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Server donations: When is it worth it and how to know who to trust with your money

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DarkShadowLegion's Avatar DarkShadowLegion
Level 42 : Master Engineer
Recently a few of my friends had their donations stolen by the owner of a server they were using. This is something that I'm sure many of us are wary about when giving donations so how can we tell who to trust? There is no sure way to tell who is trustworthy but you can learn quite a lot about the owner just by looking at the server and how it's run.

You can learn a lot from a server's spawn. If it looks like a lot of time and effort went into it chances are the owner really cares about the server and wants it to succeed. On the other hand, if you see a server with a few shoddy buildings here and there then you either have a server owner who is bad at building or one who couldn't care less about wasting his time with it. We all know the saying about "Judging a book by it's cover" and when it comes to spawns I do just that. A bad spawn can easily mean a bad server (although not all the time). If not much work has been put into it then chances are the owner doesn't put much effort into the rest of the server and if that's the case then why should you bother donating? There are plenty of other owners out there who actually care about their server and could use that money to improve the quality of it. Giving donations to an uncaring owner is like throwing money down a deep dark hole. Chances are you will never see it go into the development of the server and possibly right into the owner's pockets instead.

Donation benefits:
You know the owners who give out OP for donations? Well to these people I say "hell no". If your selling point of the server is OP then you clearly have issues. It's pretty much saying "I have nothing else to offer (since I'm too lazy to put any effort into a server that I've only made because I get money off it) so take this thing which pretty much gives you complete control over everything and you should pay me". On any server with a sane owner it takes lots of dedication and maturity to get OP. If you give it out in such a way then you obviously don't care about the server or it's users and only about the cash in your pocket. That goes for just about everything else. You shouldn't have to bribe users for donations. If you work hard and people feel you deserve it they (donations) should come on their own. Now I'm not saying you can't give out small benefits to donators but don't do it for the money. Do it because you are happy they helped you make a better server.

Now, we have looked at the server and donation benefits but what can we tell from looking at the owner himself? Is he actively contributing to the server or is he making the rest of the staff do all the hard work? Does he accept bribes if you or others offer them to him? Does he see the users on the server as numbers rather than people? If so then these are all pretty big warning signs of a bad owner and it would be in your best interest to avoid giving him your hard earned money.

To sum this all up, now you know what to look out for. If the owner of a server tells you beforehand that he is in it for the cash and you still want to donate then go ahead but if you want to see the money go to the server itself, then keep your eyes open and maybe you will be able to see who is trustworthy and who isn't.

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09/24/2013 12:17 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
I remember that there was very unproffesional server where i was admin on. Owner said to everyone that he is hacker and he can shut down anyone's computer, but i never believed him. The server was cracked and he added authme only after like 2 months. Also it got griefed and hacked very much. On donation packages he had many overpowered items and even OP for 50$ and also spawn was building from planet minecraft. Well that building was made for anyone to use as spawn. And also he had like more than 20 peoples as staff and he opped and ranked everyone who played about only 2 days. I always told him that it is bad idea to rank up random players, but he never listened to me. And one day he accused me for griefing a one guy's house but i didn't griefed it. Then i left the server and i cannot find any contacts with him. And i don't remember the server ip. Anyways diamond to your blog.
07/15/2013 11:25 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Crafter
Lekro's Avatar
Nice post. I'll keep these points in mind for my server :P
But I (honestly) only know ONE server like this. (not sure about mine)
02/19/2013 10:49 am
Level 20 : Expert Toast
CelestialWarrior's Avatar
All good points. Everyone should read this. (especially people who donate to servers often). I'm glad you and I both know a good server Dark. :D
02/19/2013 10:55 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
DarkShadowLegion's Avatar
I'm glad I heard about it as soon as I did or I might still be server hunting at this point. :P
02/19/2013 5:18 am
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
Ivacraft99's Avatar
I've never considered donating to a server before, but interesting blog nonetheless. I'll consider it when I will think about a donation.
02/19/2013 5:33 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
DarkShadowLegion's Avatar
Neither did I until a few months ago. Good servers are very hard to find. :/
02/19/2013 6:58 am
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
Ivacraft99's Avatar
Yea, it sucks :/ I only started playing minecraft when 1.3 (release) just came out, and people say when minecraft wasn't that big, the community was way better. But still, there are some good servers out there right now. Just hard to find, as you said.
02/19/2013 7:11 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
DarkShadowLegion's Avatar
I started around then as well and it was still hard to find good servers. Now it's just harder because almost anyone can make one.
02/19/2013 8:59 am
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
Ivacraft99's Avatar
Yea, true dat, true dat...
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