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The Different Dimensions - A long theory

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Shadow211212's Avatar Shadow211212
Level 22 : Expert Dolphin
I realize this has been done before, but I had my own ideas, and wanted to share them.
So... what do the different dimensions mean? Many people have speculated the Nether is the past, the Overworld is the present, and the End is the destined future for mankind. While I understand where this is coming from, I have my own ideas. I will give out my ideas and then give supporting evidence.

So what is my theory?
Steve lives in the present, normally, in the Overworld. Through tedious mining you can finally make a Nether portal. But... what is this fiery hell dimension? What if it was Steve's future? Now before you go and argue in the comments, please read all of this.
Now think about the End. By killing many Endermen and Blazes (keep the blazes in mind) you can find a stronghold and fix the portal, leading you to The End. So, if the End is the future, as stated by other theorists, how can the Nether also be the future, according to me? Well, I can prove this theory.
What proof do I have to support my theory?
Remember when I said you needed Blazes to get in the End? Well, to get Blazes you need to go into the Nether. But lets take a step back. Pretend you didn't need Blazes to get into the End. Which dimension would you go to first? (Take into account what armor you would want, swords, potions, etc.) Maybe not all, but I'm sure most people would say they would go to the Nether first for materials. Remember the first time you went into the Nether, blown away by the difficulty spike? What did these giant white things drop? Ghast tears? Fireballs getting thrown at my face!? Even if you had seen videos of it on the Internet, the Nether was still a somewhat new experience, let alone the End. Now go forward again. What if the Nether was the future Steve didn't want? Its obviously reasonable, considering the heat and lack of food there. So, travel as far as you want, all you may ever find is a Nether fortress. And what is the main mob in a Nether fortress? Blazes. So how would Steve avoid this future? He would have to explore the present (Overworld) and find another way. How would he know about the Ender Dragon and the End? Villagers. And think about all the trades they offer. Crappy, right? But one villager generally has quite a good trade. The Blacksmith. Through villager gossip, trading with the blacksmith for equipment, and finding odd ruins in jungles and deserts, Steve would finally put the pieces together.
When Steve finds the stronghold, he puts the Eyes of Ender down on the portal. And suddenly, hes in the End. But unlike the Nether, there is no escaping. Its kill or be killed. The Ender Dragon swoops in, but if you have the right equipment, you can kill the Ender Dragon. This earns you the achievement, 'The End.' Steve is safe. His future is set in stone, safe in the Overworld. But one thing that has troubled most theorists, is only helping mine. The Wither. After going back to the Overworld, you can kill the Wither, earning you the achievement, 'The beginning.' You're probably thinking, "But wait, didn't you just finish the End?" Yes, but remember the Overworld is the present. If you were to kill the Wither before or after the dragon, the timeline is still functional.

There you go PMC! I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think below, and maybe drop a diamond or favorite?

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01/03/2014 4:31 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
frozen_chaos's Avatar
Did you get the idea from my blog?
01/03/2014 4:51 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dolphin
Shadow211212's Avatar
Yes actually =D Sorry if in anyway you thought I was copying you completely. I just thought about it for a while and came up with my own ideas. I can delete/edit it if you would like.
01/03/2014 11:04 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
frozen_chaos's Avatar
Oh, no! I just feel amazed at how many people I've inspired
01/03/2014 11:16 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dolphin
Shadow211212's Avatar
Haha thanks. Im glad to have somebody to look forward to seeing what they blog/do the next day. Youve earned a sub :D
01/03/2014 3:38 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
emissaryofinfinity's Avatar
Interesting theory. I've come up with my own idea on just what the End and Nether are, if you would like to read it.
Firstly, the End. You can find this thought if you go to the blog someone wrote about "Why endermen hate staring," so I will just give you a redux repetition here. If you think about the various ruins you find around a vanilla Minecraft world, the Stronghold being one of them, you're left with the question of what happened to the people that built them. And there is the fact that Endermen have a tendency to pick up and place blocks as they see fit. To top this off, Endermen are found in the portal that is created by one of these ruins in great abundance. Put this together, and it seems that Endermen are the remnants of an ancient civilization spanned across the world, constructing great monuments as they went. The people of this civilization were brought too far by their hubris, however, and attempted to breach the realm of the gods of the Minecraft realm, creating the portal that is found in the Stronghold. When they attempted to enter this portal, the gods sought to punish them, and transformed them into the nightmarish creatures we see now, unable to keep a stable existence in their former world and burned by the rains that once gave them life. What we see as teleportation is truly the Endermen being torn back and forth between the Overworld, and their prison realm, the End. The tendancy to place blocks is simply what remains of their former love of building.
Now, on to the Nether. This one is actually fairly simple.It is hell. Literally. If you look at the biome, it is "Hell." This is likely what is beneath the bedrock of a normal world, which makes sense, thinking about the fact that the deepest reaches of the Overworld are plagued by lava, and the fact that the roof of the Nether is made of bedrock. The PigZombies that are found roaming the Nether are the decaying peoples of a former thriving civilization of Pigmen, as evidenced by the Nether fortresses found throughout the Nether. Blazes, their creations, were once intended to guard them as Golems do the Villagers of the overworld. Without the guiding hands of their masters, however, they simply attack anything living in their range of sight. Being that everything in the Nether aside of the deadly Ghast is of the undead, this means players. What likely destroyed the Pigman civilization are the Wither Skeletons found roaming through their fortresses, a form of Skeleton adapted to the harsh climate of the Nether. With the powers imbued by their withering touch and skills of the blade, the normally weak Skeletons were able to rise and take over the civilization of the Pigmen, slaughtering them as Zombies do to Testificates.

But, as we all must recognize, there never was meant to be a story to these things. They were simply interesting additions to Minecraft that the members of Mojang AB knew would add a unique experience to our adventures in the Minecraft realm. It's simply fun to come up with stories and compare.
01/03/2014 3:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dolphin
Shadow211212's Avatar
Really interesting, never thought of that haha. :D
03/14/2014 11:03 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
rogawo's Avatar
Cool, I like some backstory with my minecraft mobs.
01/03/2014 1:51 pm
Level 42 : Master System
tinzin's Avatar
Time travel weirdness!
I like the theory. Not at all what I would have thought of, but interesting!
01/03/2014 1:52 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dolphin
Shadow211212's Avatar
Thank you =D
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