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Minecraft War Story

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J D Scott's Avatar J D Scott
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
The Great Minecraft War By: Jake Fife A long time ago in Minecraft there was a war between the Steve Nation, and the Herobrine Nation. Both nations were formed around the same time, and had been friends ever since the begining. One day outside of the town of Stevenville there was a murder. A Herobrinian killed a Steve man. Word got around quick and people wanted justice to be served at once! The two nations leaders got together and discussed the issue, and agreed that they would find the killer, and put him down! The Steve's didn't like that. After the meeting they waited for the Herobrine leaders to come out and they shot them with bows and arrows! They killed every single represenative but one, and he barely escaped and told the others what had happened. The Steve Goverment arrested the people and they were executed. About a week later a regiment of Herobrine's were doing drills at the border of the nations when arrows came from all directions! The soldiers ran for thier lives, and only four were killed. The soldiers had not seen thier attackers, but they knew who they were. They told the other soldiers, and then the king what had happened. The two sides met once again, and the Steve leaders were killed on the way to the meeting by Herobrine's soldiers. The Steve Nation was very angry and demanded war! The Steve King, Steve II decided that it was time for war, and he quickly got an army together. The Steve army was larger than the Herobrine's, but they weren't as trained as thier enemies. One night Steve II led an attack of Herobrineville and destroyed the city! The Herobrine King, Herobrine III got his army and rode out to meet the enemy for battle. The first battle was long and bloody. It was fought at a river close to the border and both side's fought for three hours straight. The battle ended when Steve II fired an arrow and wounded Herobrine III. Herobrine III died that night and was replaced by his nephew, Jeb. Jeb split his forces and attacked many villages along the border, and then something very strange happened. A man in the Steve Capitol, Steve City discovered a portal that could take you to a land full of fire, and lava. He named the land "The Nether", and he took some soldiers to explore the land, and none of them ever returned. The Nether would prove to be a big factor in the war, becuase both sides wanted to conquer it. The Steve's sent many settlers there, and they all died trying to settle the Nether. Then one day, a creature came out of the portal! It was very big and white, and it was flying. It made the sound of crying or in pain. It shot fire out of its mouth and destroyed much of the city. The Steve people tried to kill it and after two days they finnaly did. A man in the city figured out how to build the portal, and the Steve army built one at each border crossing. Jeb and the Herobrine soldiers wanted to capture a portal and use it to win the war. They attacked a fort where one portal was built, and killed all of the Steve soldiers inside the fort. Jeb sent twenty soldiers into the Nether, and only two came back, but they had many stories to tell! They spoke of white flying creatures that shot fire, and killed many men. They tallked about how they were attacked by pig looking creatures with swords that dropped gold out of thier pockets! Jeb decided that he and his army would enter the Nether with hopes on conquering the strange land. Later that night they ventured into the portal and built a base as soon as they got to a flat spot. Little did they know, that a regiment of Steve soldiers who were surprised to find a few Herobrine guards inside. They quickly killed them, and captured an officer who was in charge while Jeb was gone. The officer told the Steve's that Jeb was inside the portal trying to claim the Nether. The Steve officer destroyed the portal and covered it up with the best materials they had. Meanwhile, Steve II was marching toward the Herobrine capitol. He was surprised to find it deserted and he captured it with ease. He learned that the Herobrine goverment was two towns over, and he quickly sent an army to go capture them. The next day he got the news that Jeb was trapped in the Nether forever! He celebrated with a firework show, then he burned the city. His army returned with the captured Herobrine Goverment. They pleaded for peace, and Steve told them that Jeb was gone forever, and they begged for peace. Meanwhile in the Nether, Jeb had no idea he was trapped. He was out exploring with a few scouts, and they were attacked by some creatures they called Zombie Pigmen. Jeb was injured and he was the only survivor of the attack. He ran back and warned the other soldiers and they decided to go back home through the portal. When they got to the portal room they were shocked to see it was destroyed. Jeb realized that he would be stuck there forever, so he took his mean and went on a suicide mission to kill every creature in the Nether. He died the next day from a Pigmen attack. With their leader dead, and the main army defeated at Freddie's Farm, they decided peace was the best option. The two sides met for the final time and they agreed on a peace treaty that would end the war. But that wasn't the end of the war. A week after the treaty was signed, some Herobrine soldiers attacked a Steve village and killed everyone in the village. Some of the people that lived in the next town over got together and attacked the Herobrine army. The fight lasted for five hours, and it ended when a new weapon was deployed into action. It was a TNT Cannon. The cannon scared the Herobrine soldiers and they fled back to their homes. Steve II was happy that order was restored, and he and his army rode home to celebrate their win. As they got back home they were shocked by what they saw. The capitol was in ruins and all the people had abandoned the city.They learned later that a group of Steve soldiers turned on the people and fired five TNT cannons on the city. They killed almost everyone and left the city a mess! After that not much happened. Everything was back to normal and both sides were friends again! Both sides teamed up and cunquered the Nether together and split it in half. The Minecraft world would be peaceful again for another 15 years before another war broke out, but that is another story.

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12/15/2013 5:16 am
Level 40 : Master Electrician
-WaffleKing-'s Avatar
It's ok, but please use paragraphs and don't keep changing town names. Sounds a bit like HG with Capitol.
J D Scott
12/15/2013 11:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
J D Scott's Avatar
ok, thanks for the feedback. I will use paragraphs next time.
J D Scott
12/15/2013 1:15 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
J D Scott's Avatar
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