
Make anything related to snorkeling and marine biology!
  • About

    Make anything related to snorkeling and marine biology! If it isn't it's an automatic -10 for effort & you'll be disqualified.
  • Jam Overview

    Jam is over.
    It ran from November 1, 2023 @ 5:00 am UTC to January 25 @ 5:59 pm UTC
    View all entries

    Basic Summary

    Unranked Jam accepted up to 2 Skins, Texture Packs, Mods and Data Packs from participants.
    Accepts texture pack resolution of 16x, 32x, 64x and 128x.
    Accepts standard and 2x HD resolution skins.

    Read the about for more information.

    Rating Criteria

    1. Is it pretty?
      Ahhh, the wonder of marine biology!
      Rated 1 to 10
    2. Is it snorkel/ocean-involved?
      If not then it will definitely be disqualified.
      Rated 1 to 10


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    • SharKevan37's Avatar
      SharKevan37 posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 22, 2024, 12:43 pm to Public
      She sells seashells by the seashore,
      While the waves gently crash against the shore.
      The shells are a beauty, they gleam and shine,
      With the sunlight dancing off of their shine.
      Now the seagulls fly up above the seas,
      And the smell of the salty-sea air is free.
      But soon another scent wafts through the air,
      The smell of something that shouldn't be there....
      A fishy smell, not quite a breeze,
      Is a smell much more unpleasant than those....

      The smell has only worsened, it's now a stench
      So what could it be? Where is it coming from?
      But just as this smell had become nearly unbearable,
      With just a little curiosity, I went to investigate the matter.
      I look all around me, in every nook and cranny
      This smell is only getting stronger, it must be something pretty nasty

      I search high and low, but this smell is still lingering
      It's getting really unpleasant and beginning to sting.
      Then in the corner of my eye, I notice something strange.
      There's a fish there, but not just any fish.
      This fish stands on two feet, like me and you.
      But he isn't just any old fish, nah he has a secret too.
      It's the famous puffer fish who sells RPGs!.

      And as I get close, he speaks so mysteriously
      He says to me, "You smell that? That's no mystery."
      "This smelly stench is something I can fix
      If you have a few bucks, then I have a trick!"

      The puffer fish explains,
      He has a solution that's all-encompassing.
      Then he reaches into a pouch under his fin
      And out he pulls a shiny black bomb.
      He gives me a wicked grin, and whispers in a raspy voice,
      "This'll blow away that smell for sure, without a trace or any trace of fuss."

      I'm hesitant at first, but the fish reassures me,
      With just a few words, he puts my mind at ease.
      The fish says, "Look buddy, I've done this before
      This black bomb is my stock-in-trade, and it has never failed to work.

      "The fish's words had convinced me,
      And I had finally come to a decision.
      I told the fish that he could have my money,
      As long as he made sure this stench was gone
      The fish nodded and smiled,
      And a wicked glint entered his eyes.
      He said, "My friend, you made a good decision,
      Let me just throw this bomb outside, and then you'll be the best off.

      The puffer fish threw the bomb outside,
      But it didn't explode or make a sound.
      The fish started laughing and then he laughed some more,
      When I asked him for a refund, he yelled "no refunds!"
      The fish explained to me,
      That he had tricked me, and that he had conned me.
      He had stolen my money, and now I was broke,
      As the puffer fish ran off, he said, "you sucker, you're a dope!"

      And as he ran away with my money,
      A feeling of dread washed over me.
      I felt defeated and stupid for believing his lies,
      But what could I do, except accept my loss?
      The only thing I was left with now,
      Was the awful stench that I couldn't endure or get rid of.

      She sells seashells, by the smell shore
      Team UNNAMED said 2024-06-01 16:01:10
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    • dancing reaper's Avatar
      dancing reaper posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 17, 2024, 12:47 pm to Public
      I am sad that this jam will end soon. pls make a new one!
    • WillTheWise11's Avatar
      WillTheWise11 posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 16, 2024, 10:21 am to Public
      ~ Post to Seashell Jam's guest book.
    • WillTheWise11's Avatar
      WillTheWise11 posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 14, 2024, 8:50 pm to Public
      She sells seashells by the seashore,
      While the waves gently crash against the shore.
      The shells are a beauty, they gleam and shine,
      With the sunlight dancing off of their shine.
      Now the seagulls fly up above the seas,
      And the smell of the salty-sea air is free.
      But soon another scent wafts through the air,
      The smell of something that shouldn't be there....
      A fishy smell, not quite a breeze,
      Is a smell much more unpleasant than those....

      The smell has only worsened, it's now a stench
      So what could it be? Where is it coming from?
      But just as this smell had become nearly unbearable,
      With just a little curiosity, I went to investigate the matter.
      I look all around me, in every nook and cranny
      This smell is only getting stronger, it must be something pretty nasty

      I search high and low, but this smell is still lingering
      It's getting really unpleasant and beginning to sting.
      Then in the corner of my eye, I notice something strange.
      There's a fish there, but not just any fish.
      This fish stands on two feet, like me and you.
      But he isn't just any old fish, nah he has a secret too.
      It's the famous puffer fish who sells RPGs!.

      And as I get close, he speaks so mysteriously
      He says to me, "You smell that? That's no mystery."
      "This smelly stench is something I can fix
      If you have a few bucks, then I have a trick!"

