Minecraft Servers

Godcraft.com *Thousands of whitelisted players!*

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ZachB's Avatar ZachB
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 04/10/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Why are we such a Fast and Powerful Server?:
- We use Java 1.7 that has been proven to have up to a 48% performance increase
- We have 16 gigs of ram
- We use Linux
- We use 64bit
- We allocate 8gigs of ram to just java
- We don't use mechanically moving hard drive nor do we use SSD.
- We use ram to store the world providing over 1200MB/S read and write.
- Our Connection is true 100 MBPS- we have 8 cores at 2.8ghz (3rd fastest CPU on the high performance benchmark High End Computers)
- We have 5 TB of bandwidth
- We have 30min backups and remote backup to 2 different locations.

Why do we have such a great community?
- Anti-Griefing Protection Mods
- Vandalism / Stealing Broadcasts
- Inventory Checks
- Moderators on 24/7
- 40+ Online at a time
- Very active forums
- A busy Ventrilo server
- A new linked PvP/PvE world!
- NO item spawning, NO cuboid/worldedit
- 100% legit server
- and much much more!
Contribution Required?
We have found that when you have a small contribution required for entrance, it keeps out 99.9% of griefers! Our mods are rarely called to handle grief situations, and when they are it's usually one accidental block at most. Consider the donation not as a wall to your entry, but a wall to those who would ruin your fun! Most of our players have had 100's of hours of fun for JUST $10. The decision is yours - a few lattes, or access to one of the best servers in the world.

This money (which is allowed by Notch for servers to collect) is used to maintain high quality service here atGodCraft. The hardware bill is rather extravagant each month, but beyond that, I spend much of every day testing new features for the server, communicating with developers of various mods and plugins, and I am very active on our own forums! Therefore while the server bill comes first, anything extra helps me keep chugging along on more server development.

I hope this explains our contribution requirement, and I hope you all have a wonderful day. Of course, not all servers are suited to everyone's needs and if you feel this one is not for you then please check for another one on these wonderful forums - there are hundreds of great ones!

I am not Kane_Hart. I am Zach00123, a moderator from Godcraft.com. Feel free
to PM me, or any other moderator on Godcraft.com/forum . Thanks! Feel free to comment!

Additional Notes

Godcraft is a creative but yet survival Minecraft Server. We get all the blocks by hand, and place them by hand. No cuboid is used AT ALL. The creative portion of Godcraft is that health is disabled.
CreditKane_Hart, Sniper3, Confuzzledyma, Zach00123, Sounas, Bodydrag, Quizzbee

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06/11/2012 9:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
soxsox7's Avatar
no comment
06/22/2011 3:51 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist
Sounas's Avatar
I recommend this server. Just youtube 'Godcraft' and you will see what this server has to offer. In terms of creations and projects, this server comes easily in the top 5 of all MC servers.
06/21/2011 6:24 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
ZachB's Avatar
More pictures/Videos will be uploaded upon request from players, etc.
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