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Story Mode? [Part paradox-buster Part Minedea]

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-Rusty-'s Avatar -Rusty-
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator

I like Mine-dea's, do you? It's another made up word, except this one has been around longer.


Undoubtablly, we have probably all thought about this possibility at one time or another. What IF Minecraft had a story mode? Wouldn't that be just awesome? While most players do enjoy the 'create your own adventure' type aspect of the game along with the other statement that 'there are no rules', despite a large number of people playing minecraft for this very reason, a lot of people like the flow of the sub-story if you will. So you build a house, mine obsidian, go to the nether, kill some blazes, go back and kill some endermen, make an eye of ender, search through a stronghold until you come upon your precious portal that leads you to the End. While being both litterally and figurativly, The End has been shown not to be 'The End' of Minecraft itself, because you can just continue on back in your old world, heck, you might even decide to inhabit the End for yourself, as for the Nether. Sure it's all fun and games [litterally, again.], but after a while just building massive cities, taming the the blockly Hell and slaying a dragon gets to the point where you ask 'Why?'.

This presents a problem as to how story mode couldn't work, per-say, because of the multiple and yet empty possibilities as to why Steve has to go on the brave quest, and Mojang created a storyless game probably for this very reason! [pff... The Sweds...] A simple way to create a story whislt not creating a story is to first take what Steve is doing and 'stretch it out' for lack of a better term. Back to the endless possibilities for a second; the story possibilities are endless because Minecraft was created mostly as a free-roam game, so fitting a story into that is really hard, so at the same time there really isn't any story. The question is how to keep minecraft boundry-less while still offering story mode gameplay? That is to make it optional as to when the player has to do them, not keeping them on time limit.

If you've ever played Borderlands, for example, you know the whole game runs on a 'quest' system, not nececarrily a time system. I was playing BL: Pre-sequel the other day, and as I was on the last mission about to defeat the final boss, and it was really hard because I had t-

I believe I can fly... While I try to aimlessly flap my wings, let me tell you what I mean, *sigh*, hopefully without spoilers ;-;

So *shirt flys into face*, you'd think that it is pretty intense. almost to the final quest, almost done the game, but then I decided to screw that idea, and go grinding!

Now without spoiler TOO much, I'll explain what is going on. In the game you basically have to save the moon from being blown up by homicidal Dahl soldiers that want to blow it up for no clear reason 'yet'. So basically they are almost about to destory it, when I decide to do some earlier missions to increase my level, this was about 3 hours of doing tons of optional missions...
"They're going to destroy the moon!"
"Really? I'll just go help all these people for extra guns while I wait for my doom!"

The point is, the story missions are in a list when you can do them, and you have to accept them before you can continue on. This system would be good for a game for minecraft IF it had a story mode, because if the player wanted to go solo for a while, he could go out and build an epic city, mind thousands of diamonds and then when he's buffed up, he can come back and continue the story. This ability to put off or avoid the story is what can add a story mode to Minecraft without actually changing the game of Minecraft much itself.


The story would have to be simple enough to co-encide with the simple-awesomeness of Minecraft, but also it's epic complexity.
If you just arrived here on planet earth, or like most of the PMC population, you just google everything instead of actually retaining most of your information, then allow me to introduce you to a wonderful living brain-busting Hell of a term, called a paradox.
No, I'm not talking about time travel...

Basically, a paradox is a self-condradicting statement that loops in on itself over and over again, and any actually attempts to solve are usually worthless, un-logical, or just based soley on a whim-ful opinion. The problem with Minecraft is that it's so simple. You mine blocks, build a house, buff up and kill a bunch of monster. When you look at this description, it makes it seem like making minecraft have a story would be pretty easy, just make a story up as to 'Why' and then add it on. Nope.

If we look at a less broad description, then the above story statement becomes a paradox. Minecraft is an infinite game, with lots of stuff in it, lots of weird stuff attached to it, lots of weird creatures to kill and many different patterns in which the game can be played. So when we solve the seemingly simple story as to why Steve does all these things, we spawn a thousand other whys, which seem to completly make the 'why is Steve doing this' question we told in the first palce seem irrelevent. So we make up a knew story, but that brings up thousands of other stuff...

For example, if I say Steve wants to kill the Enderdragon because it ate his sandwhich, at first glance this seem's like an easy answer... Or is it?

We can ask where did the sandwhich from, who made it? How was the End created for the dragon? Where there people before Steve? How sentient are villagers? It goes on and on, everytime you add something, yoiu have to explain something else, and take would take a LONG time, even though it would be quite simple simoultaneously.

Conclusion: The MineStory Paradox

So I given an epic idea, and explained why it isn't really possible! I just contradicted myself, maybe... I'm a paradox ;-;

The point of the matter is... really sharp...
The point
of the matter is that this is simply a paradox that would take years to finally finish and patch up all the loops. Since Minecraft was created like the way it was, there was sort of a point [also sharp] in which they COULD'VE added a story, and could of made it work, I personally would say if they added a story aspect, it could've had a chance of working while keeping Minecraft infinitly awesome. But that's the problem isn't it? We cannot have a finite story in an infinite world without ultimatly repeating that cycle. The only possible way would be to have a disorginized, unstructured set of quests, that don't nececarrily make up a story, so basically just a quest system, which isn't exactly a story, just a set goal of objectives. I hope that we all understanf how limited minecraft would be IF it did have a storry [hence story MODE]. But even so, it wouldn't really be minecraft anymore, it would be an entirly different game, even if most aspects did stay the same. New features you wanna try, but it's still not the same old game you love? Yup... That would suck

Minecraft 2 anyone? :D


I finally... Hit... the ground...

God bless, good day, and make sure to eat your daily reccommended amount of paradox!



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10/23/2014 10:40 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Spa-Geddy's Avatar
Mmm, that paradox was good. Can I have the recipe?
10/23/2014 2:02 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
start with a space-time base, throw in a complicated math formula, and with a hint minecraft, stir gently as you pour in books. Leave in the freezer for 45 minutes, then fire at the sun. :)
10/24/2014 10:13 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Spa-Geddy's Avatar
Alright, I'll have to go get some math formulae.
10/22/2014 3:23 pm
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
This sentence is false.

The next sentence is true.
The last sentence is false.

New mission: Refuse mission.

10/22/2014 3:27 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
PARADOX OF PAIN! I punch you with insta-health on my finger.
10/24/2014 1:19 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
That is not even a paradox, you would hurt me then heal me .-.
10/24/2014 10:32 am
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
exactly but at the moment your healed would you still feel the impact of the punch?
10/24/2014 10:59 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
It prevents injury, not pain.
10/24/2014 11:32 am
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
Mmm good point
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