BuildingBrute's Avatar
Level 54 Grandmaster Scapegoat

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  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 16, 2024, 1:30 pm to Public
    We finally have a proper logo for our Survival-Pi SMP :) How do you like it?

    Survival-Pi new Logo
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 15, 2024, 10:04 pm to Public
    I'm hosting a public Creative plot server for our community from the Survival-Pi SMP. Feel free to join it if you need a place to build or want to explore what other people create :)
    Looking forward to seeing you :)
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 27, 2023, 4:27 pm to Public
    We've launched the BETA of the new and custom server we had been developing for the past four months.

    If you want to play on the server already, and get directly involved with new features and suggestions, feel free to join the Discord. You'll find the IP in the Discord. (IP will change with the official launch).

    About the server:
    • Skyblock-like but different and custom (custom plugin) Probably nothing you've ever seen before!
    • The main concept is about the beacon: Beacons gain power depending on which blocks are in the pyramid. Beacons with higher power give you access to a larger radius around you. Outside this radius you take damage.
    • Team-centered. But it's also possible to do the challenge alone
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 10, 2023, 11:06 am to Public
    Me and some friend have been working on a new server for the past three months. It's a gamemode inspired by skyblock but totally different and unique. Teams is also a core aspect of the server.

    We're currently looking for beta testers. If you want to join the beta progam, be the first to test out new features, and make progress before anyone else, let us know on the official Discord we recently created.
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    December 27, 2022, 11:58 am to Public
    Hey everyone!

    We're looking for someone who wants to be in charge of design and marketing for a newly developed server. We're also looking for experienced builders that are looking to make a real impact on the server.

    About us and the project:
    Me and my friend have been working on a very unique and complex server and gamemode for the past three months. We're 80% done with the base features and will probably be ready to launch in February. The server has elements of Skyblock, PvP and PvE but it's probably nothing you've ever seen before. If you're interested, you can join our test server and experience it for yourself. Let me knw!

    How you might be able to contribute:
    As the launch date is getting closer, we want to start our marketing campain with YT videos, logo, banner and name design. As probably every developer out there, when it comes to creative things, especially with designs like these. We also need help with building. We have a lot of interesting builds that we're working on for the project. If you're a motivated builder or creative designer, let us know!

    What you'll get:
    The server isn't publicly released yet and it's still in it infancies. So we'll work very closely and you'll probably be involved in all of the main decisions. You'll be an integral part of the team. As an official role, you'll get all premium Rank features and a Tag of your liking when the server gets released. We don't have any means of finantial compensation as of now. We're not paying ourselves either. The early profits of the server will go towards running it sustainably. But after that, if the server throws some profits, you'll of course be well compensated as part of the team.

    Are you interested? Let me know on Discord or send me a DM on PMC or simply comment down below :) We're looking forward to meeting you :)

    For everyone else just interested in playing on the server: I'll soon send some teasers and a Trailer. Stay tuned! :)
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    November 28, 2022, 4:27 am to Public
    Level 50 yeayyy :)
    Papa Enny said 2022-11-28 09:22:02
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    dreamCritting said 2022-11-28 04:28:31
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Congratulations :D
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    July 3, 2022, 5:57 pm to Public
    I made a second appeal on YT. They unbanned my channel again. Guess that was just a mistake on their side. Still don't know why exactly. Anyways, I'm glad my channel and the videos are available again :)

    The Alpha-Centauri video is also available again yeay :)
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    BuildingBrute shared Builders Home's post
    June 19, 2022, 9:07 am with Public
    Builders Home's Avatar
    Builders Home post by BuildingBrute's Avatar BuildingBrute
    June 19, 2022, 9:06 am to Public
    Hey everybody,

    me and my friends have been hosting a whitelisted Minecraft SMP server for quiet some time now (since Sep. 2020). Some of us have stopped playing recently for various reasons. We want to invite new people to join and reinvigorate the community.

    Most of us are builders, so I thought this group might be a good place to find some like-minded people. If you want to join us let us know on our discord. We'll be happy to add you to our Whitelist.
    A little bit about us and the server:
    • We're of age between 14 and 23. Most of us are either students or have a job.
    • We love building, Redstone and love Minecraft as a sandbox.
    • We're using an (optional) in-game proximity voice chat for some chitchat here and there. Many of us are from all over Europe, so we mostly communicate in English.
    • If you're more into creative building than survival we have a creative world for testing builds and redstone. I can also give you a personal world where you can use World Edit if you wish. All worlds are available for download.
    • We'll update to 1.19 next week.
    There is more information on the PMC server post.
    View original post
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    June 11, 2022, 7:57 pm to Public
    I made a new two player escape room map. It's a sequel to the Facility 42 but can also be played as a standalone. It features four rooms of excited puzzles and parkours for two players.

    It's currently in the testing phase. The first test (by genieu13 and TheRune222) was successful. More coming up.

    Stay tuned for the upcoming post and public release :)

    Here is a sneak peak of one of the rooms:
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    June 6, 2022, 12:12 pm to Public
    Why is Youtube like this?! They deleted my channel for "scam" reasons. Literally the only videos are the two Minecraft videos including the one for the Nvidia contest submission. They gave no further explaination. I am very confused.

