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-Steve and Alex's Quest: Book 2 [Rewriting]-

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Orbiter's Avatar Orbiter
Level 49 : Master Fox
After not updating Steve and Alex's Quest book 2 for a month, I decieded I didn't like where it was going and rewrote it. So here it is: Steve and Alex's quest: Book 2!

A hazy mist hung in the air as Alex slowy walked through the marsh. "Steve.. Steeeevee?? I-I can't b-be alone.. h-he would never l-leave me.. he's m-my brother.." said Alex shakily. More then one shadow moves as Alex walks on. "I-I have to find Steve.. have to. T-this has to be a n-nightmare.. is it?" Alex asked herself. Through the mist appears one solitary figure. One person to rescue her. "Steve!" yelled Alex. Steve.. steve.. steve.. her yell of joy echoed in the mist. The figure turned, and with glowing eyes of green, he grabbed her forehead and-

"No!!" Alex jumped out of bed. Steve was already up, Alex figured, as the bed was empty. As she went down to the farm, she noticed that the clocks said it was.. midnight? But how? In Minecraft, you could only wake up in the daytime! Alex ran outside to pitch black. Suddenly, every single torch in their house was snuffed out. Alex was totally blind. "Steveeee! Help!" yelled Alex. "You don't need help. Look." said a very powerful voice. A shiny and very bright door was opening. Alex ran through. She could only describe it as beautiful. "Steve! Oh, thank goodness you're ok!" Alex hugged Steve tight and-

Alex woke up hugging a pillow. "Wha- where..?" said Alex. She checked the clock. It was morning. Was this still a dream? "Steve?" called Alex. "Yea?" said Steve. "Oh.. phew. I'd say that I'm awake.."

-Chapter 1: To the Library!
"So you say in those two dreams, each time I wasn't with you?" Steve asked. "Yes, first it was a nightmare.. then it was a wonderful dream. It was all very strange." Alex replied."Hmm, I say we go to the library and investigate some older books. There may be something." said Steve. "To the Library!" yelled Alex.


"Ugh, I've been reading so. many. boring. BOOKS!" Alex complained. "Just keep rea- wait a minute. There's a book up here. It's title says, 'On the subject of Dreams'. Let's try it."  said Steve. He pulled the book off the shelf.

-Chapter 2: A quite dusty book
"ACHOOO!" A cloud of dust settled in the Library as Steve pulled the book out of the shelf. "How long has that BEEN there?" asked Alex, who was quite annoyed. "I have noooo idea. Let's crack this thing open." replied Steve. 

1 hour later...

"WOW, that is confusing!" said Alex. "So, the book says that this is a rare happening that occurs after eating too many donuts." said Steve. "WHAT? That had BETTER be a joke, mister!!" yelled Alex. "Hush, you need to be quiet in the library! Ok, ok. The dreams only happen when something powerful is tipping out out balance. Like good vs. evil or something li- oh no.. that means something's going wrong!" yelled Steve. "Hold on. hold on, hold ON brother dear! We don't even know where to look, how to balance it, or if this book is even true at all! We can't go rushing off like that. It DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. We'll figure out more later. In the meantime, it's getting late. We'd better go." said Alex. "But what if you have.. you know.. another dream?" asked Steve. "So what if I do? It's not hurting me.." replied Alex. The two then walked of into the sunset, unknowing that Alex herself was the unbalance.

-Chapter 3: A helper appears?
"WHAT. IS. THAT???" asked Alex fearfully. "T-that is a wolf.." said Steve. "Well, DUH! But we don't have wolves like THIS around these parts!" yelled Alex. "Stay calm. We've got better weapons than it." replied Steve. "Ehhhh, true.." said Alex. The wolf bares it's teeth and growls softly. A slow grey mist envelopes it and takes the form of a human. "Wh-who are you?!" asked Alex, stepping back more than once. "This always happens.. my name is Alka. I come in peace, blah blah blah. Now, I need to see.. er, what's your name, miss?" asked the wolf named Alka. "Alex." said Alex. "Alright Alex, please come with me. You need to know this." said Alka softly. "Excuse me, but wherever she goes, I go." said Steve sternly. "Very well. Come along." said Alka. Alka then led them into the gloomy Lunai Forest.

-Chapter 4: Lunai Forest
Alka led Steve and Alex through Lunai Forest. "Where are we going?" asked Alex. "To my home." replied Alka. "There is something you need to know."


16 minutes later, Alka stops in front of a thick grove of trees. The moon peirces the night sky with a blue-grey light. "Come." said Alka. All three enter the grove.


"Wow, it's beautiful in here!" said Alex, who was very much amazed. It was only thick on the outside of things, but inside was sheer beauty. There were glowing orbs of light hanging from strings, casting a magnificent glow. There were about 7 people around, including Alka. "Indeed, I thought the same when I first came here, as I'm sure did the others." said Alka. "What is this place?" asked Steve, taked away by the beauty. "We are a small party called Sienu. (seye-nu) We protect the forests of Lunai best we can. But she.. she is a force we must remove". Alka said. "Wh-why must you remove me? I didn't do anything wrong!" said Alex fearfuly. "YOU are the imbalance in this world. YOU are the one tipping the powers that the Void Crystals have given us! Something must be done, and the easiest in my eyes is killing you."

