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Modern Society - Down the Gutter

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Mymagic12's Avatar Mymagic12
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
"Our buildings may be getting higher, but our morals are definitely below sea level..."
I hate to write this, really I do, but honestly seeing some.. particular... blog post, I've managed to completely lose all faith in modern society for a small moment, and within this moment I managed to write out an entire article on my note pad app.

Usually I'm for the impossible, believing that, anyone can change for the better.... but... I feel like I'm the only one who's willing to try, or, even the only one in the world who doesn't... well... do the things below.

I'm not saying i'm perfect, I'm not saying everyone should aim to be perfect, but the thing is, me trying to be perfect is what at least helps me to try and be a better person, I know I make mistakes, and I notice them completely, I usually try my hardest to get the gumption to apologies...

but anyways, basically this blog post is about my view on modern society and my viewpoint on it's people, enjoy?

(Please remember I am american, and all viewpoints will be based on the USA society.)

Well, you've probably seen the quote above when you opened the page, that's a good summary of what this blog post is all about, I'm afraid. You've probably heard people say that "the world is "going to pot"." or.... "get your head out of the gutter" (Which means, stop thinking rude /disgusting things.)

Modern society has become more open to terrible things and made role models to some of the worst people, from both media and parents.

From being too open to sexuality, to having no control over respect and language. All these things will be mentioned in this blog.


Endless Cycle -

Most children, lose their innocence at about... 4.

Why? because Society is like a big cycle. The parents we're raised wrong, and so they raise their children wrong.

Lack of control and care from their parents and elders cause their children to know more then they should.Children shouldn't be exposed to this, this should just be common sense, but for some, they can't seem to see it.

Parents use ignorant excuses such as "They're going to learn it eventually"

What they (somehow) don't know, is that children are not like everyone else.

This isn't just the parents fault, their are things some parents just can't avoid, and they shouldn't have to be afraid that other children will teach them things they don't want them to know.

I've even seen teenagers use the expression "they're going to learn it eventually."

If the teenagers were taught right from the start, they would of had the devency to be more careful around children, and more caring, but of course, they aren't.

Such as, the children will think the teens are fun and cool~ (looking up to them being bigger) and aim to be just... like... them.

Open to Sexuality

People use the word virgin as a.. insult, if I recall.

Now if you watch TV, probably older shows, children used to think kissing and such was gross, now, some people think it's good that children grow up faster, but not like this.

Children shouldn't have 2 boyfriends in kindergarten, whether it's just "puppy love" or not. Yes, I have seen this, mostly when I was riding on the bus, I stopped listening to music to tell the 2 boys that how can she have 2 boyfriends? They both looked at each other, and started to argue. Kindergarten kids just plain shouldn't be like this.

Exposure to early sexuality can easily lead to many problems, of which I'm sure you already know. If you don't, there are many, many articles on sites about it, and parenting. Whether it's just playing, they grow up with this in their heads, and it just escalates worst, which again, leads to the cycle...

I don't know much about this topic, but even I can see it's a problem.


Stubborn Language

By stubborn language, I mean swearing, I know a lot about this category, and such, I put it into another section.

Why do I call it stubborn language? Well, in research of psychology, people mentally defend cursing like some people deny being addicted to cigarettes, some, even believe that cursing is right so much that they DEFEND IT so STRONGLY almost like.... a right.

A blog, that I saw only recently in research, actually believed that it's a right to curse, as he stated I believe, "Why invent a word and tell people to not use it?" Which was, (mind blowing-ly) stupid, and honestly thought he was fighting for a good cause.

Now, as (people with common sense/ decency) would know, Curse Words, NOW mean something extremely rude, and is not something to be proud of, but a bad habit that's hard to break.

I've seen on other blogs, 10 year olds and even, a 7 year old whom of which said something similar to "YEAH! I curse all the time! My parents don't give a *bleep* what I say, haha!"

Yeah, I'm not even exaggerating, he basically described modern society in a nutshell.

Have we all become so stuck in our ways, raised so carelessly, that we honestly believe cursing is fine?

Cursing isn't a "privilege" you gain once you grow up, and now you can curse as much as you like... but obviously, it is now.


Media and Role Models

Now Disney, we all know you've tried, but your still part of the problem, friend.

If you've.. watched a lot of Disney recently, you've probably seen their (adorable) "What makes a princess" short/ filler. It tells that a true princess is basically a model citizen who cares for her friends, right? Disney is always encouraging good behavior, or at least, trying too.

Now, it's the live action shows that inspire the bad things...

