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Sexism in Minecraft- How to deal with it: A boy's perspective

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Villain's Avatar Villain
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner


We have pretty much all been on a popular server where a popular player is a female. Sometimes people make a big deal about this, sometimes they accept it and ignore it, or sometimes they find it encouraging. We have also all seen a player who makes sure the first thing she says is "I'm a girl, so..." Often she will get a few players who make a big deal about this and start "shifting" her or other actions.

Today I'm going to analyze exactly what it is that makes some Minecraft players so "confused" by girl players, or why do some of the most mature players turn into 8 year old boys when they find out a player is a girl, or why do some girl players make sure it is well known they are a girl? All of these questions shall be answered by the end of this blog.

The Freak-Out

I'd like to begin this section with a personal story. I was once on a server where there were two very popular, well known, and liked players who were partners. They did not know each other in real life, spoke only through chat, and were possibly the two best builders on the server. About a month after I joined the server, the player said to his partner "Nice, but let's replace the pink floor with green." She responded, "No, this is my house, and I like pink, I am a girl after all." or something like that.

I don't know why, but the boy freaked out, killed the girl, burnt her several shared houses down, and got banned from the server. The girl was so discouraged by this, that she left the server. It is a good thing too, because many of the players were so immature they didn't even want a girl on their server. I left after seeing this (and much worst) about a week later.

Now the question: Why? Why was the player so disgusted by the fact that he worked with a girl, or that a girl played a video game? I mean, in all honesty, before he knew, they could have been best friends.

I believe it is because everyone (even girls) still have a slight thought in their mind that "men do work." I can't explain why, but this somehow applies to video games. Some people honestly can't handle the fact that girls can do pretty much anything a guy can, besides use the bathroom standing. Unless you devote energy specifically to getting rid of all sexist thoughts against women, they will always slightly exist, and if they don't, you are probably a feminist.

The Angry Prostitute

Once again, allow me to begin with a story. I was once on a smaller server, and in the spawn was a pool. One day a player joins the server and says "Hi, I'm a girl, and I was just curious, why is the pool in spawn so empty?" or something along those lines. Obviously, the immature players immediately went to spawn, jumped in the pool with her, and started "shifting" her (if you don't understand this, open minecraft, and click shift over and over).

She got very annoyed, mostly due to the fact that they were making "noises" via chat like "Oh baby." However, she clearly asked for this through her statement. Not only did she make sure everyone knew she was a girl, but even made sure to mention the fact that she was in the pool.

She did this all for attention, but why? Well, they're are many possible answers. One, it could be a guy trying to get some kicks. Two, it could be an incredibly lonely person desperately craving attention, and using minecraft to get it. Three, it could be a person trying to get themselves well known on the server, and fast.

I am perfectly fine with all of those reasons, as I did just ignore it anyway. But why then, did this girl get so mad when she was clearly asking for it! She can't even deny that she asked for it, because she made sure everyone knew exactly what she was and where she was the second she joined the server.

Obviously, some players then started making sexist jokes, most revolving around kitchens. This made her furious until she left the server. In reality, it was her fault. Now, how could she have avoided this fun being poked at her and "shifting"? Well, I'll tell you.

Solutions to Sexists in Minecraft

If you are a boy and deal with female players on your server, judge them as if they had no gender. In fact, do that for everyone on Minecraft. Just pretend everyone is a face, and what is on the face doesn't matter. Judge the face only on what it does and says. If the face is a griefer who destroyed your family and soul, then hate it, whether it be a boy or a girl. If you have a partner who is a girl, but an awesome player, stick with her, even if there will be one pink carpet in your house.

If you are a boy being accused of being sexist for hating on a girl player, don't be immature. As long as you have a good reason, you have every right to hate someone. If she flooded your house, say "I could care less about your gender, I have to swim to my chests now..." and then you are the mature one, and she is the wrong person.

If you are a girl on a Minecraft server, that doesn't mean everybody has to know. Would it really be terrible if people didn't know your gender? It will probably bring either nothing, or terribleness to you anyway.

Or, if you do think it is a big deal for people to know your gender, don't do it in a way that makes you look like an attention-wh**e. Subtly mention it once, after you have already established your persona. Or, if you do want the attention, at least be mature enough to deal with the sexist jokes and "shifting" that you have brought upon yourself.


Thank you for reading my first ever blog on PMC. If you enjoyed it or have opinions, feel free to express them in the comment section.

Special thanks to Greytopher, who I have pretty much learned a lot about PMC from him and his blogs.


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10/05/2016 7:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fishie493's Avatar
Thank you SO MUCH also the make me a sandwich thing is getting old I mean y one time I said I was a girl cuz y not and everyone was like MAKE ME A SANDWICH ... I'm ranting now as well. Dammit
03/19/2013 8:55 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
bubbles1499's Avatar
I completely agree. As a girl, (not saying it for attention), i hate when girls act like they should be praised and get tons of help "because they're girls!" But im also sick of hearing "Get off the internet and make me a sandwich, [insert nasty name here]"
Awesome blog, diamonded :)
11/21/2012 6:15 pm
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Elekid's Avatar
Haha, this is awesome man. Great blog, sub, diamond, favorite!
11/22/2012 9:05 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Villain's Avatar
11/20/2012 7:35 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Apple_Sauce's Avatar
I hate how the girls with bikini skins and give out literally everything about them complain, it's like, are you that dumb, or are you craving attention? XD I have my skin as a dragon, people don't suspect anything until I tell them, which from what I've experienced, they don't seem to care, thankfully. Maybe there is still hope in this world? Nice blog, +diamond
11/21/2012 3:53 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Villain's Avatar
Thank you, and yes, I hate those skins as well. If a girl is really that uncreative that her skin has to be "girl in bikini", then i wouldn't even want to "shift" her!

You must be smart about the time you reveal your a girl, after they've realize you are mature for them not to care, I like that!
11/21/2012 5:00 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Apple_Sauce's Avatar
Exactly. I don't understand how guys even like those dumb of girls, lol
11/18/2012 6:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
gianmaria1's Avatar
Awesome!! Love it, diamond for you
11/18/2012 6:08 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Villain's Avatar
11/18/2012 5:30 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
Adam's Avatar
*claps slowly*
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