-Chapter 5: Symbol of a Beast
"RUN!" screamed Steve. The two ran as fast as they could, fearing for their lives. Out of the grove they went, not even glancing at the eyes that followed them through the trees. The Sienu all transformed into wolves, chasing, and closing in, on their prey. "Steeeve!" called Alex. "What?" yelled Steve. "Turn to the left, then jump!" Alex yelled back. "Ok!" came the reply from a winded Steve. They turned to the left, then jumped over a low tree branch. All the wolves turned away at the last second, all but one powerful grey wolf, Alka. Alka barrels through the mossy log, but not without sustaining damage. He slows, falls, and is unconsious. Alex picks up the wolf. "Let's go!" she yells to Steve.


Alex plops the knocked out wolf on the bed, who was slowly transforming back. Once he was fully back, Alex tended to his wounds. "Ugh, he's got a concussion. So, if you wouldn't mind Steve, I have nursing to do."  said Alex. She closed the door, and Steve was forced to leave. Alex parted Alka's hair, and for the first time, she see both of his eyes. "How strange.. one green, one purple.." Alex muttered to herself. For the first time also, Alex got to really see Alka. He was wearing very torn shorts, a black vest with green borders and a single button. (And nothing under his vest, so kinda like Aladdin. XD Alex assumed he was poor, and she assumed right.) Alex noticed no matter what form he was in, he has grey and white fuzzy ears. "This guy's going to be a lloooott of fun.." Alex grumbled sarcasticly.

-Chapter 6: Awake in a dream
Alex ran. "No! He couldn't leave me.. not again. T-this can't be possible.." Alex was awake. She knew that as she could feel the cool, damp night air on her face as she ran. "P-please.. th-this c-can't be.. real.." said Alex tiredly. A lone figure slowly walks out of the mist. "Who..?" asked Alex, but she was cut off by the person, who's eyes were now glowing. He places a soft hand on her forehead, and her world begins to dim. As she falls to the ground, she notices.. "No! It-it can't be!" 


Alex wakes up in a very bright area. "Wh-where am I?" Alex askes to the nearby statue of a strange creature. "Home." 
"Wha- did you just talk?!" Alex asked in alarm. "No, look behind you, silly!' Alex turns around, and she sees-


"Alex, wake UP!!" Steve yells. "Ughh.. I'm up.. I'm up.." said Alex sleepily. "Not another one of those dreams?" asked Steve. "Uh-huh.. another dream.." Alex said as she yawns, obviously tired. "Well, Alka's awake and very much wants to leave." replied Steve. "mmm.. ok. Tell him I'll be there in a minute." said Alex.

-Chapter 7: The truth
Alka's tail, grey with a streak of green, was swishing side to side slowly in a very annoyed manner "It's about time you got here." he said. "No. You listen. I want answers from you. Why where you trying to kill me? How am I an imbalance? I want ANSWERS, wolf boy. And what are these Void Crystals??" asked Alex. Alka just sighs. "I'll answer all of those questions. But ONLY those questions. I was trying to kill you as you are a very dangerous imbalance. I'm not killing you now because you saved my life. You're an imbalance because of your dreams." said Alka. "Wha- how did you know about those?" asked Alex. "I know about your dreams because I'm them too. Because I'm in them, it causes a double dream, a dream of a nightmare, causing an imbalance in power. How, you may ask? Because those dreams push out any sort of importance. Think of it like blasting a hole though a mountain. It just tunnels through, leaving only a dark void of what once used to be."

-Chapter 8: Alka's story
"I still have so many questions.." said Alex. "I can answer all of them, with the story that noone else knows." replied Alka. "A story?? I love stories!" said Steve. "Then gather 'round, and I shall tell you.."

                       The End

-Author's Note
I am so glad I redid this one! I think it turned out quite nicely. I'll be writing the next book on August 22. Thanks for reading! :D <3

I'll be updating this frequently this time, don't worry!

If you see any typos, please let me know!


8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Orbiter 08/16/2015 12:41:13 pmAug 16th, 2015

+Added Chapter 8

+Added Author's Note

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08/19/2015 6:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
mick_5's Avatar
That was really good, and love that title screenshot
08/19/2015 6:23 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Thanks buddy! :D
08/16/2015 4:42 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Your Finished Awwwwww :(
08/16/2015 4:43 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Aw, don't worry. I may get bored and start it earlier XD
08/16/2015 4:47 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Yay Do Some Cool Special Story On Mah B-Day!
08/16/2015 4:48 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
When's that? 
I'd love to :D
08/16/2015 4:49 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
25th :D. Though I'll Be Celebrating It On The 22nd And 23rd :).
08/16/2015 4:51 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
That works :D
Should I send you a PM with what I have planned, ooorr would you like it to be a surprise? ;o
08/16/2015 12:52 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
loverboy's Avatar
Can't wait for the next book! :D
08/16/2015 12:54 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
08/15/2015 10:19 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Nice Next Few Chapters ;)
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