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Discussion Blog #2: Trolling or Bully?

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Duckgod's Avatar Duckgod
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Trolling Or Bullying?Hello, I am here today to talk to you about something, are you just trolling and playing a prank?
Or did it go to far, and the victim considers it bullying?
A. Playing a prank on your friend, hiding a diamond, chest, etc.
B. Casing your friend in Obsidian for a little while.
C. Messing around with your friend when he knows you don't mean it.
D. Swap something in your friend's chests.
E. Put a rainbow over your friend's house :D
F. Repeating All above.

That is how your friend starts laughing when you told him you did it, and he knows its a prank.
A.Harassinganother player when he did nothing wrong.
B. Griefing his house, when he builds another, repeat it until he quits.
C. Killing all his pets and then burning down his house, and then call him names.
D. Calling somebody names whom is not your friend, and hurts their feelings.
E. Make a giant hole in the spawn and watch him fall down in it, then tease him.
F. Completely do everything above then repeat!!

That is how the victim may start to get depressed.

That is all, so next time your pulling a prank on your friend or anybody, try not to do the Bullying side.

I thank everybody of PMC :D


5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Duckgod 09/22/2013 5:21:43 pmSep 22nd, 2013

Another YT Video?

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12/09/2013 7:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
Yeah some people don't know where to draw the line. While some people do overuse both the terms Bullying and Cyberbullying, there is a fine line between a prank and just being a jerk. I tend to draw the line at anything that causes irreparable damage, whether to a thing or a person, whether physically or emotionally. Sure if you're on a faction server and someone blows your house up, that's fair game - by playing there you consent to the risk of being raided/griefed. But pouring lava over somebody's base, building things that should be censored, and then laughing about it crosses the line. Doing anything for the sole purpose of hurting someone is never funny.
09/26/2013 4:36 am
Level 30 : Artisan Blockhead
TheRipper375's Avatar
This isnt strictly related to this blog, but it isnt unrelated either. I think people are too sensitive, the term "cyber bulling" is now just being used for anyone doing anything remotely mean online, and im not saying cyber bulling doent happen, because if someone is stalking you online, and causing most or all of you online activities miserable and you cant avoid them , then yes you can complain. But someone just being mean on a server or in a thread or something that isnt bullying, all you have to do is leave and the problem is solved. People shouldn't expect everyone to be nice and polite, some people aren't and that fact isnt going to change, all you need to do is ignore/avoid them. Its as simple as that

P.s sorry for the rant :P
04/23/2014 8:21 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Blackbelt11's Avatar
THANK YOU!!!! Finally, someone with a little common sense. =D
09/30/2013 7:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AsIfItIs's Avatar
Says the person who has never ACTUALLY been bullied...
  • I have been stabbed.
  • I have been kicked, punched, etc.
  • I have been psychologically tormented DAILY...
  • I have been stalked, followed, etc.
  • If I said what I would put here, I would be kicked from Planet Minecraft... IT REALLY IS THAT BAD!

Of you think I'm joking when I call someone a bully, I am not, because I have seen REAL bullying.
10/04/2013 1:44 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Blockhead
TheRipper375's Avatar
My first comment was on cyber bulling, also you have no idea if i have been bullied or not, ive been called named and been in more than my fair share of fights, but i dont really consider that bullying, people have been fighting and insulting each other for as long as they have been together, but only in the last few years have people been complaining about bullying "epidemic", i dont know about your situation in particular, but if someone is calling you names or pushing you around, deal with them. people need to stop complaining about being a victim and get up and deal with their problems
10/19/2013 4:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AsIfItIs's Avatar
See, fights and name-calling are NOT the same as someone following you, there is a distinct difference, especially when he/she harasses you often, sometimes to the extremes, as to where the law might need to get involved to protect your life.
09/24/2013 2:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Fish
boy toy name troy
boy toy name troy's Avatar
Congrats on the homepage dude!
09/24/2013 5:29 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
09/24/2013 7:51 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Poggis's Avatar
Honestly yes, bullying is a problem, but if you get depressed on a video game l find that sad. Also, you wouldn't even know the person attempting to bully you in real life so then all their arguments are pretty much invalid. If your griefed and depressed about that, then you should really get off your lazy butt and create a world back-up. If your on survival mode, there is this wonderful thing called factions that lets you protect your land. Or, you can just stop being a lazy and make a private server for just your closest friends. If people get really sad about these things then, well their minds aren't strong enough to comprehend it's just a video game...Since when is this community becoming like Call of Dootie?
09/24/2013 9:28 am
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
Its just the younger kids will get sad towards the insults.
Also emo people too.
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