Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

The Silent Ones - Kekda

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Jagerkampf's Avatar Jagerkampf
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Dedicated to everyone how has commented on my builds and my subscribers, it's a bit overdue but stay golden.

A thousand unborn generations fill the desert with their cries as the golem marches on, a slave to the will of a man long dead. He is forever wandering the earth as seeking something long since turned to dust. He has crossed the desert that he remembered was once green and luscious, plumbed the depths of ravines and valleys where he remembered the cold dark blue. Now, he has found the first green in a sea of sand and his soul screams against his body, cursed to continue, trampling the life underfoot.

I felt particularly lonely this holiday season and I thought back to something to capture the loneliness. I had normally made manned machines but I decided to try my hand at something more independent. My thoughts crossed to Shadow of the Colossus and the absolute loneliness that a giant creature must deal with.

I also decided to break away from my traditional functional and inorganic look and went with a more...spontaneous creation.

Comments, criticism, requests, all welcomed. I plan on continuing the Silent One series with increasingly larger and more exotic golems.
CreditGlimmar's Steampunk TP
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Jagerkampf 02/07/2013 1:02:00 amFeb 7th, 2013

Added Schematic as per requested

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01/24/2013 4:25 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
major209's Avatar
dude, awesome :D i'd love to help one day on your builds, also i'd love to use this on a map i'm currently working on (hense why my account has been inactive on stuff i've made .-.) could i request a MC edit schmatic of this silent one?
01/27/2013 2:28 am
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Jagerkampf's Avatar
I'll have a schematic up on the 31st at the soonest but feel free to use it, it's a simple little thing.
01/27/2013 12:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
major209's Avatar
simple or not its awesome :D i love your view on steam punk :) its very...imperialistic and to add an apocalyptic side to the mix adds to the feel of it
01/27/2013 12:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
major209's Avatar
idk why i keeps adding the weird A symble to it sorry about that
01/27/2013 6:31 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Jagerkampf's Avatar
I try to build something other than dirigibles which seem to be the unoriginal cop out people mostly associate with steampunk. I tend to be influenced more by mechs and dystopian art than the typical "glue gears on it" approach to steampunk.
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