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How To Get Accepted For Staff Everytime!

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Classy_'s Avatar Classy_
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Hi everyone, I'm FatNasty. This is my second account, so my first accounts identity is concealed. I am going to be giving you tips to be accepted for staff every time. Part of the reason why I am staff on so many servers is due to me following my own tips and guidelines. I hope you use these tips in your next application, and thanks for reading!

First Tip- Don't Write OneLiners!
The first thing Owners look for in an answer is Line Length(LL). LL is one of the most important parts of the application process. This is one of the key factors that separates you from getting the position. Go into depth with your answers! Write as much as you possibly can, and do not ever write the following, "It took me a long time to write this, please accept me". Do not even THINK about trying to guilt trip an owner into giving you the position. This shows a main flaw in the candidate. Secondly, don't be redundant! Don't write I am responsible 3 times. Instead, spice up the application with different words and even add scenarios. Instead of saying, "I will ban the spammer" Say, "I will give him a warning, however, if he continues to spam he will be banned". MORE IS BETTER THAN LESS REMEMBER THAT!

Second Tip-Do not lie!
More than enough times Owners will check servers that you have been staff on. If you list fifteen servers, They Will Check! It's always a good idea to save IP's of servers you have been/or currently are staff on. This shows confidence, and shows how responsible you are. Never, EVER, write the following, "Even though I'm 10, I'm really mature" I guarantee, that no owner will take a 10 year old. I'm not saying you're not mature, because you could be. No owner wants to work with people that young of age. Older people 13+ can make informed decisions and not get in the heat of the moment and ban someone. This is one of the greatest flaws with young staff, They get really angry, really easily. Just be cool, and don't let your emotions take over. Also, don't say you know everything about Bukkit Servers when you don't. It's very frustrating having a staff member who does not know how to work certain plugins. Do your research!

Third Tip-Take you time writing!
In an application it is crucial be wary of your grammar. If I was spelling like a young child and writing one liners, I will not get chosen for staff. If you really want the job, you're willing to spend time to really make a great application. More times than not, people with longer applications, who really spend a lot of time get chosen for higher positions, And Get Chosen! So make sure you check over all your writing once or twice, and make sure you are understandable in your writing.

Fourth Tip-Be Yourself!
This is the most important part of the application process. All of these tips are important, but this is by far the most important. Owners do not like arrogance. If are really immature, and laugh every time someone says an immature joke, tell the owner. Owners will see that you have manned up, and are willing to fix your flaws to become a staff member. Also do not be afraid to say you do not know something. Nobody is perfect! If you're willing to learn then you're fit for a staff position. It's not terrible to say you don't know everything about Bukkit and Factions. It helps if you do, but everyone once didn't know how to craft a spade. It comes with time, effort, and practice. Again, don't lie!

Thank you so much for reading! I really hope if you follow these tips you will be accepted for a staff position! Thanks again for reading!

Sincerely, Nick(FatNasty)

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