      The puffer fish explains,
      He has a solution that's all-encompassing.
      Then he reaches into a pouch under his fin
      And out he pulls a shiny black bomb.
      He gives me a wicked grin, and whispers in a raspy voice,
      "This'll blow away that smell for sure, without a trace or any trace of fuss."

      I'm hesitant at first, but the fish reassures me,
      With just a few words, he puts my mind at ease.
      The fish says, "Look buddy, I've done this before
      This black bomb is my stock-in-trade, and it has never failed to work.

      "The fish's words had convinced me,
      And I had finally come to a decision.
      I told the fish that he could have my money,
      As long as he made sure this stench was gone
      The fish nodded and smiled,
      And a wicked glint entered his eyes.
      He said, "My friend, you made a good decision,
      Let me just throw this bomb outside, and then you'll be the best off.

      The puffer fish threw the bomb outside,
      But it didn't explode or make a sound.
      The fish started laughing and then he laughed some more,
      When I asked him for a refund, he yelled "no refunds!"
      The fish explained to me,
      That he had tricked me, and that he had conned me.
      He had stolen my money, and now I was broke,
      As the puffer fish ran off, he said, "you sucker, you're a dope!"

      And as he ran away with my money,
      A feeling of dread washed over me.
      I felt defeated and stupid for believing his lies,
      But what could I do, except accept my loss?
      The only thing I was left with now,
      Was the awful stench that I couldn't endure or get rid of.

      She sells seashells, by the smell shore

      - GPT
      Team UNNAMED said 2024-06-01 16:01:56
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
      wait this is the same this as that last one
    • GladiosAnim's Avatar
      GladiosAnim posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 11, 2024, 12:29 pm to Public
      She sells seashells on the seashore
      But the value of these shells will fall
      Due to the laws of supply and demand
      No one wants to buy shells 'cause there's loads on the sand
      Step one: you must create a sense of scarcity
      Shells will sell much better if the people think they're rare, you see
      Bear with me, take as many shells as you can find and hide 'em on an island
      Stockpile 'em high until they’re rarer than a diamond
      Step two: gotta make the people think that they want 'em
      Really want 'em, really fuckin' want 'em, hit 'em like Bronson
      Influencers, product placement, featured prime time entertainment
      If you haven't got a shell, then you're just a fucking waste, man
      Three: it's monopoly, invest inside some property
      Start a corporation, make a logo, do it properly
      "Shells must sell", that will be your new philosophy
      Swallow all your morals, they're a poor man's quality
      Four: expand, expand, expand
      Clear forest, make land, fresh blood on hands
      Five: why just shells? Why limit yourself?
      She sells seashells, sell oil as well
      Six: guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks
      Sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock
      Seven: press on the gas, take your foot off the brakes
      Then run to be the president of the United States
      Eight: big smile mate, big wave, that's great
      Now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate
      Nine: Polarise the people, controversy is the game
      It don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name
      Ten: the world is yours, step out on a stage to a round of applause
      You're a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore
      And you sell seashells on the seashore
      Team UNNAMED said 2024-06-01 16:02:05
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
      there's another version?
    • dancing reaper's Avatar
      dancing reaper posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      January 9, 2024, 7:19 pm to Public
      pls dont disqualify my clone scuba trooper!
      worked 4 hours on it!
      Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-01-15 08:55:26
      Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
      Yeah don't disqualify mine either please! I spent 12 minutes on it! and the clam is growing on my skin's human brain! its super grotesque!
    • Bowguy1234's Avatar
      Bowguy1234 posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      December 7, 2023, 10:26 pm to Public
      The C418 Skin Competion Jam
      Team UNNAMED said 2023-12-17 13:43:18
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    • Weirdness's Avatar
      Weirdness posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      December 4, 2023, 7:32 pm to Public
      Why the heck would you make this in winter??
      Team UNNAMED said 2023-12-04 21:43:02
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    • Peanut_Bread's Avatar
      Peanut_Bread posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      November 15, 2023, 8:56 am to Public
      Leaf4e replied to Aspirin60's comment below 2023-12-03 00:19:27
      Leaf4e's Avatar
      if they're mob skins you could make a texture pack with multiple of them together? that's what other people here suggested
      Aspirin60 said 2023-12-02 06:22:11
      Aspirin60's Avatar
      I have made some fishy mob content and can't enter this jam, ooops.
    • ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul posted to guest book of Seashell Jam's Avatar Seashell Jam
      November 5, 2023, 1:35 pm to Public
      Can you allow mob skins to be enetered?
      blank3times said 2023-11-17 12:03:24
      blank3times's Avatar
      You're gonna have to make two related mob skins and package them together in a resource/texture pack :3
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul replied to Team UNNAMED's comment below 2023-11-12 12:29:36
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      Well the rest of guest book agrees wirth me
      Team UNNAMED replied to ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's comment below 2023-11-12 12:25:30
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
      it isn't?
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul replied to Team UNNAMED's comment below 2023-11-12 09:51:04
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      Idk bc maybe people aren't doing time to put skins jn jams and you'll get more entries bc it's easier to make a mob skin
      Team UNNAMED said 2023-11-12 09:49:45
      Team UNNAMED's Avatar
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