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Extreme Object Island Episode 6: They're Here!

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applelover9000's Avatar applelover9000
Level 33 : Artisan Artist

Chapter |: Chatting

After a usual morning routine, the contestants go to the lunch area to eat.

On one table, Purple Berry sighs and says to Cheese Orb, “I did such a bad job. I failed the challenge.”

“Hey don’t worry,“ Cheese Orb responded, “One day, you will be smart like me.”

“How do you know?” asked Purple Berry. “I’m just some kid who doesn’t know anything!”

“Look, I was a kid like you,” Cheese Orb said, “I didn’t know anything and was confused. But along my journey, I grew up and learned a lot of things. I made mistakes, but later on, I learned from them. Look, I know you can become like me, someone who learned everything from the world. Just because you make mistakes, doesn’t mean you can't learn from them.”

“Yeah, I can see your point.”

On another table, Latte said, “So, um, how was your day?”

“Good,” Fidget Spinner, “What about yours?”

“Good as well,” said Latte, “Uhhhhhh, I have nothing to say.”

“Me neither,” Fidget Spinner said before eating her meal.

On another table with Cheeseburger and Milkshake, Cheeseburger stares at his meal.

“Hey,” Milkshake said, “What’s wrong? You haven’t eaten your food yet?”

Cheeseburger sighs, “I’m just not in the mood to eat?”

“Why?” Milkshake asked.

“Well, recently, I’ve been failing in challenges and I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s because I’m...you know...fat.”

“Oh, well then, don’t sweat it,” Milkshake said, “I heard that if you think you are bad at something that you really, really, want to succeed at, you will go through a lot of emotions. I don’t know, I just heard it from somewhere.”

“Yeah,” Cheeseburger said, discouraged, “Yeah, you’re..right.”

And on the last table with Paint Bucket, Paint Bucket was whispering something to himself. He said, “.. / -. . . -.. / - --- / --. . - / .- .-- .- -.-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / .... . .-. . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . --..-- / -.. .. ... ... --- .-.. ...- . / - .... .. ... / -- . ... ... .- --. . .-.-.- / ..-. .. -. -.. / -- . .-.-.- / ..-. .. -. -.. / -- . .-.-.-”

Then, the speakers turned on and TV said, “Breakfast is over. May the eliminated contestants go to the elimination area or else you BURN!!!”

Cheeseburger, Milkshake, Purple Berry, and Paint Bucket got scared and started running to the elimination area.


At the elimination area, TV said, “Contestants, I have some great news! We have a viewer vote!” Everyone gasped, “Although, it came from Episode 4’s form and I forgot to count it. But I count it here! So yeah, anyways, let’s get started. So, the person who is eliminated is Purple Berry!”

Everyone gasped in surprise.

“But why?” Purple Berry asked.

“Well, the voter, who I don’t know, states that you are a weak link.”

Purple Berry stares at TV, “Really, they voted for me not because of my personality, or my actions, or anything else besides that I’m the weakest! This is stupid.” Then, the lid on Purple Berry’s seat disappears and Purple Berry falls down screaming.

Then, TV said, “You know the deal now. Get everyone here or ELSE EVERYONE BURNS!!!”

The contestants got scared and started running to get everyone.

When everyone got there, TV said, “Welcome contestants! In today’s challenge, you will have to escape from 4 monsters!"

Everyone gasped.

“Yes, you all have to escape from 4 monsters!” yelled TV, “The first 4 people to die will be up for elimination! Now Reggie!” Reggie appears from the sky, “Do your thing.”

Reggie points at the contestants and shoots.

Chapter |||: Monsters From The Shadows

The contestants woke up in a mansion in different places.

Paint Bucket is in a dark hallway with 3 directions. In front of him were 2 hallways. One of them had light while the other didn’t. Behind him was another hallway with doors, but the hallway was dim.

Paint Bucket, thinking that the light hallway was safe, starts going to the light direction. Once he saw what was in it, he regretted it. What he saw was a blue humanoid monster with no legs. It had no eye pupils and it had horns and wings. The monster screamed and so did Paint Bucket.

Paint Bucket tried to run away but the monster grabbed him and pulled him into his direction. The monster stared at Paint Bucket for 5 seconds before eating him. Paint Bucket screamed in terror. Once the monster finished eating him, TV said on the speakers, “Paint Bucket has been eliminated from this challenge! Only 5 of you remained.”

On the other side of the mansion with Cheeseburger and Milkshake, Cheeseburger said, “Welp, Paint Bucket out. We should find a hiding spot so the monsters won’t get us.”

