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Interview Blog|Azie The Amazing Skinner/Blogger

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Level 37 : Artisan Geek
Hey guys,first I'd like to say sorry to Azie for taking forever to make this.Also sorry to all you other guys who liked my other interviews and thought I'd never make another.


Q: Hey Azie How Are You Feeling?

A: Doing very well, thank you.

Q: Azie as you know we will be going through 20+ questions so my first question is "What is your favorite moment on Planet Minecraft"

A: My favorite moment actually didn't happen on PMC. It was when I was first promoted to forum moderator and invited to the staff chat room on Skype. Suddenly all of these semi-intimidating people became rather silly and I think I've made a lot of great friends since then, which is always something to be happy about.

Q: How much fun do you have on the Planet?

A: Believe it or not, I wouldn't categorize our job as fun. We get a lot of really angry people who want answers about their bans and don't go about it by asking politely. Occasionally I find myself in the chat room hanging out with people or releasing a skin and getting some good feedback, which definitely is fun.

Q: Do you love your fans?

A: It's kind of weird for me to think of it that way. "Fans"... I definitely appreciate all the support I get from everyone here on the site. I know to some this might seem like some kind of publicity stunt so people will say "Oh, look! Azie is so nice!", but I really, honestly want to thank each and every person on this site for all the kind comments they've sent me and all the support they've given over these past few months.

Q: How does it feel to be famous on Planet Minecraft?

A: I don't think I'm famous... Am I? It's cool other people think so, I guess. Honestly though, I'm just like everyone else here, but I wield a shiny ban hammer. I'm not really used to being popular at all, so this is a new experience for me, getting so much attention. I must be doing something right.

Q: What's your current goal?

A: My goal is to get a job, get a license, and continue growing my new Youtube channel. I also want to go to college next year and learn as many programming languages as I can. I'm not quite sure where to start, but I hope it takes me somewhere where I might be working for a video game developer or maybe right back here on PMC.

Q: What did it mean for you to become a moderator or staff member of PMC?

A: At the time I got the official message from Paril asking me to join the team, it was a huge honor. I hadn't at all been trying to earn a position on the team, but somehow I was noticed out of a million users on the site. It really means a lot to know that I'm doing some good on the site and Paril and the other members of the team noticed that.

Q: Are you currently enjoying this review?

A: Quite a bit. I love to type and write stories, so any time I get to write is fun for me.

Q: What would you rate your work?

A: Work on PMC as a staff member or work as an artist submitting skins? I'll answer both. I think I do a good job moderating. I don't close reports as often as I probably should, but I spend a great deal of time actively searching the submissions for things that need to be removed, so I guess that prevents more reports from being filed. When people come to me upset about their bans, I try and handle them with as much respect and patience as possible regardless of how many names they call me or how many caps they spam. As an artist, I love my work. It may not be perfect in the eyes of others, but I love experimenting and growing with new styles of coloring and shading.

Q: Who do you subscribe to and why?

A: I'm subscribed to a few select skinners for their talents. I don't have very many subscriptions, but those I am subscribed to I believe are exceptional people and great contributors to the site and the community.

Q: Who is your favorite member on PMC?

A: I don't have one, really. There are a lot of really great people here and I couldn't but one of them over any of the others. I will make two shout-outs to two people who stood out when you asked though.Cooperx223xandFreeman0676have both been pretty awesome. Cooper was one of my first friends on the site. We game together sometimes and I have a great deal of fun hanging out with him when we get the chance. Freeman requested a skin from me a while ago and has been wearing it around like crazy. It's in his forum signature and everything. It just makes me really happy that someone likes one of my skins so much.

Q: Is your real name Azie?

A: No, it isn't. Unfortunately, I won't be telling you what my real name is, but I will tell you where Azie came from. I was in middle school and I didn't have very many friends. I sat alone at lunch a lot until I eventually got to know a few people. There was this really short, thin girl who, for the sake of privacy we're going to call Cassandra, who started sitting with me at lunch. Cassandra had a hard time remembering my name at first, so she came up with Azie. Not really sure where it came from, but it's been my gaming name ever since.

Q: How did you start out on PMC?

A: I made an account two years ago just so I could comment on the forums and on submissions. I didn't have any plans on uploading anything until, for some reason, I decided to start making some skins. I figured "well, it can't be that hard and I like to draw". Turned out it is pretty hard, but that didn't stop me since I enjoyed it a lot and it's helped me grow a lot as an artist.

Q: How much are you on PMC?

A: I'd wage probably 4-5 hours a day. Mind you this is spaced out throughout the whole day. I don't spend 4-5 hours straight moderating... I'd go insane. :P

Q: What's your favorite sport?

A: Worst question in the world to ask me, probably. I hate sports. I never liked playing competitively with other kids while I was in school and I messed up my ankle taking Tae Kwon Do when I was in middle school and I'm built pretty stocky, so I've always been kind of heavy and slow. Maybe good for wrestling or something, but not really great for anything else sports wise.

Q: Do you have pets?

A: I have two cats, Zach and Peyton. Zach thinks he's a dog and he has long grey fur with little white socks on his feet and a white stripe on his chest. Just recently we shaved him like a lion because he got too many knots he didn't want us to comb out. My boyfriend likes to call him Simba now.Peyton is our petite little girl that loves to snuggle. She's a long haired cat with spots of brown that have tabby markings on them. Whenever she looks at anyone, she reminds them of Puss In Boots whenever he makes the adorable face he does. I hope everyone knows what I'm talking about.

Q: What's your least favorite moment on Planet Minecraft?

A: My least favorite moment is probably something I shouldn't bring up in the interest of saving myself some hate mail and keeping the comments from turning into a mourn-fest/flame war.

Q: How does it make you feel when you get hate?

A: Not good, admittedly, but I've gotten so much hate at this point that it pretty much stopped bothering me. I mostly laugh at people who send me hate mail calling me names and threatening to sue the site and hack me.

Q: How does it make you feel when you get when you get great comments?
A: It makes me feel great. It's human nature to focus on negative things, so when someone takes the time to send me a thank you note or a comment, it makes me feel really special. Sometimes I sit down and wonder if mypatience with others every really does pay off around here and somehow someone always reminds me that it does.

Q: What would you do to stick up for someone in the comments or in chat?

A: I was bullied a lot as a kid. Not so much physical stuff, but a lot of kids laughed at me for sitting alone at lunch, not being good at anything in PE, and always having to wear hand-me-downs. Bullying is something I definitely don't have a tolerance for, but I also have to remain professional since I have a job to do. Diffusing arguments is one thing I'm apparently very good at, so it's certainly helpful in both the chat rooms and the forum. Wielding a ban hammer doesn't hurt either.

Q: Anything you want to say to whoever is reading this blog before I end the interview?
A:I would like to say that I just started a new channel on Youtube that's growing and it would really mean a lot to me if any of you might take a look.I'm trying to work my way to a Machinima partnership and I'm doing some Let's Plays of Terraria and will be doing some videos of Chivalry, Don't Starve, Left 4 Dead, and Minecraft. I might even be doing a series with Paril soon, which is exciting. So come visit my channel and subscribe if you want to see more of my videos. :)


Alright I guess thats the end.Stay tuned for more blogs and interviews.Also big thanks to Azie!


Azie's YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSunflowerSniper

Remember to check out Azie's amazing channel.Also if you want to help Azie but games for her YouTube channel donate to her.

:D Pop-Real.Thanks guys!

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08/31/2013 6:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Nice, my first interview was one with Azie, yours is great, diamond and sub for you!
08/31/2013 6:27 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
bro10's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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