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A New Threat

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FartronGaming's Avatar FartronGaming
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm going to tell you now, what you are about to read is something I've never had happen to me before, and perhaps you've had it happen to you before, but it was unlike anything I've ever seen in Minecraft. All of the foll


I spawned in the middle of a field, typical. I went about my business for a while, collecting wood, crafting weapons and tools. I went to a nearby village, with more plots than ever. I settled in a house, killed the original owners, barricaded the place up and holled up in there for quite a while. Occasionally stepping out to steal the villagers' wheat, kill some livestock and then go back to living in my hut, growing in size tremendously as the time bore on. At one point, I figured that I should just take over the village, and find another and repeat the process. I looted the place, destroyed the buildings, griefed the entire village. I took what I could hold, and then left for a new village. After what felt like forever, I stumbled upon a village in the deep forest. I had already crafted iron armors, a bow, and an endless supply of arrows. I arched an arrow, and shot the first villager. They eventually took notice to the arrows raining around them, and sought refuge in the nearby church building. I left, thinking that after a while I would let them replenish and be able to deal more damage. 

4 In Game Days Later (Oh yes, I counted)

I walked up to the same village, and something was terribly off about it. I roamed about, and didn't see any villagers in their homes, the church building, or anywhere, until I stumbled upon a villager, odly dressed. He/she had on a crimson robe, but it had a golden enlaced pattern around the shoulders. They seemed aggressive, following me around, nonstop pestering me. I couldn't kill him/her, and they couldn't hurt me either. It was at this moment I was trying to evade the crazy psycho dictator villager that I happened to run into something that made my blood run cold. More than 30, easily more than 30 iron golems. And they were hostile. Even worse about it, their eyes were black. Pitch black, instead of red. They began throwing me in the air, as I drastically switched from bow to enchanted iron sword, trying to fend off my attackers. The village was in ruins. I retreated back to a large tree in the middle of the forest, and began climbing the vines. It was at this moment, that the entire iron golem legion stood, staring at me. I could feel the hatred seering into me. Once reaching the top, I opened fire with my bow once more, but eventually ran short of arrows, only in succession of killing about 6 of them. With a crowd below, a mad one, I had to find a way down, so I could collect some of my arrows before they despawned. Making my way through the crowd, I had collected some 56 or so arrows, and sought refuge in a small hut. I was completely surrounded. Getting to the top was an option, but then what? With even less arrows before, and a greater chance of getting hit, it was a horrible idea. As time wore on, I eventually escaped, of course, by hauling ass away from the place. After retreating to my cobblestone mansion, in the Nether, shall I add, I waited it out. Gorging on food to reheal, and crafting arrows and making new weapons and re-enchanting things, I was going to prepare for something incredible difficult, something you could barely imagine doing.

Around 7 Days (A week) in Game Time Later

The legion had increased. By a lot. It seemed as though they had doubled. I went to go invite a friend to help me, I knew that I stood no chance against them. After he joined, I told him everything.

"I understand, but we need a plan." He said
"I have a plan, we need to kill the dictator, and kill em one by one, Dark Souls style." I said, snickering.
"You seem mighty confident that it will work." He said.
"I actually doubt it. I wasn't able to kill him, last I tried." I said in response. 

Eventually we moved out, and got into place. As if on cue, almost half of the legion dropped dead. I still to this day have no clue why. My friend and I moved in, and killed them all immediately. Still wondering what happened to the other half, we began to question. Moving in on the dictator was now an option, supposedly. We did so, and were able to kill him. The entire village just kind of...stopped. The plants died out within seconds, and the water dried out. The wheat farms dried up and nothing was useful. At that moment, my friend and I returned to the Nether to go back to the stone mansion. Once we arrived at the mansion, though, rather than being destroyed, the golems were attacking it. We immediately opened fire on them, knowing that the both of us combined was such little equipment now that we would fail. Zombie pigmen, out of nowhere, began fighting the golems, God knows why. 

I'm thankful for that. But regardless it wouldn't matter after the next day (irl)

My friend left, I thanked him, and after the golems were defeated, I gave a share, and left everything in the Nether. I wanted to avoid all interactions with this world. I shut down the multiplayer, everything. I gave a final sigh and deleted the world. The seed disappeared just as fast as the World itself did. Of course, the seed still exists, and somewhere, deep down in Minecraftium, there sits that world, waiting for an owner that would never return. Whatever exists there now is nothing for me to venture, and if someone majically gets ahold of the seed, I beg of you, just avoid the villages. Something strong is in that world, something evil. I defeated it once, but not entirely. 

Thanks, I appreciate the support.
Give this blog post a like, comment, and as always, I hope you enjoyed


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12/19/2015 2:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iBruvvy's Avatar
This was great. Well done!
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