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The day Minecraft stood still Part one: The Tower

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jman5000555's Avatar jman5000555
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
It twas a normal day in minecraftia, the sun was shining brilliantly down upon the mountains and valleys I called home. The mid-morning dew was already turning to frost and suno s rays glistened off it beautifully. The snowy caps I called home never looked more beautiful. I went about my normal routine; I picked a fresh daisy put it in my shirt pocket and went to check on my animals. They were in pristine condition, each and every animal looking as vigorous as can be. I even noticed that Mr. Porkins was plump and ready for the killing, but I decided not to take his life on such a beautiful day as this one.

I decided that I was going to take a stroll today and I went inside to fetch my map; my map which has kept me from being lost oh so many times. However upon entering my home I realized I was quite low on several key resources. Resources that I had no way of creating myself, about that time I decided that the time was ripe for a full-fledged adventure. I began to gather the necessary tools to start my journey. I gathered my diamond sword which I rightly named Paul, (a story for another time), my gleaming golden axes for which I had no idea why I always took with me, and finally my trusty fishing pole. It was a light load but I knew I was in for the long haul and I wouldno t see my piggies for a long time.

I finally made it outside Paul in hand and set forth on my own personal journey of a thousand steps. I started my adventure by following the oh so worn path to my lookout tower. After several minutes I reached the ruined tower. I remembered the day I created the thing. It was a crisp July morning, a morning after I had lost several animals to an onslaught of mobs. It was a bitter defeat on my part and I was lucky just to come out with my life. I lost a lot of great piggies that day, but alas I knew that they were in a better place. However at this point I was sick of losing the fight against the mobs, so I set upon building a mighty tower of defense that I could decimate their armies from. I quickly drew up a simple schematic and set to work on building the tower, it took me all day to build and even then I barely finished it by nightfall. But now completed the Tower stood as a beacon of hope between the monsters and my beloved piggies. I stood from high atop my tower and started picking them off one by one. At first it was quite amusing as they tried to deduce where the magic death arrows were coming from, but eventually they caught on to the quite unfamiliar structure I had created and the mean man shooting down from it. The monsters soon attacked my tower full force. But try all they might they could not breach the immense tower. I just sat with glee and destroyed their forces. This battle of ant and giant continued for many nights until they stopped coming. They knew they could not defeat me and my impenetrable tower. So after years of inactivity the tower became in shambles. It may no longer have the hordes of creepers blasting away at its front door, but it hasno t been up kept in years. It pains me to see my greatest creation a husk of its original self. But alas no need to harp on nostalgia I must keep on my journey.

Thanks for Reading my story. Diamond if you like it, or favorite it if it's one of your favs. If you like my work and would like to see more feel free to hit that subscribe button. Also this is just a small prat of a series I would like to create so please leave any constructivecriticismthe comments below.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by jman5000555 11/17/2013 9:03:02 amNov 17th, 2013

apostrophes are being glitchy. :(

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12/18/2013 10:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
Wyatt3's Avatar
Stupid cliff hanger!
12/18/2013 10:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
Wyatt3's Avatar
Ur autobiographies broke again
12/18/2013 10:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
Wyatt3's Avatar
That dang auto correct
10/18/2013 4:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
KiddShadow's Avatar
This is certainly something I wish to see more of. It's well worded, and has great potential.

Take ye this blue rock!
10/18/2013 7:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Thanks XD
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