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How to End the World

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Prettzel's Avatar Prettzel
Level 42 : Master Blob
A Blog By Evil Prettywaters


1. Start by making the trees to fall down. If you do this, people will get scared, and start screaming. It will also cause major accidents, and possibly a bush fire. To do this install 50 giant fans on your roof, and point them in every direction. They will make wind, and the wind will slowly knock over the tree's. Also, if you do this in Winter, people will get cold and freeze to death. A very bad thing to do.......

2. Next, using the fans you all ready have, make a tornado. Except, install 50 giant heaters to face the fans. The cold and hot air will try to chase eachother and create a tornado! MWAHAHAHA! This will cause it to be even colder, and more people freezing to death! It will also cause more major damage done to people's houses, schools, post offices, public toilets, necks, and all the other stuff that's easy to destroy! A very very bad thing to do.......

3. After that, have a lovely stroll down to your local magnet store and buy a few very strong lava magnets 3000! Then, place them in people's yards, and watch the magic happen. The lava will get pulled up to the surface, and it will push the dirt to! There is so much dirt underground, enough to make a mountain! So, after the mountain has been created, watch as the lava from underground bursts out the top, and see the townsfolk screaming and burning to death. A very very very bad thing to do.......

4. Hmmmmm......I've noticed we've basically been doing all the Man-Made Natural disasters. Well, in that case, this step will have THREE! First build 100 giant stamping robots. All that stamping will cause a 9.8 EARTHQUAKE! There might even be sinkholes in the ground! Next, go to the beach and relax, for a few SECONDS! Because the earthquake will create a huge TSUNAMI! And then the tsunami will cause a FLOOD, and many people will drown. A very very very very bad thing to do......

5. Finally, we need an ICE AGE! Remember those fans? Good, but before we do the fans, destroy the heaters to stop it from getting warm. Then, install 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 more fans and air conditioners everywhere around town. It will get really cold, but not cold enough. Use your spaceship to fly up to the sun, and block it from the Earth. Even try and push it away from Earth if you can. Now, the magic will happen. Everyone will die! A very very very very very bad thing to do......

P.S. It works! I tested it myself. I am literally writing this on The Grim Reaper's computer!

This Blog Is Brought To You By: The Writer's Society

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11/24/2012 5:57 am
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
icesrevenge's Avatar
It worked!
11/18/2012 2:04 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokemon
LeoL274's Avatar
This is SOOOO funny man!! Definately cheered up my day!!!
11/20/2012 2:25 am
Level 42 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
:D Thanks man! You are really supportive! :D
11/20/2012 2:38 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokemon
LeoL274's Avatar
only in return of your supportiveness (if thats even a word lol) =D
11/20/2012 2:58 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Words do not need to worship the rules of wordingness
11/20/2012 3:31 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokemon
LeoL274's Avatar
11/20/2012 11:42 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Nor do lollies
11/10/2012 9:45 am
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
I blew up the world! Now there is a way to fix it right guys? Guys? Guys????
11/10/2012 3:24 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Wanna Truth or Lie?
11/10/2012 8:29 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
11/10/2012 9:35 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Well then, there is no possible way unless you are God... ._.
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