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Rebekah - Mystery Of End City And The Red Enderdragon

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SquishyZaUltra's Avatar SquishyZaUltra
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
Mystery of End City and the Red Enderdragon

It was a pretty day outside when Rebekah had journeyed with lots of food, weapons, helpful items, and 15 Eye Of Enders. For so many years she lived in a small prosperous village that she had discovered in a past adventure. She spent years of harvesting, planting, and growing food to survive such as wheat and watermelon. As for the rest of her belongings, friends, and even friends that were like family, they were left where they would remain. She had left cause she heard of rumors of an Enderdragon that wanted revenge for killing the past Enderdragon. Rebekah supposed it was the Ender Egg that was left by the father that was the source of the dragon. Rebekah held out one of her Eye Of Enders and shouted, "Eye Of Ender, find me The End!". It began to float and move in a direction, and when that happened, Rebekah followed it. No one in her village even dared to go to The End cause they heard people had left to save the village from the dragon who terrorized the people, and when they left, they never ever returned. Not a note, not a sword, not even a piece of their fabric.

The hours passed as Rebekah continued until she saw the Eye Of Ender float into a cave. "At least I remembered torches, huh?", said Rebekah. She walked into the place leaving candles behind to trace her steps. Soon enough, she discovered that she was going very deep into the ground until she saw the stone walls had moss on them. She followed the moss until she saw stone bricks. "I'm in a stronghold!", said Rebekah. Suddenly, the Eye Of Ender began to move quicker, and it even shook. Rebekah ran towards it following it until she saw a glow of light ahead of her. Then she saw 12 little pods just the right size for the Eye Of Enders, and lava below the floating pods. Just as she had stopped to wonder, she saw the Eye Of Ender she had out go into one of the little pods. Rebekah pulled out 11 others as they moved into the other 11 spots. Suddenly, a blackish color filled the center. Rebekah heard strange sounds coming from the inside. As Rebekah looked in, a silverfish had popped out of a stone brick and pushed her in as it turned. As she fell in the portal screaming, she heard a dragon's screech, and the sound only got louder and louder as she fell deeper. Eventually, the sound got so loud she couldn't take it. Suddenly, she got so tired for some reason and fell asleep....

Rebekah woke on a platform of obsidian and looked at the hill ahead of her. But for some reason, the hill wasn't green and grassy. It was much like a glossy stone. And she saw pillars of obsidian. Rebekah looked around as she saw a few tunnels in the stone. They were each about the same length or higher. Rebekah tried to walk in one until something black and tall came out. It had blue eyes. "An endermen? But I thought they had purple eyes. Weird...", said Rebekah. Suddenly, Rebekah was shoved really hard from the side. When Rebekah turned to see what it was, she couldn't believe her only pair of eyes. It was a dragon. But it didn't seem like the Enderdragon all of the villagers spoke of. It was red, and it had blue eyes. Rebekah pulled out a pickaxe and said. "Well, I'm gonna guess that means, 'Welcome' in enderdragon.". Rebekah walked down into a large deep den that seemed almost like a crater and dug into the wall. She made a nice little room and dug down to make a second room. She sighed as she said, "Well, I think this is strange. I fall into a portal and here I am--The End. But what's so bad about it? I wonder why the people fear The End...".

To Be Continued!

If you read the story and like it, please leave a diamond. Thanks! ^w^

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SquishyZaUltra 06/11/2012 7:42:21 pmJun 11th, 2012

Fixed spelling! ^^''! Thanks for pointing it out, Cooperrw4ever!

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06/12/2012 5:16 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
[+]_DR34M_[+]'s Avatar
:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 The drawing is cool Rebekah from what I see look's like a boy of sorts...(No Offense PEACE) And probably the red enderdragon would be really awesome to fight and extremely challenging cause even the black enderdragon I fought was challenged I totally knocked out a entire forest just to beat the dragon :3 :3 Anyway love the way you draw :D I will be able to draw tomorrow... :D Class Starts Tomorrow Yehey... D: Hate the Bullies! Time to fight :D Lolz

Here's A Diamond

By: [+]_DR34M_[+]
06/12/2012 1:15 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Thanks so much! Yes, I know Rebekah looks like a boy. You see, she's supposed to be a "tomboyish" sort of warrior. I never thought of her as a "girly girl" for some reason. ^^''! So, no offence taken! >u<

-Squishy <3
06/13/2012 3:42 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
[+]_DR34M_[+]'s Avatar
Oh, That's why....And probably your right some Girly Girls are weak and don't actually fight death-defying battles...No Offense to those "Girly Girls" :D Peace Out!
06/13/2012 11:04 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Lol if the "girly girl" state includes loving bloody games (for instance, Halo, Half Life, ect.), loving weapons, and out of the barbie stage then no offence taken. XD (As you can see, I am not much of a girly girl, but I am female. XDDD )

-Squishy <3
06/14/2012 3:53 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
[+]_DR34M_[+]'s Avatar
WTF! Dafuq! Your a girl O.o O.O.... :/ Man! And I though you were a boy... D*mn! No Offense...Though....T.T I'm so stup*d..
06/14/2012 10:19 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Hey, no offence taken! XDDDDDDDDDD Lol, you're not stupid. >< A lot of people call me "man" or "boy" or a "he" before looking at my profile where it says, "Gender: Female". XDD But I don't blame anyone--you can't tell what the gender is with the mask of your computer screen. But I really don't mind that much if people call me a "he". It tends to happen. ^^''!

-Squishy <3
06/12/2012 1:35 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Lad
Luka's Avatar
<3 it :D
06/12/2012 1:13 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Thanks! ^w^

-Squishy <3
06/12/2012 3:33 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Lad
Luka's Avatar
You're welcome :D
06/11/2012 3:39 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
BUHU's Avatar
"lease?" It's least. Hint hint.
06/11/2012 7:39 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Ah! Thanks, Cooper! ^w^ I'll fix that!

-Squishy <3
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