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HEROBRINE story+ tutorial how to write stories (CONTEST)

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Level 49 : Master Ninja
Today we mourn over those lost, savagely murdered by the man known as Herobrine. It was this very time, 1 year ago that the super-villain known as Herobrine was unleashed into the suburban streets of the over world, and destroyed many innocent testificates. In those many weeks of tyranny, we were able to examine some of the behaviour that Herobrine emits, such as his activity, habits, and even health problems.

Herobrine has been witnesses building certain structures in the over world, such as large pyramids and long cobblestone tunnels, that are dimly lit with the torch known as a Redstone torch. A witness of these events brings us this presentation, spoken by the chosen to be anonymous, innocent.

We can clearly here some of the horrifying activity that Herobrine causes, but how did this happen? Some witnesso s report of whistling sounds, or strange tickling down their back. Soon after reporting this information, many of them disappeared. We have never seen them again.

Herobrine strangely has some very strange health problems, which we figure were cause by the years of his tyranny. We were able to record back to the early 600o s, where Herobrine was first sighted, in the harsh terrain of swampland. Going back to health problems though, he is supposed to be dead, for a long time. We recorded this list of his problems, according to his risks.

Eye problems- His eyes are bone dead, and strangely emit a strange luminous light, that comes from the centre of his eye, but face out at the rim. As far as we know, he has lost his eyes in some accident, and used some form of demonic activity to restore his eyesight.

Heart Problems- His heart, which is built like any other heart, has strangely been faltering a lot recently, bumping in strange ways, and simply causing a great deal. We think this is what led to diabetes, and soon after death.

Diabetes- we learnt recently that Herobrine has diabetes, and has pain when walking, or committing to everyday uses. We believe this is a cause of his heart problems, stately shortly before this.

Death- we believe that Herobrine should be dead, otherwise, how would he be able to go on? We think he is one with the walking dead, striving to cause pain and suffering in the lives of many.

Obesity- something strange has happened to Herobrine, occurring within the early stages of development in the updates of 1973. He disappeared from the lands, causing many celebrations, but has recently been spotted in the high snowy mountains, wearing nothing but rags. It is believed that he has become obese, and that he spends all day terrifying his slaves, known as the abominable snowmen, who are also known to be his food. He spends all his time eating the brutes, which have recently been thrown into extinction, because of his evil deeds. This is why the brutes known as the abominable snowmen, are never ever seen around the Himalayas.

Structures are one of Herobrineo s favourite thingso ¦ well maybe behind killing, terrifying, eating and slavingo ¦ building would definitely be on his list! He likes to build pyramids, which can span from bedrock to heaven, and can be wider than the mighty kings mountains themselves. They are usually made out of sandstone, but sometimes they have been seen being made out of mushrooms or even diamond. Many helpless victims have fallen victim to these diamond pyramids, trying to take some diamond, but shortly after being captured, and disappeared by a mysterious man. He has been seen wearing a coat and hat, but I think we all know who he is! Another structure that Herobrine likes to build is tunnels. He spans tunnels, made out of cobblestone right across the land, from one side of the world to another. They are usually lit by the spooky Redstone torches, which fill the corridors with a dim light. Many times helpless victims have found themselves lost in this labyrinth, losing themselves, and even their minds in these never ending tracks.

Last of all we acknowledge some of Herobrineo s history. He has been spotted in many countries, such as England, France, Spain, Thailand, China, Japan, Australia, Africa and South America. In many countries he is known as the deadly one, but in Australia, he is known as Bunyip or Wemba- Wemba. We shudder in the thoughts, of how he has plagued the many countries.

LOLDA has recently disappeared, and has not been seen again, I, AtFreeWillCreeper am now writing this. We hope that Herobrine does not affect any of you, because just writing this piece has cause to be devastating. Please, we beg you, do not cross with Herobrine, he will kill you.

Now that you some stuff about Herobrine, let me tell you how to write your own stories!

Vocab- Remember, you need a good wide range of vocabulary, ranging across the globe, and you need to know how to, and when to apply this vocab. For instance, you wouldn't say, my farting toadstool ate my grandma. Of course, it sounds cool, but you could probably spice it up a bit by adding; My repulsive toadstool managed to submerge my grandma within the depths of its mouth. How about that hey? Sounds much better!

Knowledge- You should probably know some stuff about what you are writing about, you can't just start writing about another planet out their, and how it works, unless you know what you're talking about. Well, that is unless you want to go crazy with your story.

Paranoid- You need to be CRAAAAZZYY. Think up ideas that come form nowhere and make no sense, Then try applying those ideas, and at the same time, changing it to sound better.

Powerful hands- You must have hard sturdy hands, so you can type at fast speeds. I personally, tend to type very fast, so use this as an example. By using this, you can type up long stories in a very short time!

REMEMBER, when writing your story, USE YOUR IMAGINATION! Never give up on it, and keep on trying to use ideas. Ideas should come to you quickly, but you should learn to use them efficiently. Follow these tips, and you should be able to write up anything!
CreditMinecraft wiki for info about herobrine

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12/26/2012 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
noahman1122's Avatar
Ummmm nice story i might make a vid about it
01/01/2013 10:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
good luck ._.
12/11/2012 1:06 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Archer
fghjkfghmgdynftgnyftygjnf's Avatar
No No No No No! All wrong! Herobrine's name was Benjamin and he died to save his friends with arrows in his hack chioking NOTCH with his chains. And as he died, Castle Mojang started to fall to pieces and mobs started spwaning from no where
12/11/2012 3:10 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
? Explain the glowing eyes.
12/11/2012 6:18 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Archer
fghjkfghmgdynftgnyftygjnf's Avatar
When he died, there were arrows stuk in his eyes, and that's what killed him, His eyeswere like, you know, when you close your eyes and then you open them and can't see anything and others see that your eyes are plain white? I just explained two things:

1.His white eyes.

2.Why Herobrine is blind (Yes he is)
12/11/2012 7:52 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
*stuck, and ok. This is just what I made up.
11/20/2012 7:13 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
ultrashadow115's Avatar
Video made me tremble........

11/20/2012 7:33 pm
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
10/19/2012 1:09 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Ravenpaw2000's Avatar
Lol, I just diamonded for the art work! great job by the way, who made the thumbnail?
10/19/2012 9:42 pm
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
Some person from deviantart
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