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Skyblock Server Guide

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delshady's Avatar delshady
Level 29 : Expert Architect
Table of Contents

Introduction to Skyblock
The Basics (Getting Started)
Useful Commands
Trading and Bartering, Whats Worth it
Advancing Your Island
Helpful Tips
Setting Up Shop
Rules of the Server


Welcome to my Skyblock Server Guide. This guide will cover the above mentioned topics as well as go through the need to know things in the Skyblock world. I hope you find this guide informative and helpful as I have compiled what I can into it.

Introduction to Skyblock

Welcome to Skyblock! What is Skyblock you ask? Skyblock is a survival minecraft custom map with limited supply. The challenge of skyblock is to make something out of almost completely nothing. Through building, generators, farming, trading, and yes sometimes being shrewd you can climb the proverbial sky-block ladder to the top of the heap. In the beginning you start of with little. You have a chest with a few supplies, a tree and lastly your island itself. lets first identify what supplies you actually start with.

Starting Equipment
  • Chest
  • Ice
  • Melon Slice
  • Cactus
  • Lava Bucket
  • Red Mushroom
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Pumpkin Seed
  • Sugar Cane

  • Oak Tree
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Saplings (Leaf Decay)

Now that we know what we can get from this island what should I do first? First before you do anything tear down the tree and make a cobblestone generator. How do you make a cobblestone generator? Click Here. Now that you understand how to do so you get a couple stacks of cobblestone. Once you have a couple stack of cobblestone dig down to the bottom of your island and make a platform around it. After this point you can now start making a base and begin to make farms and mob grinders. These guides and more will be handles in the advanced section.

Useful Commands

Lets take a look at the available commands in any Skyblock Server.

- This will teleport you back to your island home point.
/island help
- This contains the core list of the commands you need. This has many sub-commands for example /island level and island reset. Lets go over those.

/island reset
- This will completely wipe everything and start you over from the very beginning including your inventory!.

/island level
- This displays your island's current level. This is useful for some challenges and progress checking.

/island sethome
- This will set your home teleportation location.

/island invite
- This will invited another player into your island. This is not recommended for people you don't know!

/island *
- There are lots of commands and I will not go over them all. Check out the wiki here for more information on commands.

- This brings up the challenge commands. These are the commands to earn cool new items by farming or passing milestones.

/money or /balance
- This shows your current amount of holdings.

/tpa <player>
- This will request to teleport to another player's location (Be Careful!)

/tpahere <player>
- This will request a player to teleport to you (Also Be Careful!)

- This will bring up the auction help commands. Here it lists the available commands for buying and selling over the auction system.

/bid or /bid $
- This will bid on the current auction to either the highest whole bid value or a specified one by you

/warp shop
- This will bring you to the admin shop

- This will bring you to spawn

- This is the command for chat

/ch list
- This brings up the list of available channels

/ch <channel>
- This joins that particular channel (G-General, Tr-Trade, L-Local, S-Storage)

/auction start <QTY> <START VALUE> <INCREMENT> <TIME>
- This is how you create an auction, simply hold the item you wish to sell in your hand and fill out the command. As an example if I had 32 Eggs and I wanted to sell them at 100 and for each bid it increased by 50 over 1 min (60 seconds) I would type(/auction start 100 50 60) Make sure you put a space in between all words.

- This will list all commands relevant to the game. As I will not go over the rest of the commands refer to this for more information.

Trading Bartering, Whats Worth It?

Well the skyblock world has a thriving economy. Currently there is an auction system as described above. There is also the /warp shop which has items your normally can't get on your island, as well as a few things to sell to the admin shop. What items sell well? What items are worthless? How do I make money? 

Aside from that there are multitudes of ways to earn cash. Cobblestone farming is by far the easiest and quick earn cash way to go. In the long run there are far less time consuming ways, but if you need cash now and you just started out, farm the cobble and get to the market. For people who think long term there are many other viable alternatives to earn cash other then cobblestone farming. Crops in general sell well. Melons, Wheat, Seeds, Pumpkins, etc. Things that are both necessary for starting up and for challenges will sell well. Mob Grinders can earn you cash as well. Those are explained below as well as many other farming techniques.