    Guess I'll contact their support and see whether I can get it activated again.
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    BuildingBrute shared Jimbug's post
    February 26, 2022, 8:27 am with Public
    Jimbug's Avatar
    February 24, 2022, 3:02 pm to Public
    My thoughts and prayers go towards the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves from invasion. Share this post to raise awareness.Day of the National Flag (Ukraine) - Wikipedia
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  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 28, 2022, 10:47 am to Public
    Hey everybody!

    Thought I try this new group feature and create a new group for builders. If you're a builder and want to share your builds and want to meet new fellow builders feel free to join. Hit us up in the guest book and we'll add you to the group.

  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 27, 2022, 4:30 pm to Public
    Hey y'all,

    I'm making great progress on my ambitious Alpha Centauri mega project :)
    I've added lots of new alien vegetation that decorate the terrain. I've also created new infrastructure like streets and bridges that connect the islands. One of the bridges is being attacked by a giant alien kraken, surrounded by lush underwater vegetation and submarines (Not seen on this picture). I've also added interiors to all existing buildings.

    I hope I will have all content ready for a new post with a lore sheet, pictures and a YouTube video (like the first part of the project) in about two months. I will add lots of new builds and content until then, so stay tuned :)

    I also want to announce that I will start a Patreon once I finished the next stage of the project. I hope to support my university studies with a few pennies from that Patreon:)
    All Patreons will receive the whole project as exclusive download for the use on servers or anything else. I'm going to make frequent posts with world download updates and more. Patreons will also receive all assets like plants and alien monsters. The WorldPainter files will also be provided and much more. In addition to that I'm going to make several variations of the map. Some of them will be hunger games, server spawns and survival. Patreons will be able to download all of that with frequent updates and they will also be able to order/suggest custom additions to the project for the use on their servers (e.g. displays of your server name as holographic display or your logo as statue, etc.). If you already have ideas or special use cases for the project you can let me know already.
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    January 21, 2022, 12:52 pm to Public
    I've been working on a continuation of the Alpha Centauri world for the past weeks. I think there is still much to be told about the lore. I want to fill the world with many more builds that continue the story I've started with the 2187: Alpha Centauri map.

    I created a new custom terrain with World Painter and World Edit that fits the story and map much better. I've smoothly integrated the old builds of the "2187: Alpha Centauri" map: The terrain close to the mining facility looks very similar to the original one, so it keeps the original looks. It's only when you go further into the landscapes you'll see the difference. The entire map is now 2000 x 2000 blocks with lots of custom alien plants and landscapes to explore.

    I will add several builds and locations to this alien world that continue telling the story. Every location will tell a story around a certain timeline.

    The next location will be a large construction site and lots of bridges, streets and infrastructure that tell the story of the year 2210 (23 years after the events in "2187: Alpha Centauri"): The company continues colonizing the moon and more and more humans settle down. Cities and infrastructure are being build to accomodate the new citizens.

    What do you guys think?
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    September 22, 2020, 3:25 pm to Public
    I'm currently running a Survival server on my own hardware (Raspberry Pi) at home for playing and building with my friends.

    It features an in-game economy with a few plots for renting shops. Outside of spawn (shop area) is vanilla survival. When you first join the server you'll spawn randomly anywhere in the world so you can start playing survival right away.

    We've decided to invite some players from the public to join. We therefore closed the whitelist for now. If you're looking for a place to build and play survival with your friends and trade ressources with other circles of friends feel free to join us at
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    December 20, 2017, 1:23 am to Public
    Searching for a youtuber who is interested in making a lets play or review video of the Kroukur RPG mao (! Not important how many subscriberst you have!
    Video and youtube channel will be promoted on the Kroukur website and on the PMC page!

    Contact me here on PMC, email: or discord: aleabodo#5563

    Also share this post if you know somebody who has a youtube channel!
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    December 17, 2017, 2:03 am to Public
    Kroukur-Escape (Kroukur 2) is in development! An dungeon based fantasy RPG map.

    A little spoiler: What is it about? Hm what did Casanne said again? He told Déor that the village has been destroyed by kroukur and Ekkbert the fater has been killed. But he also told you that he hasn't seen Carolina (the mother of Déor) and doesn't know what happened to her. So, that's what you are going to find out in Kroukur-Escape: You are going to dive into the role of Carolina this time....

    Kroukur-Escape is no open word map this time but a dungeon map with many riddles, better effects and bigger and more epic boss battles then in Kroukur 1! Be prepared and stay up to date!
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    September 7, 2017, 4:19 pm to Public
    The RPG map is finally finished!

    Check out the map here:

    And on the PMC page: Click here
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    May 13, 2017, 1:07 pm to Public
    There is now the second update public! Download here for free:

    2 hours play time or more, many new landscapes, story chapters and characters with side quests and shops.

    Have fun :D Its a map for 1-3 players. Of course it's always more fun to play with others :D
  • BuildingBrute's Avatar
    May 10, 2017, 7:37 pm to Public
    I hate my old minecraft name abell0909. Therefore I now have a new account with a new name: "BuildingBrute". Like the old account had an official skin (fire one) the new account will have one too. I will upload it in a few days :)
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