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Flaming Hurts (Pop Reel)

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Punkamoar's Avatar Punkamoar
Retired Moderator
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Hello Everyone

This is a post about how flaming hurts, and how people really can get affected by flaming, and other insults like it

First off, what is flaming? flaming is lashing out at people, insulting them repeatedly, and just being extremely negative in a non-constructive way

Secondly, what kinds of flaming are there? calling someone a n00b/noob/noobie is flaming, general insulting is flaming, having a negative opinion, and being VERY negative about it is flaming.

How can we respond when we are flamed? we can ignore it, send a comment/PM to them, but DO NOT flame back, that is just as bad.

How can we stop flaming? we can stop ourselves from flaming, to set an example, we can show people this blog about how flaming can really hurt

this is a completely hypothetical story, but it happens way to much:

One day Tom was walking home from school, he was bullied that day, and was in a very sad mood. He was looking forward to checking PMC, because he was a new member, and he posted his first project! once he made it home, he ran to his computer, pulled it up, and saw that he had a comment! he opened it as fast as he could, and as he read it, tears started to roll down his face, the comment read:

YOU N00B! this project @#$%^& why did you post this heap of @J#$%^& on this site, this stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom was so shaken, all he could do was lay on his bed, quivering with sorrow.

probably you have seen this, it happens way to often on PMC, even though it's against the rules, so when you are flamed at/seen flaming, you can take the suggestions above, and use them against flaming.

To sum it all up, flaming is being extremely negative in a non-constructive way, its also insulting repeatedly, do not flame back at a flamer.

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12/12/2013 9:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
CrazyHecticLife's Avatar
People are always flaming on me. But n00b is offensive?! When I first joined Minecraft people were greeted by being called a noob by everyone on the server. It was considered nice back in ye olden days.
12/13/2013 11:40 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
but now, its just something like "U N00B! U DONT BILD LIEK THAT!!1!1!1!!!!!"
10/17/2013 5:00 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Empress_Aqua_Wolf's Avatar
I really hate it when people flame at me. So I tell them that they shouldn't flame. and they say absoloutely Nothing, nothing at all. Like maybe I scared them or something...? Eh atleast that's a good thing. and I like most of the new people's project. Because there normally really good for there standard. and even if I don't like i don't say anything.
10/17/2013 5:06 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
06/14/2013 9:57 am
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
My throat is flaming.
07/21/2013 8:14 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Warrior
goku453's Avatar
That's a different type of flaming..... wait a minute.....
06/13/2013 12:42 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
CoolGuyNitro289's Avatar
You make a lot of good points, Diamond
05/18/2013 3:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
Um.. isn't your anti-butter blog flaming against butter?
05/18/2013 4:15 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
no, its intention isn't to flame against people that use budder, buts its purpose is to show people that SKYDOESMINECRAFT isn't the god of minecraft
05/12/2013 12:09 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
guys, this is my most popular post yet, and i thank you for the amount of diamonds that you threw my way! thanks!
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