Lastly making money off of other players is always an option. Yes people posting things for prices too low, and reselling them for higher is a great way to go for those with the patience. Simply watch the market carefully and see what other players seem to be willing to buy for and just wait for someone to under-price something. As a helpful hinter enderpearls sell for loads of money, so there always a good sniping option.

Advancing Your Island

Now you got the basics lets go into more advanced things you'll need to make. The following is a list of guides of useful things that will advance your island further and bring you closer to being able to have it all.

Building A Vault
Mob Grinders
Chicken Egg Farms 
Cactus Farms
Advanced Cobblestone Generators
Golem Farms
Gold Farms

These advance farming techniques can really crank in some extra cash and materials you need for your base! try them out and watch the market and see what makes your profit!

Helpful Tips

Here are some helpful tips that may make a difference or may not.
  • Do not trust anyone saying TPA to me for free anything /tpa <player> now! These are most likely scams so they can kill you for your stuff!
  • If you ever need to teleport to another player's island make sure you have nothing on you just in case
  • Do not go over 10 Animals and keep backups. The server occasionally needs to wipe animals.
  • If you are falling off your island because you took a wrong step type /spawn you'll be safe
  • Island levels are based off the item. Certain items like enchantment tables and iron blocks carry multiple levels.
  • You cannot build outside your island area but you can put water / lava and push things with pistons. You cannot get them back however!
Setting Up Shop

Step 1 : Make The Shop

To make a shop simply make a secure area on your island and place signs with varying prices that you have found to be fair. make sure the area is someplace where they will not be able to get out of and where you can easily trade with them for little to no risk.

Step 2 : Get Reputation

Make fair trades and make them often. Build up your reputation as a fair and honest trader. Don't scam people as your reputation will falter and you find it difficult to find reliable people to trade with. To initiate a trade simply post in the /ch TR channel that you have opened shop and to TPA to you for good prices. Make sure to be helpful and willing to make deals with players. Keep your eye out for deals to good to be true!

Step 3 : Profit

You have built your reputation now and you can really use it to your advantage. Now you can broker many trades, offer middleman service, repairs, enchantments and bartering with the confidence of the regulars of skyblock. This is what will really help you turn money.

Rules for every Skyblock Server.

-No swearing.
-No caps.
-No racism.
-No hacking.
-No bullying.
-No advertising.
-No profanity.
-No netherspawn camping
-Use common sense.

-Do not bypass the language filter.
-Do not insult other players.
-Do not /tpa, /tpahere spam. (/tptoggle will turn off/on all /tp requests)
-Don not beg for money or items

-No Mods/clients or programms that give you an advantage over other players otherwise.
-No spamming.
-Do not ask staff to change the wheather (rain/day, etc.)

-Use the proper chat channels.
If you want to buy/sell/trade use the trade channel (/ch tr)
If you want to talk to people on your island, you can use the local channel (it has a 150
block reach radius).
Use the global channel (/ch g) for random chit chat.
Alternatively you can setup your private channel (/ch create name) to join with you and
your friends.
You can leave any of the channels if you do not wish to seem them. do /ch leave global, trade
or local or the name you used for your private channel.

Do not questions the staff decisions in public chat, use the /msg command (/msg name text)
if a decision is bothering you and you like to discuss them.
Alternativly use the forums for these debates.

Do not ask staff for /Op, creative or to become a moderator.

Naming enchanted tools/weapons is fine, as long as they don't break any of the rules mentioned above.

Any abuse of glitches/bugs are not allowed and can result in an Island reset and/or a (temp)ban

(I used many servers as a source for this section, as there are many different rules from different servers)

Thanks for reading through my guide. This guide was written by myself Delshady. Credits for links go to their perspective owners!

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