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STEVE: The True Story

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Inky123's Avatar Inky123
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Hey guys! This is my first blog and I really hope you like it! I might be making more if you guys want me to but if you don't I'll just stick to meh skins. :P
One beautiful day Steve was put on the simplistic and breathtaking land of Minecraftia by the almighty Notch. He was in a period called alpha and there wasn't that much advanced engineering and so on. Steve was wondering what to do but when he turned around, in front of him stood a massive oak tree. The oak tree was amazing, it's roots stretching about 5 blocks. He walked over to the oak tree and started punching the wood. This was his first day in minecraft
Steve had gathered alot of wood and he journeyed quite a while until he found a humongous ravine in the middle of a piggy filled grass land. He decided to make his house there so he could go out on mining expeditions every day and the other great feature was that he could jump around joyfully with the piggy's and plan to kill them for his dinner.
This was Steve's first mining expedition. He had already got a bit of cobble and coal but he was greedy for more. He stocked his inventory full of yummy pork chops from the piggy's and tool of stone and wood. He also took a bow and arrow and some dirt in case he needed to build up. He was just about to walk out the door when he remembered the most important thing to keep him safe. Torches. He grabbed some from his chest and set off. He was ready for his first mining expedition.
He slowly went into the cave and placed a torch. He mined some coal from the side of the cave and journeyed deeper into the darkness. He saw a glint out of the corner of his eye and turned around. Iron! He dug it out with his iron pick and moved on.
He saw a light and sprinted towards it. He had found lava. There, beside the lava, was some redstone. He ran towards it but he blocked up most of the lava but left some for later use. He decided to go back with his goods.
He needed to go on another mining expedition. He journeyed into the cave and decided to explore the tunnel that he hadn't explored earlier. He slowly crept into the tunnel and placed a torch. As soon as he did, he saw... Gold! He ran over and mined it. He knew this was going to be a successful mining expedition.
He was venturing deep into the cave but his confidence was taking him over. He knew he barely had any torches left and had no wood to make others, but he kept going. three torches left.
two torches left....
ONE torch left,
He knew he had to go back but he needed diamonds! He was too confident and greedy and he ventured deeper. He saw a blue shine in the stone and spun around... DIAMOND! He ran over but just when he was about to start mining it he heard slow, heavy footsteps. Thump, CLANG! Thump, CLANG! Thump, CLANG! It sounded as if this... this creature was dragging something along behind it.
or him.
Steve slowly turned around, knowing that he would see the worst and that his life in this paradise was over. He saw two, shining white eyes in the darkness. He saw a bedraggled turquoise t-shirt, the exact same one he was wearing.
"Hello, Steve." The creature said.
"My names Herobrine"
Herobrine grabbed Steve's shirt and pushed him against the cold, stone wall. It opened it's mouth and a set of gleaming white teeth was shown. Steve was not expecting this. There was a "shhhhhhh" sound, like he was sucking something... sucking something out of Steve.... sucking away Steve's life.... Sucking out.... Sucking out Steve's soul.
Herobrine took Steve's soul and bought it into his own body. He suddenly felt a rush of emotions. Love for Notch, Hate for Herobrine, hope that he could stay in this paradise and thinking of the plump and pink piggy's in his beautiful grass land biome. Herobrine didn't care about Steve's feelings and tossed them to the back of his mind. He, Herobrine, was now Steve.
Herobrine was the oringinal Steve all along, but people didn't suspect a thing because Herobrine had Steve's physical features and thought like him. Many Herobrine still roam the world of Minecraftia, but Notch discovered what Herobrine had done to Steve and removed them.
Thanks for reading! Say banana's if you want more blogs or doughnut's if you don't! :P

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Inky123 09/09/2012 2:41:47 amSep 9th, 2012

Sorry wrote the wrong caption :P this is the only update log

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12/23/2012 6:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
CreeperKiller999's Avatar
09/18/2012 6:09 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
browneyedgirl's Avatar
hey inky how did you put in a picture? srry if this is a newbie question.
09/19/2012 1:33 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
No, it's fine abrown. When your making a blog, there should be something above the place where you type the blog saying pictures or videos (It says something like that anyway) You click on that and you can upload a picture from your computer or put in a video code for a video you made or something!
09/18/2012 6:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
browneyedgirl's Avatar
Hi! whats up Inky girl. LOVED O_O the story. banana's :).
09/19/2012 1:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
Thanks so much abrown!
09/11/2012 1:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
so guys... nobody said doughnuts so I'm going to make more blogs!
09/10/2012 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TrinJan's Avatar
Wow, great story and nice picture i may have peed my pant
09/19/2012 5:49 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
browneyedgirl's Avatar
09/10/2012 5:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
Thanks! xD
09/10/2012 3:06 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
Thanks guys so much for all your support your giving me on my first blog!!! Please answer, bananas or doughnuts! I need to know! HALP!
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