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Reduce chance of getting griefed in multiplayer

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StylZ's Avatar StylZ
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
Have you got griefed in multiplayer before?Don't worry,I will share some tips to reduce your chance to getting griefed in multiplayer!Here is tips.

-Do not build near the spawn.Every building builded near spawn will be griefed extremely easy.

-Build as far as you can.About 70,000 blocks away.Use portal for fast travelling.

-Don't build underground.This is because xrayer can detect your base and griefing it easily.

-Build on sky.Most of the griefer lazy to watch above and grief sky base.

-Move into Nether.Nether's dangerous and laggy enviroment can make griefer not coming into Nether.However,don't build in Nether Fortress because most player came Nether to hunt Blaze and Wither Skeleton.

-Moving into Ender.End portal is very rare and only 3 portal can generated in single world.This make Ender became deserted.However,some player might found portal and going into Ender to grief your house.

-Build your house far away from main island in Ender.Best to build 1000 blocks away from main island.It is very time consuming but griefer will not able to grief your house because it took very long time to get to your house.

-Build on above Nether bedrock by using some exploit.Most of people don't know exploit to get above Nether bedrock.

-Build your house on ocean floor.This is because in underwater make xrayer will took long time to break your block to get into your base,they will getting drowned before breaking into your base.

-Join some faction.In faction server outsider is not allowed to destroy any block in someone's turf.This greatly reduce chance to get griefed but expect the unexpected.Some faction might declare war to your faction and grief your turf.

-Team up.You can ask other player in this server to join you.This greatly reduce chance to not getting griefed.Make sure you pick correct player and player you can trust.Don't believe them too quickly.

-Making friends.The more friends you have in server,the less likely you getting griefed.Just don't picking wrong friends to make,wrong friend can make things worse.

If these tips help,be sure to give me a diamond.I really appreciate it. :D

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12/19/2013 6:15 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
12/19/2013 8:05 am
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
StylZ's Avatar
You can also pass through bedrock using ender pearl.Also,there is a bug in Minecraft cause player spawning on Nether bedrock if they are loggin out in small space in multiplayer.
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