“Yep,” Milkshake agreed.

But then, both of them heard footsteps from out of the shadows, they saw Ninja Star with blacked out eyes walking to them.

“Ninja Star!” Cheeseburger yelled, “Good to see you. Hey so, just asking but do you know a spot for hiding. We really need to hide from some monsters.”

Ninja Star doesn’t answer. Cheeseburger was confused and said, “Uhhh, dude? Can you talk?” Ninja Star still didn't answered.

Then, Milkshake started walking backwards. Cheeseburger looked confused and asked her, “What’s wrong?” Milkshake looked down so Cheeseburger looked down at himself and realized that Ninja Star was staring at him turning him into stone.

“What the!?” Cheeseburger yelled, “What’s happening!?” Cheeseburger tried to move from the stone prison but couldn’t. Then, the stone grew and grew. Cheeseburger, afraided, yelled, “Please, stop! Stop, STOP!!! No, no, no! N-NOOOOOO!!!” Then, Cheeseburger was fully turned into stone.

Milkshake looked in horror. Then, she noticed that Ninja Star was walking towards her.

“You’re next,” Ninja Star said in a distorted voice.

Milkshake started running again but she realized that Ninja Star was catching up to her. Then, Milkshake turned around and kicked Ninja Star. Ninja Star howled in pain before becoming unconscious while Milkshake started running again trying to find a hiding place.

On the speakers, TV said, “Cheeseburger is out! 4 of you remain!”

With Fidget Spinner and Latte, Fidget Spinner asked, “So um, how do we find an escape?”

“I don’t know,” Latte responded, “Why are you asking me?”

“Um, well, I was just curious,” said Fidget Spinner.

“Um okay,” Latte said before they encountered 2 monsters.

“Oooh, look what we got here,” the monster with a blue body with yellow spiky hair and big muscles said, “We got a Mary Sue and an irrelevant object.”

“Hey,” Latte said, “Don’t say that to her. Just because she’s irrelevant, doesn’t mean she can't beat you guys up.”

“Oh,” the crazy eyed Sweeping Broom said, “You think you can beat us up! Well, come and get us.”

Then, the 2 monsters started running towards the duo.

“Take this,” Latte said before giving Fidget Spinner a sword.

Latte started running up to the monsters and combating them. She swung her pickaxe at the two beasts causing slashes on their bodies. When the monster tried to kill her, Fidget Spinner stepped in and started fighting with Latte.

They both swung and shielded themselves. After a few seconds of fighting, they ended up winning.

“Yes!” Latte said, “We did it! Great job, Fidget Spinner.”

“Thanks,” said Fidget Spinner, “C’mon, let’s go. We need to hide somewhere.”

“Agreed,” Latte responded before going with Fidget Spinner trying to find a suitable place to hide.

While with Cheese Orb, they sigh and said, “I wish Purple Berry was still here. That kid was pure innocent and was my best friend.”

Then on the speakers, TV said, “Contestants, a new challenger is approaching.”

Cheese Orb was confused but unexpectedly, they heard something. They looked behind themself and saw Purple Berry.

“Purple Berry!” said Cheese Orb excitedly, “How are you here?”

“I found a way out,” Purple Berry said, “Come here, I’ll tell you everything!”

“Um, okay,” Cheese Orb said reluctantly coming towards Purple Berry.

“Closer,” she said, “Closer. Closer. And a little bit closer. And there. Now, here’s the actions of me eating you.”

“What!?” Cheese Orb said before seeing the transformation of Purple Berry's new form. Her new form had 8 red eyes with yellow pupils, 8 dark purple legs, and a big wide mouth with 50 sharp yellow teeth.

Cheese Orb, with fear in their eye, tries to escape from the upcoming madness, but Purple Berry grabs them and pulls them towards her. She stares at them with the scariest eyes ever seen. Then, Purple Berry pulls Cheese Orb right into her mouth and eats them alive. It took a few seconds before the stomach acid disingarted Cheese Orb into ashes. Purple Berry screeches before transforming back into her old self, now looking for a new victim to eat.

Then on the speakers, TV said, “Cheese Orb is out! 3 of you remain!”

Chapter |V: Final 3!

With Fidget Spinner and Latte, they were running around in hallways trying to find a good place to hide. Then, they found Milkshake, who was scared, trying to find a place to hide.

Then, Milkshake notices them, “Oh hey! What are you doing?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious?” Fidget Spinner said, “We’re trying to find a hiding place like you!”

