This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Minedeas Contest Entry-The Hunter's Mode

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Pacmantacco's Avatar Pacmantacco
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
What does this mod include?

Traps: This mod will give you access to a wide variety of "hunting" traps. The unique diversity of these traps allow you to do a wide variety of things such as easily capture peaceful mobs without the use of wheat, carrots, etc. Other traps will allow you to kill you enemies in unique ways, to have your meat cooked within seconds of your prey falling into your hands and or simply to easily tame ocelots, wolves and foxes(More about that later) without having to sit their and feed them continuously.
Primitive Cage Trap: In the crafting bench place one door on either side of a wooden pressure plate. This trap will harmlessly capture your prey and can be transported with the mob still inside! They have 25 uses.
Fire Trap: In the crafting bench place a wooden pressure plate, a fire charge and a dispenser in any order you wish, however you will find that some orders are more effective than others. This trap burns anything that's trapped inside and drop the meat, cooked! Don't worry, the fire is controlled, more or less. This trap has 10 uses.
Tame Trap: In the crafting bench place a cookie, a rose, a pressure plate and a 2 iron bars in any order you wish.
Any wolf, ocelot, rabbit or fox that gets trapped inside will become tamed within 2-4 minutes. This trap has 15 uses.
Fishing Trap: In the crafting bench creating a ring around the center using string, in the center place a fishing rod. You can place this trap in any body of water and after 5 minutes. You can return to see up to 30 raw fish sitting there for you!
Explosive Trap: Place one piece of TNT, a wooden pressure plate and another piece of TNT beside each other in the crafting bench to create this trap. One this hidden trap is activated, a pair of fences will rise to prevent the prey from escaping and then it will blow up, destroying both the captive and the trap.
Bird Trap: Place string all around the edge of the crafting bench and place seeds in the middle. The trap will attract chickens, ducks and bats. The trap needs to be baited after each use using seeds and can be used up to 15 times.
*all traps can be manually triggered with redstone.
Now this will also include five new mobs.

Mobs: First we have the rabbit, they're a peaceful mobs that spawn commonly in forest, taiga, plains and ice plains biomes. These adorable critters can be tamed with 2-3 carrots. Once tamed they follow you everywhere (similarly to a wolf). However, they do more than just look cute. While following you they will randomly stop and dig up loot! Some of this amazing loot includes carrots, potatoes, seeds, gold nuggets and apples. These critters have 5 hearts, but tamed bunnies can be healed with carrots!
Next we have the seal, they only spawn in frozen river biomes and rarely, they can be found on small patches of ice in ocean biomes. Sadly these little critters can't be tamed. But you can hunt them for their precious meat! Their meat has similar properties as steak, so that means; even when you're out at sea you have access to some delicious meat to nibble on. But watch out! As cute as they seem, if you attack one, they'll all come for you! (Well at least the ones within 32 blocks away.) However, not only do they drop seal meat, but they also drop precious blubber and raw fish. Blubber can be used with any meat to make them fill one and a half more hunger icons than normal. Oh and you can also make them follow you if you hold raw fish!
Then we have the ducks. They have the same amount of health as chicken and spawn naturally in small bodies of water. When killed they drop duck meat, which like chicken; can be cooked and eaten. They also lay eggs which can be thrown to have a small chance of hatching a duckling! They also fly around when chased or at random intervals.
Deer can also be found roaming in forests, taiga biomes and even deserts. They can be saddled and are much faster and have more health than pigs. If you saddle a bull, you can make them charge at any hostile mob (except creepers) by pressing "v". This will do a massive amount of damage and has a large amount of knockback. This can also be used to jump over ravines, scale mountains or to simply race around for fun!They drop deer meat, which has similar properties to steak. They spawn in small groups of 7-10. The antlered deer (bulls) will be protective over the other deer if they are provoked. They also drop antlers which can be used as a substitute for sticks in crafting recipes. Antlers can also be worn by the player! Deer will spawn as passive mobs.
And finally, we have the fox. They spawn in taiga and forest biomes and have a slightly lower spawn rate than wolves. They can be seen randomly attacking rabbits, chickens and baby animals. They are passive mobs since they only attack when provoked and have 10 hearts. You can tame these by feeding them any meat you want, however, you will probably find that they prefer chicken and raw fish. Once tamed, they will follow you around (unless told to sit) and will attack anything you attack, except wolves and other foxes.

I think this mod will "improve" minecraft by building upon the survival aspect of Minecraft. While some of us spend our time bombarding villagers with TNT cannons, we all started from the same place. As players trying to survive in the wilderness of Minecraft. The new mobs; such as seals will add more of a variety too regions where fewer mobs spawn such as seals in oceans and rabbits in ice plains. The traps will also be useful for survival, PvP and even for simply pranking other players.

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12/16/2012 4:45 am
Level 23 : Expert Princess
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