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50 Uses For Diamonds

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assasinatorking's Avatar assasinatorking
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
50 Uses For Diamonds

1.Make a sword and defend a place

2.make a sword and attack a place

3.Make a pick and mine cobblestone

4.Make a pick and mine gold

5.Make a pick and mine iron

6. Make a pick and mine more diamonds

7.Make daimond boots

8.Make a diamond chestplate

9.Make diamond leggings

10. Make a diamond helmet

11.Make a diamond block

12. Make a house out of diamond blocks

13. Make a full set of armor

14. Make a castle out of diamond blocks

15. Make a diamond hoe

16. Make a diamond shovel

17. Diggy Diggy hole with diamond shovel

18.Make a diamond axe

19. Become a psycho lumberjack with a diamond axe

20.Do nothing to your diamond and show it off

21. Sell your diamond

22. Trade your diamond

23.Kill some pigs with a diamond sword

24.Kill some cows with a diamond sword

25.Kill some sheep with a diamond sword

26. kill some wolves with a diamond sword

27.Go mob hunting with a diamond sword

28.Survive a creeper with a full set of diamond armour

29.Ignore a skeletal archer with diamond armor

30.Make a song about finding diamonds

31.Make a video showing all your diamonds

32.Sell them to some addict for diamonds in real life

33.Give them to a noob and make them happy

34. Impress a moderator with your diamons

35. Spend your diamons on my blogs and skins

36.GEt annoyed by me telling about uses for diamonds

37.Swear when you drop one in lava

38.Have a fit when you die with diamonds

39.Ragequit a server for losing diamonds

39. Get a 64 set

40. GEt a 64 set of diamond blocks

41.Fill a chest with 64 sets of diamonds

42. Download a bunch of mods to get more diamonds

43.Kiss the ground of the place you found diamonds in

44.Put your diamonds back in the lava they came from

45. Read a guide on how to get diamonds

46.Make a big deal of finding them

47.Make a big deal of making a house with diamond blocks

48.Fill a chests with diamonds on creative

49.Make a diamond fortress on projects

50.Think of your own uses for diamonds

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08/02/2012 10:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
57391130's Avatar
You forgot one..luring noobs into a trap XD
01/03/2012 9:49 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pony
hiddengamer2's Avatar
*reads 50* you mean like blowing them up with 250 blocks of tnt?!!??!1/!?
08/13/2013 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ShirokuTheHusky's Avatar
Thats what i need to do. In my "Shiroku's Survival Map" i have so many diamonds you dont even know, and as strong and durable as they are, the don't have many uses.
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