Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

Vivid Torrential Changes (50+ custom 3D models, 1.8 only!)

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 38,940 views, 1 today
  • 6,798 downloads, 0 today
  • 176
  • 50
  • 98
insomniac_lemon's Avatar insomniac_lemon
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
Current news:
(July 14, 2016) New NOTE TO ANY WHO ENJOY THIS PACK: So it has been a year since I've discontinued the pack, things have only gotten worse. Not only have the resource pack improvements that I was looking forward to not come to 1.9 (or 1.10!), 1.9 broke all of my models!

Over 200 model files (because I had additional unreleased item models) that I'd have to sift through and fix by hand, since no decent converter exists yet. Making things more difficult is that many of my items have 'odd' display rotations, rotations being the worst of the things changed... the best converter there is so far will not convert rotations properly (it also doesn't round, so most numbers that don't come out evenly have at least 16 decimal places after) and the creator has said they've stopped working on it (you can contribute on it via Github, but I don't think anyone has done so).

Beyond that, natural looking textures are hard to do at 16x and the model format is too restricting (I can't even make a low-poly sharp sword!) so I had very little room to improve (I was trying, but it was difficult... I had better luck trying to think of new models and improving atlas usage for optimization) but 1.9 has stopped me dead in my tracks. Losing interest in the game (and not having the ability to mod to make the things that I want in the game!) also doesn't help.

Anyways, hopefully those of you visiting the page can still enjoy the pack somewhat if you're using some variant of 1.8. Still would like any comments from people who actually use this pack frequently, as I'm not aware of any that do!

Contains 50+ custom models (depending on what you consider, since there are tweak models and items inheriting block models). VTC differs from other packs that have 3D models because it uses a vanilla-friendly style (NOT faithful) and is completely hand-made (written manually using a text editor) with the intention of being simple and functional. Models are made of easily visible boxes (typically 2-6) rather than complex models with tons of tiny boxes that is common among Cubik users. Because of my simple models AND that my models are on functional blocks (redstone, cacti, wheat, mob spawner, doors, etc.) rather than building blocks (grass, tall grass, bricks, etc.) VTC should not cause a noticeable performance decrease. At least on decent hardware that you can already comfortably play on.

Many of the models are just my original ideas taken into 3D. Some of them are not achievable with ordinary textures. Overall, especially thanks to the same models being used different forms, they are more visually pleasing than ever before, and make the game feel more graphically unified and capable.

Comparison animation before/after models:
Vivid Torrential Changes (50+ custom 3D models, 1.8 only!) Minecraft Texture Pack

List of custom models

2.wall torch
6.iron bars
7.wooden door
8.iron door
10.red mushroom
11"blue" (brown) mushroom
15.mob spawner
16.redstone wire
18.oak sapling
19.birch sapling
20.spruce sapling
21.jungle sapling
22.dark sapling
23.acacia sapling


1.gold hoe
2.wood hoe
3.stone hoe
4.iron hoe
5.diamond hoe
6.gold axe
7.wood axe
8.stone axe
9.iron axe
10.diamond axe
11.gold pickaxe
12.wood pickaxe
13.stone pickaxe
14.iron pickaxe
15.diamond pickaxe
16.wood/gold sword
19.firework rocket
20.snowball/ender pearl
21.ender eye
26.buckets/wooden bowls/potions all derivatives
27.splash potions
28.experience orb (experience bottle)

Interested in how I made models? Well, you're in luck, I made a tutorial about it!

What you are allowed to do:

download and use the pack (obviously)
  • edit for personal use only
  • make mod support for the pack, only with pre-approved consent by me
  • upload screenshots of Minecraft to the internet that were taken while using the pack
  • upload videos to youtube of Minecraft gameplay while using the pack
  • please link to this page (or PMC) in the description, and tell me about it
  • monetize videos, but please no pre-video video (TrueView streaming, unless maybe the video is 30 minutes or longer, or the pack is not the focus of the video) ads.
  • Also, please don't restrict how the video can be played either (such as disabling embedding or changing syndication to only monetized platforms).
  • distribute to any of your own devices for use, archive, or transfer
  • distribute through non-internet (USB, LAN, bluetooth) connections to individuals without an internet connection
  • distribute through maps or servers (which may be monetized) so long as the pack's name is mentioned within (signs, information books, or automated chat messages... bonus if the book or chat message is an actual link) and is linked back to this page on whatever distributes/announces the map/server (be it MCF, PMC, Curse, or something else). Please link to this my pack's page on PMC or Curse.