Only using disney as a example, I've seen... a young adopted girl on the show.. Jesse. She can often be extremely un-respectful, rude, hurtful, and brutally honest with her nanny. (Now this is all coming from personal experience too-)

Yeah so guess what, I run into a young girl who actually said she was acting like that because she did. Uh huh.

and a longer time ago, it was Alex (or, Selena Gomez) from "Wizards of Waverly Place"

Oh.. and now, we look at Cartoon Network. Yeah, that means adventure time, Regular Show, and many other shows.

Now adventure time and regular show are infamous for it's amount of "Getting stuff past the radar" Which means, secretly and discretely putting disgusting or un-acceptable humor into a unfairly rated series. This has actually gotten them in trouble with CN, but they still continue to do it.

Examples are, Finn has a naked women hanging in his tree house with the "parts" ... um.. "censored" with ripped away areas in the frame.

The "Drop ball" game finn has to play on the path of embarrassment, and many other very, very, adult jokes.

hm.. seems like "adult swim" is leaking onto CN huh?

Now, let's not forget Nickelodeon, though they too have a similar problem as Disney they also have close ties to the popular pop singer.... Katy Perry.

Now Katy Perry, is always being told by her very very young fans how much they love and want to be like her, at all of Nickelodeon's big events.

Well, listen to this song by her....


What a role model! This is probably the only song I know that list every single thing I'd never want my child to grow up to be like.... haha.


The... Future?

(We have one?)

Well... it doesn't look good, a unbreakable cycle and a storm cloud over our heads, but.. It isn't like me to say anythings "impossible"

I believe yeah, the world can change for the better, but it'll require someone bigger then me to broadcast to the whole world a message, and I think maybe someone will...

For now, all the biggest people will be broadcasting all the worst messages.... but...

You never know, just keep faith, right?


Thank you everyone for reading this (long) blog... I appreciate it.

Bye Everyone, See ya' next time.


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03/06/2013 11:32 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Jeanine's Avatar
I lost my innocene at the age of... 8 i have no idea
02/13/2013 11:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
SlenderBro's Avatar
In middle school, kids are aying they are "getting laid" or some insult about your mom or what not.
12/05/2012 4:42 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
I know this is older, but you have no clue how much I agree wit this. It's very rare someone around your age is this insightful, and, well, smart, especially about this kind of topic.
02/13/2013 11:28 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
SlenderBro's Avatar
I agree.
12/08/2012 6:51 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar
Thank you :) I'm glad you like it, it's great you agree!
10/17/2012 4:25 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blueberry
CrystalSkye79's Avatar
You, miss, have an excellent view on life. It's so rare to find someone your age with eyes open wide to the truth of what's going on around us. Many adults can't even see like you do. I really appreciate your perspective!! Thank you for sharing. I TOTALLY agree with all this. It makes me so sad to see all the... bad things... going on around us. I love reading the news, but nowadays it's nearly all junk. All the deaths are depressing, and though the politics are something I'm trying to keep up with, they're becoming a let-down as well. And the rest of it is stuff that isn't newsworthy. Anyway, excuse that rabbit trail... Sometimes I look at all that and feel rather hopeless. But I'm keeping faith.
Btw, the picture you used really struck me. I love the title... That and the picture would make an awesome album cover. ;)
10/17/2012 12:30 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Scapegoat
LightTwig's Avatar
That attack against me and my blog wasn't very subtle

; - ; "
10/17/2012 12:34 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar
aaw it's ok, friend. *pats back*

.... I'm tired and I really don't know what to say so. xD

well honestly if you didn't say anything I would of kept it discreet I mean, I could of said it was directly you and link to your blog and everything.
10/17/2012 12:41 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Scapegoat
LightTwig's Avatar
Though, I mean it's a little obvious. I mean, how many blogs recently have come out that justify cursing. Not to mention you also used "he" which narrows it down by 50%. And you write:

"they defend it so strongly,
almost like....a right"

Well isn't swearing a right? Of course it's better used in moderation, though I posses the freedom of speech (in most places). So as much as I can respect authority and rules, I need those above me to respect my freedoms. (Trying not to sound overly dramatic here.. )
10/17/2012 12:44 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
Mymagic12's Avatar
Look... I'm sick, I'm tired... I don't feel like this right now.

It isn't really a right.... it's more like... a .... idk.... look i'm tired I could go on with how cursing is not a word invented for normal use or how your parents should of told you that cursing is bad (well I mean, they're called bad words for a reason) but everything you need to know is in the blog... ok?

Just- just read the blog, good night. T-T
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