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Level 40 Master Pixel Painter

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    09/14/2016 11:59 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Try making sure the color mode is on RGB instead of indexed.
    08/18/2016 5:31 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar

    Pick the desired realms version folder, then open that jar to find the assets you need to use as a template (remember not to include files in your pack that aren't edited!).
    08/10/2016 11:10 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    ApexMagnusHello everyone. So I'm creating a 64x64 resourcepack using mostly real pictures, and my textures, all the ones I've made, are grainy/noisy from a distance like hovering in the air moving. When I move the noise starts to occur, and it looks like all the pixels are moving. Is this because I'm using a highly detailed picture for the texture, and there's too many pixels involved?

    I answered you on your MCF thread: ... /2723059-h
    03/07/2016 2:03 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    They most likely mean that when you switch over from 1.8-->1.9, anything in your resource pack stack will deselected if it was marked as the 1.8 format.

    In other words, if you change the mcmeta file and you start the game up again, that won't make it immediately work, you'll actually have to act like you just downloaded the pack and enable it.
    01/26/2016 5:39 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    I don't believe Mr. Crayfish's or Opl's model creator supports changing display settings, so you'll have to do it manually.

    1. Scale your model down so it will work in-game
    2. Find the model file and manually edit it with something like notepad or notepad++ (a simple text editor! Must have not have text effects (size/italics) or 'smart quotes and must be able to save a file with UTF-8 (Without BOM if option is available)
    3. Copy the text on my post above*
    4. Select the last section of the file starting with the closing square bracket of the elements section and paste

    If you're working with a model folder, you can edit the display settings and use f3+t to see the changes as you make them. Using this you can get something that looks good.

    *= You haven't told me in what forms you wish to have your model be used with. The text I have given you doesn't include other possible forms (as I had said already) so you might need to add those (and translation/rotation) if they are needed. Knowledge of JSON structure (containers, when to use commas, using quotes etc.) is helpful here.
    01/23/2016 7:04 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    VillagerFetishIt seems that if the model if bigger than 2x2 it shows up as "missing texture" is there a way to fix this?

    The solution here is don't do that(TM).

    If you want to use your model as a block, you're outta luck because blocks can only have models that are below a certain size.

    If you're doing something with armor stands, you're in luck. You have to make the model within bounds (ofc) and then use display settings for the head to make it larger there. Like this, right bracket to show how you'd place the display section after the elements section (so this would be the entire end of the file):

    ], "display": {"head": {"scale": [4, 4, 4]}}}

    If you want it for the item itself, you would use similar settings for gui/ground(dropped)/fixed(item frames), more info here:

    No idea if Mr. Crayfish's model creator supports changing display settings.
    12/15/2015 4:32 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    What FistoF is showing is wrong. a 32x32x32 cube would actually be larger. When using 32x textures (note to the OP: these aren't 'bits' in any sense), you're still using a 16x grid size.

    You could make models with 16x sizings and switch out the texture for a 32x one with no issue, you'll just have 4px for every 1 pixel you have with a 16x texture. So that's easy to do.

    To make smaller elements (ones that use 1 px of a 32x texture) you need to define them that way. For instance, ones that would be 0,0,16 to 1,1,16 in 16px... in 32px smallest line would be 0,0,16 to 0.5,0.5,16. That is because with the maximum size staying the same, the width/height of the texture being double of width/height of 16x means that the width/height of the grid is half. Naturally, this can get confusing.

    I have no idea if it's possible with Mr. Crayfish's model creator, but with Opl's model creator, you can set the grid size to allow you to use smaller sizes (view>grid>grid size).
    10/27/2015 5:15 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    I believe shader support is added right in Optifine.... can you install that?
    10/18/2015 3:05 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Highly likely it's UVlock's fault. Go into the blockstate file, change
    "uvlock": true
    "uvlock": false
    10/11/2015 2:38 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar ... l-changes/

    Simple (hand-written!), tasteful models that fit in with the game's style.
    Blocks use their world models in-inventory instead of an unneeded icon.
    Colorful textures that make the game feel less dull.
    Tons of changes, including improved shaders and a few new sounds, all while having a very small download size.
    08/28/2015 7:40 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Knight I don't see what you're talking about when you say that bad content shouldn't be on the front page of the site; there's hardly ever anything far below the normal quality (maybe the Blogs and Texture Packs sections, but those are scarce for posts anyways).

    Everything goes through the front page since it shows the 4 "newest updated" per section by default.

    The front page pop reel isn't so bad, but currently does have bad stuff from the texture section, and the pop reel in the actual texture section is even worse: default edit packs, flat packs, PVP/server packs, Fan packs that edit <50 textures (usually mobs)

    The problem being that just about everything reaches the pop reel shortly after being submitted: a few people diamond or download quickly and it sets off a hair trigger to put it on the pop reel.

    This isn't just an issue because bad stuff gets pop reeled, but because going to the pop reel is basically a one-time thing. That means that if you improve your submission after you've pop reeled, there's basically no way to get it back on even though it might be incredibly better than it was before and you may not have wanted to make pop reel had you known it.
    08/27/2015 1:07 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    You've got it backwards. This is a "public forum" where we see the content, therefore we're allowed to discuss or criticize content. Simply put: if they didn't want people doing this, they shouldn't put it online at a public site. PMC is not needed for sharing with people you know IRL.

    Also, the PMC rules make it clear it ISN'T just about sharing everything and anything you make:

    Important: Upload Original Content
    Quality work and proper credit is important to our community.

    For instance, how traces, remixes, and mod-creator mods aren't allowed.