By downloading, what you agree to NOT do:

  • distribute the pack or any pieces in any direct way, barring the few conditions in the section above
  • claim this pack as your own work
  • make any money off of this pack by link shorteners or direct sale (as said above, monetization of works such as video/maps/servers is ok)
  • distribute to those who have the intent to re-distribute it themselves
  • use this pack as a "base" for your own work
  • imitate or copy this work. such as copying specific designs
  • use the textures in your own game, whether free or paid

If you are not sure about if something is OK (specifically where I give situationals), contact me before doing it.

Now I just have the most recent screenshots that I have, more will be added later.

Pictures (by me):

Vivid Torrential Changes (50+ custom 3D models, 1.8 only!) Minecraft Texture Pack
Vivid Torrential Changes (50+ custom 3D models, 1.8 only!) Minecraft Texture Pack

Pictures (by others):

Some SEUS pictures by Gerenzoo:

The last image is Temple of E'enthqua by Gerenzoo.

Videos (all 1yr+ old, keep that in mind):
Video I requested Qmagnet to do:

Video I requested Gabysaurus of this site to do:

Random review I found:

Old video by Dyz69:

Even older review by Dyz69:

Maybe your video could be here as well? Feel free to make one, but please tell me about it!

Mod support:

Place these in your stack below VTC to enable support for mods.

Support for Carpenter's Blocks By Zardium.

If you have mod support you'd like up here, please contact me.

VTC is a self-inspired*5, vivid, bright-ish, (partially pixel-art style) shaded pack with its own style and lore. While a majority of textures are done, the pack changes often as many things are re-done. I am still working on unifying, yet branching out the style of the pack.I try to use every vanilla feature I can into the pack, and a few non-vanilla features as well.


  • 100% original, self-inspired textures
  • original ideas and lore
  • uncompromised dedication to names, ideas, crafting recipes, uses, or stereotypes
  • (besides edits of C418's work) 100% original sounds, recorded and edited by me
  • optimized textures (meaning a smaller file and faster download)
  • non-annoying rain sounds
  • custom language (modified english)
  • custom main-menu texts (a.k.a. "splashes")
  • CTM support
  • decorative classic CTM glass for MCpatcher*1
  • Natural Textures Mod support (for Optifine only)
  • odd-resolution textures (allows for 1px centers)
  • takes advantage of new features within development of Minecraft (assuming they agree with stable)


  • finish all old textures (especially paintings and mobs)
  • edit new textures
  • add onto lore (villager and cyborg lore)
  • more 15x and 24x/23x textures
  • more 24x (1 & 1/2 times larger than default) for mobs that need it.
  • more sounds
  • more CTM support (especially random)
  • Randommobs support?
  • Lightmap support?
  • CIT support?
  • a "light" version*4

Likely (depends on other developments):

This section is for anything that depends on development other than my own.

  • support for any more resource pack features that come out
  • MC:PE version*2
  • black and white images in grayscale to save more space (if Mojang fixes this)
Not likely:
  • A full separate HD version of the pack
  • horse textures*3
  • Xbox360 version (no way to test it)

Feedback needed! The future depends on it. Tell your friends?


*1: Classic CTM glass is made decoratively that not only allows you to make designs, but also does not contain any tiles without pixels, meaning you'll never walk into glass if there is a large glass structure. It also has no backface culling (so you see both sides) and had innerSeams set to true (so you can see inside corners). These features are currently only in MCpatcher.Can I fix it? No, not really, not without messing it up for MCpatcher, so you can make the change if you want it*1b. If you do this, the glass will connect, but will still be a little wonky (in my opinion), but then again, most CTM glass is worse.

