Minecraft Blogs / Story


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7correll's Avatar 7correll
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
He woke up in a pile of rubble. All he remembered was running through the nether portal and ghasts and pigmen everywhere! He searched for the light switch and hit it. He was in a jail of obsidian with a couple villagers and and a creeper. The creeper asked for a hug and Steve said no. Then he exploded. It opened up a small gap that steve and one of the vilagers crawled through. The other two were to fat. Steve and the vilager walked around and found ghasts pushing vilagers through a hole in the ground leading to lava. The vilagers burned to death. Then they heard a door opening coming from the jail cell they were in. They watched their villager friends from the jail get thrown into the lava. Then they saw them crawling out as devil monster things. They saw demented red cows and weird looking magma cubes. Then they saw a ghast with yellow, the ghast queen. It was flying next to the ender dragon's son. Then a pigmen saw they had escaped and ran up and pinned them down. He escorted them to the queen and he told them what had happened. She said "Well well you sacrificed your friends to escape, how selfish." Then all of the sudden the pigmen jumped up stabbed his sword into the queen then jumped back over to the ledge where Steve was. The pigmen took off his mask. IT WAS NOTCH!!! Notch said "follow my lead" He ordered all of the pigmen to attack that ghasts and enderman. Then Steve realized "all this because of a band copyright name!" .........to be continued.

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10/19/2014 4:05 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
7correll's Avatar
Read the 1st one first
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