    As a community, we are entitled to give feedback on submissions, be it good or bad. However, authors don't have to listen to any of it. They can ignore all feedback and keep making content at the same level as they always have. If feedback bothers someone, they should not be on this site or possibly not even on the internet.
    08/27/2015 12:48 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Make sure your images are square. For example, 16x16. If you do something like 16x17 it's going to freak out because it's not equal and not an animation.
    08/26/2015 7:42 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    From what I've experienced-at least downloads and feedback wise for a resource pack-PMC and MCF are about even with content.

    The biggest thing PMC has going for it is the Pop-reel. This is a one-time event that most content gets to do once. Yes, a large chunk of my downloads came from that.

    However, PMC still requires input, but rather than posting on yourself (or hoping users post to drudge your thread up) you have to update. You very well could use a similar technique on MCF (post when updating) however if nobody ever replies your thread is sinking like a stone and double-posts look fairly bad. With MCF, if you can get people posting, your content will get seen. With PMC, you need to have monthly, if not weekly updates, comments and quality won't help you much unless people share it and it becomes popular.

    And one thing I'll give MCF, I am really surprised how well it actually does with time.... I have no idea where downloads are coming from on MCF, but it's currently 50% of my downloads, and I only have my really old thread (that's locked) and a feedback thread nobody has posted on in a long while. MCF new --> PMC + MCF old are about even for me now.

    TL;DR: Not better, not worse, just different. Both are terrible for resource packs, neither were really made for them. PMC even has a "no different submissions for different resolutions of the same pack" rule even though you can't actually upload multiple versions directly, and most popular packs do it anyways without repercussion.
    08/22/2015 9:42 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    This idea is far from new. It has been done by different people in different ways since the game supported packs.

    I've seen it with just words (no textures), words on default, words on bucketfill/filled+outlined textures, etc.

    Bottom line is that it's gimmicky and now that the f3 menu can be used to show the block's name it is even less useful than it was in the past.
    08/18/2015 10:42 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Actually, that isn't true. The section sign works perfectly fine in my pack.mcmeta:

    {"pack":{"pack_format":2,"description":"Developed by §einsomniac_lemon§r Made for 1.8.2+"}}

    If it doesn't work, it's likely the file is saved improperly. It needs to be saved as UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM. Saving as ANSI or UTF-8 with BOM will likely be the cause of the section sign not properly working.
    08/18/2015 3:39 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Try this: ... l-changes/

    It's a simplistic model style (typically less than 8 elements per model, not models that have hundreds of cubes) and I have more done for the future (items, which probably is actually less performance intensive than the extruded item models) but I'm waiting for more complex resource pack features to be added to Minecraft (namely entity models and a GLSL shader system) so I can re-release my pack at a much more full-featured and impressive state.
    08/03/2015 4:12 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    No. resource packs *should* be .ZIPs no matter if Windows or OS X or Linux. The only time they really should be a folder is if you're the maker of that resource pack, meaning you're constantly editing it so need to be able to reload the pack without restarting the game (also, f3+t will reload a folder pack without needing to pause).

    If it's not a .ZIP, that means OS X is doing something wrong with the .ZIP when you download it, like automatically unzipping it. This could be Safari's doing, maybe try Chrome, Firefox, or Opera if so. If not, try going into the settings, I found a thing in search that said:

    look down under "Remove Download list" .
    See the "Open "safe " files after downloading" box.
    Is it checked? If so, uncheck it.

    Also, if a pack works on OS X, it should work exactly the same on Windows or Linux. If it doesn't, you might be copying it over incorrectly.
    07/27/2015 10:46 pm
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Zitzabisnot very many people mess with the GUI.

    Quite common, actually. If anything, a full set of GUI textures is probably much more common than a full set of custom mobs (most people don't change the bosses specifically). Stuff like the end portal, font, vignette/underwater overlay are probably more rare than GUI editing.

    ZeroDropAlso, where is the synchronization between the bubbles and the arrow on the brewing stand? There is no pattern or rhythm between them it seems like.

    There is no pattern. It works similar to the progress arrows (furnace and brewing stand arrows) where it displays the section of the image over the regular portion of the GUI in a wipe fashion. Due to the background being the same on the bubble portion, some of it looks somewhat skipped like bubbles appearing.

    Although really it'd probably function just the same as the arrow to the right but quicker, as an indicator that something is happening. That's not really an error, just how it functions. There is no good way to tweak something like that using resource packs currently, and Mojangsters don't seem to like making exceptions for things like this probably because they think it'd be "messy".... like how they didn't seem to want to make any way to configure how models for particles are displayed (thrown potions, snowballs, rockets, etc.) so we get the ham-fisted IT FACES THE DIRECTION YOU LOOK AT SO IT LOOKS ALRIGHT AS LONG AS YOU DON'T LOOK AT A THROWN THING FROM A DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAN HOW IT WAS THROWN implementation. Because I guess rotation based on velocity/parent rotation or even a fixed angle (like making firework rockets always face up since that's the default direction) is too much to ask.
    07/27/2015 3:49 am
    Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
    insomniac_lemon's Avatar
    Mojangsters have thus far proven bad at small details on textures... going back all the way to Notch...

    The reticule is a 16x16 texture mapping that isn't centered on the screen, and the default texture isn't centered on that (or the screen). The issue is easily seen when pausing the game with a certain sizes of GUI. MC-5024

    The "unknown pack" icon no longer loads from resource packs.

    The bottom row of pixels from the hotbar selector isn't used.... but this isn't visible in default because both the hotbar and selector have a black bar as the bottom row.

    resource_packs.png (the arrows for the resource pack menu) has a ton of empty padding.... using 4x as much as needed. 256x256 vs the 128x128 that's actually used (on top of that, the bigger arrows have "big pixels" (each "pixel" is actually 2x2 pixels)

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