“Oh cool,” Milkshake said, “Hey, can we team up?”

“Why?” asked Fidget Spinner.

“Well, Cheeseburger is gone and I’m alone now,” Milkshake answered, “Can we please team up for this challenge?”

“Hmmmm,” Fidget Spinner said, “What do you think, Latte?

“Well I think we should team up!” Latte responded, “I mean, with her fighting skills, with my skills in combat and archery, and with your many skills, we can be an ultimate team in this challenge!”

“Well, I guess you are right,” Fidget Spinner said, “Hey Milkshake, we decided to agree to your offer!”

Milkshake gasped in joy, “Yay! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome,” Fidget Spinner responded, “C’mon, let’s go find a hiding spot!”

“Okay,” Milkshake responded before walking with Fidget Spinner and Latte.

30 minutes later, they were lost and they couldn’t find a at least decent hiding spot for all of them. When they reached a three way hallway which led to left, forward, and right, Fidget Spinner heard some noises from above. She looks up and realizes that there were 8 eyes looking beyond her and her friends.

Then, the 8 eyes monster jumped out of the vent and showed themself. It was the monstrous Purple Berry. Then, the 4 other monsters came out of the shadows from each of the 4 halls.

“Look what we got here,” the blue monster with yellow spiky hair and muscle said, “We got the Mary Sue, Irrelevant Star, and a Confused Little Girl.” The monster laughed.

“Let’s see what I can EAT!” the Sweeping Broom said.

“You’ll see all the darkness in the world,” the black eyed Ninja Star said.

“Wanna play?” the spider like Purple Berry said sinisterly.

The blue monster just growled.

“Oh no!” Milkshake said, “What do we do!? There’s no way we can beat these horrendous monsters!”

“Oh yes we can!” Latte said, giving Milkshake a spear. She then faced the blue monster with yellow spiky hair, “Let’s see who’s the toughest.”

Latte chargesd at the blue monster with yellow spiky hair and starts to combat him. Swinged, dodged, swinged, shielded.

Then, the blue devil looking monster starts going towards Milkshake, but Milkshake hears his movement and turns around to start combatting the beast. The Sweeping Broom joined in and so, Milkshake had to fight 2 monsters.

Milkshake hits the Sweeping Broom but he starts dodging her attacks. But then, Milkshake hits Sweeping Broom in the eye which the monster howled in pain. Then, Milkshake went back to the blue monster and started swinging and dodging it’s attack. But then, Milkshake hit the monster in the neck and when the monster screamed in pain, she kicked him in the face causing him to go unconscious.

While Milkshake was fighting, Fidget Spinner was also fighting the other 2 monsters which were the black eyed Ninja Star and the spider like Purple Berry.

Fidget Spinner was struggling with the black eyed Ninja Star who was moving quickly from Fidget Spinner’s attack. But then, Fidget Spinner throws her sword at the monster and hits him, which successfully works and the black eyed Ninja Star screamed in pain and immediately fell unconscious.

But then, the Purple Berry spider grabbed Fidget Spinner and was going to eat her, but Latte, who shortly before defeated her opponent, stepped in and cut off one of the spider’s legs causing Fidget Spinner to be freed.

But the monster, who’s angrily staring at Latte’s eyes, grabs Latte and quickly eats her.

“NOOO!!!” Fidget Spinner yelled shortly after.

Then on the speakers, TV said, “Congratulations Fidget Spinner and Milkshake, you won the challenge! Both of you, the monsters, and the losers up for elimination will be sent back to your original spots immediately.”

Then, Fidget Spinner saw the monsters fading away into dust for a few seconds. Then, everything had gone white for her.

A few seconds later, everything went back to normal.

Fidget Spinner looked at Latte and said, “You-you sacrifice yourself for me?”

“Yes!” Latte responded, “I didn’t want to lose!”

“T-thanks,” Fidget Spinner said.

“Okay anyways!” TV said, “Viewers, vote for who you think should be up for elimination! Voting ends in 48 hours!”

Vote Here

Chapter V: Ending

At night, Cheese Orb was writing in his journal for 5 minutes. Then, he closed the book and went to sleep. What they wrote was:

“Today was the worst day of my life. My best friend is gone and she is now a monster! I don’t know what TV is doing or planning, but I know it’s wrong. I hope one day, Purple Berry and I could meet again.”

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05/03/2021 3:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
applelover9000's Avatar
If you're wondering why it says Episode 5 in the URL, well I accidentally made a mistake with the episode number
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