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Learn Redstone in 50 Tutorials #4: Playing with Pistons

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31415926535's Avatar 31415926535
Level 44 : Master Lava Rider
Hi, and welcome to Learn Redstone in 50 Tutorials, Part 4. In this part you will learn the properties of how to power a piston and/or stick piston. In the next tutorial, I will do it on sticky pistons and pistons difference and similarities. Now it will start getting harder. Leto s dive on in!

False alarm! I would like you to know that in pistons, there are many glitches with the powering, so dono t freak out if your piston doesno t stop extending. Now youo re ready to begin!

First of all, when a piston is powered, it will extend. When a piston extends, the blocks in front of it will move. If I am correct, a piston can push a 12 block row or column before not being able to push. This means that a 13 block column cannot be pushed. Also, two common blocks that cannot be pushed are bedrock and obsidian. Second of all, a piston can be powered in so many ways ito s not even funny. In fact, if you are building a compact creation it is a challenge not to power them sometimes. This does not mean you will not need to know how.

· The simplest way is just a wire going into the piston. This means that the piston is at level 1, and there is a block next to it at level 0, then the Redstone would need to be on the block at level 1. Using this method the wire has to be facing the direction towards (This will also look like it is going away) of the piston. This includes a repeater, if the repeater is facing the piston.

· The second way is an uncommonly known (As I am aware of, it may be common) but still easy. If a block is directly parallel to the piston, if any Redstone (other than a repeater) is on that block, it can power the piston.

· If any block touching the piston is powered. This includes if a block underneath the piston is powered.

· If any Redstone torch touches the piston it will extend.

· If a block on top of the piston has a Redstone wire on it (Not a repeater or torch).

Now you know how they are powered.

Stay tuned for next tutorial on the difference between pistons and sticky pistons and when you would use them.

Thanks for reading :D!

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