*1b:You CAN use this glass in Optifine, however you have to go into the pack (specifically./assets/minecraft/mcpatcher/ctm/glass) and edit glass' .properties files to have the last line (renderPass) commented out, just by putting a number sign (#) in front of it (hint hint, like the first line).

*2:ONLY if official pack support is added to MC:PE, and I can only add official support for the Android version. I'm not going to support something that has to be hacked into application files or packages, and I don't want to have to put users through that anyways. I'm going to assume (and hope) that pack support on Android and iOS would be equal, but I can't test for iOS as I don't have/want an iOS device.

*3: Their dopey faces (especially when they open their mouths), complex models, higher-res textures, and sounds seem annoying and out of place in Minecraft to me, plus I feel it's unneeded. I just don't like the idea, and implementation just makes it worse. Maybe if they add in changing models/animations I'll change it, but only after making them simpler and mute. I've already added in the run bar to the GUI, so I'm not touching them anymore.

*4: A version with a smaller file size, and possibly legacy support. Less sounds (especially not vital ones), and possibly reduced quality on those that are there. Legacy support would be included because before I added sounds to the pack, I did support previous texture pack versions. Possibly also a lower resolution textures especially on those that I made larger.

*5: Self inspired: I've been working on this pack for over 2 years, and I've never even really used another pack. I started playing in Beta 1.2_02 and used default for a while until I discovered you can make your own textures for the game. I've been working on my pack ever since, and I've been using the experience to fine-tune and branch out my art style, while growing as an artist. Also, if you haven't noticed already, these notes are out of order, as I'm making them as I'm writing.... I may fix them later....

*6: not guaranteed

Progress85% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

31 Update Logs

And the buckets and experience orb were once again redone, the same yet with new dimension. : by insomniac_lemon 03/16/2015 7:30:27 pmMar 16th, 2015

  • new bucket/bowl/bottle model. Applies to all derivatives (water/lava bucket is animated, soups are partially transparent
  • new splash potion model
  • new (animated!) experience orb (bottle) model
  • changed arrow item model display (not drops facing upwards)
  • inherited tripwire hooks item model from their block model
  • fixed redstone torch off state
  • new mob spawner crystal colors
  • new coarse dirt texture
  • redid cow texture (no longer black+white)
  • recolored leather/book stuff
  • removed armor textures/icons (now allows recoloring)
  • texture-related optimizations that, again, make this zip slightly smaller than the previous version

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02/25/2017 6:11 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Virdex's Avatar
Oh good
11/07/2015 4:40 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
CoolScreenName's Avatar
Great work! I love how unique the 3d lever is, I am trying to find inspriation to add 3d redstone items in my pack.
11/01/2015 8:34 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
It's good! Not my favorite but I'm sure you worked hard on it.
07/24/2015 5:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sgriff09's Avatar
Good but I'm not a fan of axe Model
11/01/2015 8:32 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Click my name and check out the WIP pa k I'm making. I currently paused downloads on it but you can still look. :D
07/24/2015 3:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
Specific axe, or all axes?
05/14/2015 2:52 am
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
Can someone tell me how they are getting here (YT, search, recommendation) me having not updated in a while? Downloads were at 0 at some point and I'm sure views were arounds 1-3 at some point, so why the ever-so-slight spike now?

The only thing I could imagine is because I made some posts on the forum, unless just random people getting here searching for a vivid pack.
04/24/2015 12:46 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
thecrazydudesrd's Avatar
How in the Nether have I never faved this pack.
04/24/2015 10:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
I dunno, you tell me ;)

Although to hazard a guess, probably because when it tanked on MCF I buried it, I seem to be the sole user of the pack (or those that exist aren't vocal about it) and even I stopped even bothering to tell people about it at some point.

Do you actually use the pack? I guess I had always assumed you were like every other artist (myself included) who only used their own stuff. Although it could go either way with you wanting HD textures or wanting to use my pack from how much it differs from yours, plus a light pack that would likely put much less strain on your laptop....
04/26/2015 1:47 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
thecrazydudesrd's Avatar
I bounce between packs a lot actually.  It helps me see what people are looking for in their packs.  Honestly the custom models on this pack really catches my eye.  I've always wanted to ask with them, can you separate the block/item in hand and the one in the GUI?
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